Saturday, September 9, 2023

So random

When you're a single thirtysomething with a nine-to-five job and no social life, you find other ways of entertaining yourself.  When I'm not hanging out with my mom, or playing with my animals, I'm usually oot and aboot with a doll or two (or rarely three).  Thus was the case this past summer; inevitably when I put a post together I have two or three outtakes, and if the picture comes out particularly well I just hold onto it, waiting for a rainy day.  

We'll start on January 1st of 2021.  Justine-Marie was the new kid in town, and for reasons unknown, I never showed her in this getup.

Knitted pants are usually ugly as sin, but these aren't so bad.  From a distance they look like corduroy slacks like I like to wear during the winter, but trust me:  they ARE knitted.  Mama was not thrilled when she found out (apparently the Etsy pictures weren't that great), but it was good enuff for Justine-Marie and me.  Oh yeah, I remember know why I took her out of this!  Another knitwear set arrived in the mail, and Justine-Marie looked even cuter in that.

Courtney Moore moved into the Moon House right around the same time that Justine-Marie did.  I showed this outfit in her introductory post, but I didn't take a picture of Courtney wearing it until February third, and I NEVER shared it.
Sort of a combo between the modern and the retro.  Courtney the historical, in a modern dress with a vintage icon on it, and a JoJo Bow to boot.  She needs some bangles to pull it all together; Courtney's accessories came with bangles, and I like to layer 'em on her.  I can remember harping at the time that it was impossible to find anything with Orange Blossom on it, and two years later that holds true, as poor ol' Orange was not included on Courtney's Strawberry Shortcake sleeping bag.

February 10th, 2021.  I don't know why I never shared this particular image, but...well, I never did.
Here Justine-Marie is modelling a Valentine's Day set that my mother got for...well, for whoever I assigned it to.  She looks cute enuff in it, but it didn't really look like her style to me.  Indeed, when I trotted this outfit again, Luciana was the one who wore it.  Justine-Marie wore a full-skirted getup and ended up looking adorable.

The next picture I found was of Barbie's long-lost friend P.J., whom I think is adorable.  This is the younger of my two P.J. dolls, from one of the many Malibu lines, and I presume that the dress is a Best Buy dress.
This picture was an outtake from a fluff post I did in March of 2022, comparing the faces of Barbie's friend P.J. with Maxie's friend Ashley.  The two favor each other a teeny-weeny bit.  Interestingly, the picture itself dates from fall of 2021.

December 9th, 2021, days before the atmosphere exploded.  This is Kailey Hopkins, clad in a dress that I had for an aborted "who wore it best?" post.  
I forget who else has a copy of this outfit, but I've got two of 'em.  Maybe it was Lindsey???  LOL, I genuinely do not know, but either way my mama and I both like this outfit.  I bought it and she bought it simultaneously, and then a year later she tried to buy me a third one!  It's one of those outfits that will look cute on whoever has it, but the retro cut of the skirt would suit Lindsey's flip hair.

December 21st, 2021.  I think it was Share Your Pet Day or something like that on one of Failbook's American Girl groups.  I acquiesced with pictures of Samantha and Jip...
...and Doremi with Moochie and Coconut.
January 4th of 2022 brought some more seasonable temperatures, so I decked Z and Kailey out in their winter garb.  Kailey sparkles and cozy.
RIP my filthy box fan, by the way.  It died this past summer.  Thank God I had another one crammed into the window.

From January 11th, we get another shot of Princess Doremi, wearing splashes of her favorite color.
Very small splashes, apparently, as only her necklace and her hairbow are pink.  I didn't leave Doremi in this too long because her little knees looked cold, but it's tucked away in her wardrobe, waiting to see daylight again.

May 2nd, 2022, after a long night in the emergency room.  That was the beginning of Mama's woes with her gallbladder, but I didn't know it right then.  The doctor had diagnosed it as a kidney stone and sent us home.  We were both were so glad to be out of that freezing cold E.R. that we took what he said at face value.  Short on sleep and in a devil-may-care mood, I shoved Rita Cheryl into my beloved mystery tree, the one that has the knothole that looks like an eye.
Rita Cheryl likes pandas, both the classic type and the red type.  It explains a lot.  May 2nd was the first day it had been warm enuff for her to go without a jacket, by the way; note that in this post she was wearing a jacket.

Same doll, different day.  May 6th, Mama's pain was back in full force, and...oh, I think someone on Etsy wanted a picture of Rita Cheryl in her Kuromi necklace.  I obliged.
I understood completely on that day why Sasha Morgenthaler hated dolls that smiled.  There was Rita Cheryl in her innocent little dolly bubble, while I was worried sick.  There is a reason why I pose my dolls looking away from the camera when I'm sad, scared, angry, or worried (examples can be found HERE and HERE), and this is so that the neither the viewer nor I can see that goofy smile.  But in this case I had to show her face-on, so that the Etsy seller would know that Rita Cheryl received her necklace.  For the record, it IS a cute necklace.  

September 9th, 2022.  I was anticipating a possible purchase of Claudie Wells (which never happened), and while I waited for her release I bought some cloche style hats.  Here Luciana and Justine-Marie are modelling them.  
Luciana and Justine-Marie are polar opposites, and yet they never pass up an opportunity to spend time together, even if it's just to be silly or cute.  I dunno about y'all, but the hats kinda suit them.  
November 27th, 2022.  Rita Cheryl comes back into the picture, both to show off her favorite dress and her then-new doll.
Rita Cheryl didn't stay in that blue dress long.  We had more of a normal winter last winter, without all the tornadoes, so I put her in something that could be layered.

December 13th, 2022.  Luciana modelled her new Christmas garb, which was Grinch-themed.
Ah yes, once upon a time Luciana could've stayed at the library and showed off her cute little getup to the world, but God forbid that I do that now.  Luciana wore this the whole month, though...including during Christmas Eve, when Mama's water pipe exploded.  We're STILL dealing with the fallout from that mess, by the way.

January 9th, 2023.  With Christmas over and Malden experiencing a warm snap, Luciana traded Dr. Seuss for Doctor Who.
Oh, look!  Rocks!  LOL, Luciana dabbles in geology in addition to her million other hobbies (or at least I pretend she does), and she'd found a pretty pebble to show me.  She still has that pebble in her backpack, by the way.  Like all of my dolls, if Luciana finds a trinket she likes, she keeps it.

January 13th, 2023.  Rita Cheryl popped back in for an Etsy shot, this time to show off her new batiked polka dot shoes.
Rita Cheryl likes polka dots almost as much as I do, and these just happened to match her new shirt.

April 16th.  Speaking of polka dots, I wanted to wait until summer to put Rita Cheryl in this, but the rapidly warming weather dictated otherwise.  Rita Cheryl donned her new peasant blouse and introduced me to her new pet.

A calico, which she knew I'd love because I love calico cats myself.  This one is Ginger, from back in the days when AG sold the pets with names.  Kyle's dog Meatloaf is another example, as is Sugar, whom I'm sizing up as a pet for River Song.  Heck, I just like AG-sized pets; I could collect all of those very easily.

May 12th.  Oh, how I wish the summer had stayed as mild as it was right then!  I took this picture in preparation for this post, in which several of my American Girls modelled some new Etsy duds.  Sunset was not far off, and I loved how the golden light filled the background behind Danica.

Alas, the golden hour was fleeting and my dolls were recalcitrant.  By the time I'd wrestled Rita Cheryl into a standing position, my own legs were aching and the light had shifted.  But I captured Danica back-lit and without a ton of obnoxious shadows on her face, and I'm glad for that.

June 17th, still pleasant outside, but slowly warming up.  Here I had Lady Diana propped against a bookshelf.  She's very pretty in profile. 

Diana is porcelain, and I was terrified that she'd do a mondo faceplant, but she didn't.

June 26th.  It was hot by now, but that didn't stop me from dressing Terri Lee up.
I don't think ANYTHING makes Terri Lee happy!  I guess having puffy, "mumpy" cheeks doesn't help.  I have to admit though that I think blue is my particular Terri Lee's color.  The dress is an Etsy find, by the way.

Fast-forward to August 19th, when we got a taste of fall.  It was a Saturday, and Carol Kasey fancied a romp in the grass.
The grass was covered in dew and felt wonderful on our feet.  Yes, our.  Both Carol and I went barefoot in that grass, and afterwards our legs were covered with grass bits.  It was worth it, though.  I also got a picture of this unfurled morning glory.  I almost never see these open.
September 3rd.  Random picture of Owen Presley, Carol Kasey's friend.  He's got such pretty eyes!
September 4th, shortly before I moved Owen and Suzie home.  No, I've not moved home full-time yet, and I've been shuttling various dolls back and forth between my house and Uncle Man-Child's.  I don't remember why I had Owen and Suzie, but they make a cute pair, and as usual Suzie is enthralled with Owen.

Inevitably there will be more randoms to come, as I almost always have a doll with me and odd or cute situations will crop up.  But for now that's all I've got.  With the passing of a fairly stout cold front, hopefully I'll get to go home for good this week.

Yours truly,


  1. Your Terri Lee is angry looking, as well as mumpy. I can relate to the 'no social life', although I was 26 when I got one, and not in my 30's. I thought it would always be that way. I worked, or sat at home with my dad, and once in a while went somewhere with Lori, or another friend I used to have. I rarely went anywhere. Then Ken came along and that was that. If I hadn't met him at work I would probably never have found anybody, because that was almost the only place I ever went, and the only place I could have gotten to know anybody enough to know I was interested in them. I was never the 'hang out in a bar to meet guys' type, and I wouldn't have wanted a guy who was hanging out in a bar either. I imagine a job at a library, especially the kids' section, makes meeting someone pretty hard. I didn't, and still don't, make friends easily either. I didn't have any close friends at work. At this point I 'have no friends', as Ivy says. They are all far away. Lori was my last local friend, and now she's hours away. So these days, Ken is my only friend.

    1. Well I have made casual friends with a few young women, largely because I know what books are best for their children to read, but nothing super-deep. The last close emotional bond I had was with a young special-needs man I met last winter, and I don't know where the hell he went; he warned me that his family moved a lot, and he disappeared as soon as he showed up. He was a Whovian, so we drove my mom nuts throwing lines of dialogue and trivia back and forth, and then...he was gone. I miss him.

      Lordy, I don't think Terri Lee knows any emotion other than angry! Daddy said that betta fish were like that, LOL.

  2. It was nice seeing Carol Kasey getting some fresh air. Though it looks as if her hair may have been giving you some trouble in that shot.
    And I'm glad I chose well picking up Owen Presley for you. Not everyone appreciates bald Cabbage Patch Kids. I've always preferred the Cabbage Patch babies with tufts of hair myself.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. I like 'em with tufts too. LOL, I'm not picky, and you did choose well! I love Owen's eyes! I admit that Carol's hair gave me some trouble in the beginning, but after I braided it it's no big deal. She's a very good girl.

  3. Well they are a splendidly dressed bunch you have there today RM. I love the photo of Owen and Suzie, they make a very cute couple.
    Big hugs,

    1. I'll put them together more. I think Owen might make a good adoptive brother for Suzie and Kristiana.
