Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday randomness: shellbug hunting

September 17th and I haven't seen a single one, even with Cara Raelean helping me.
Nothing in this beat-up little redbud tree, nothing in my unidentified tree with the Eye of Horus, nothing under my eaves.  The trees are full of cicadas; hell, I can hear 'em every night!  But I've yet to find any husks.

And then Cara Raelean fell out of the tree.  It rained last night, so I had to wipe her head clean.  Luckily, Cabbies are built to last, and even more luckily, Cara's dress didn't get dirty.

Idalia Gale and Cara Raelean will be having some fun in the days to come, so stay tuned.

Happy bug hunting, 


  1. I've never heard of them being called shell bugs. We always called them 'locust shells'. That may even be a Kentucky phrase, because we probably called the what our Kentucky parents said they were. When I was a kid we always saved them when we found them. I had a whole cigar box full of a locust shell army. When I was at my sister's just last week, she had a whole line of them charging across the bookshelf in her living room. My kids played with them when they were little too. Nature's action figures.

    1. "Shellbug" is a family term; I wasn't sure what else to call 'em, since they were just shells of bugs, thus "shellbug." LOL, my grandfather played with them well into adulthood. He'd pluck them off the trees and drive my grandmother nuts. I would hook 'em to my clothes and wear 'em like brooches, LOL. I agree, nature's toys and action figures!

  2. Poor Cara Raelean, I hope she'll be careful out there. Kids do sometimes get a little careless when they're excited.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Yep, she did take a tumble, but she bounced back in no time. These dolls are tougher than one might think.

  3. I was wondering what the hell are shell bugs, until I saw cicadas. LOL! With my eyesight right now I'm not managing to read a lot and often miss bits of post. Your photo was fun. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. It was fun to take too! Right as my mom was pulling into the driveway, Cara tumbled out of the tree. Mama's response was a deadpan "Way to go." We had a royal haw-haw about that. LOL, yeah, shellbugs are cicada husks. We've got 'em thick usually, but I haven't found any yet.
