Monday, July 24, 2023

The big box of babies

The Moon Girl's birthday came super-early this year.  I knew my blogging buddy Tam had some things for me, but I wasn't expecting a whole box full!
Several of these popped in and out of Tam's blog, and I'll provide links as I go.
Real Baby.  Tam has an Unsentimental Niece who had a penchant for giving her dolls unflattering nicknames, and Real Baby's was a humdinger!  Mama says that Unsentimental Niece sounds like my sister, and I kinda agree.  Crazy family members aside, Real Baby is a good name for this doll, as she's heavy like a real baby, and because she has huge eyes that stare like a real baby!  I haven't come up with a name for her yet.

Next doll!
I wonder if Unsentimental Niece gave this one a nickname?  This is Baby See 'n' Say, and whispers began about her joining the Moon House back in 2021.  Tam offered her to me and gave me fair warning that she was in rough shape.  Indeed, I'm not sure what I can do about that eye, but I do know I can do some cosmetic things to make her look and feel better.  Regardless of her goofy eye I do love this doll, as she's soft to the touch and has red hair.  I do have a name picked out for this one.

Now we go smaller, and to a doll I was not expecting to receive. 
Ideal Thumbelina, one that does NOT have a "grunt face," again, a term coined by Unsentimental Niece.  I kinda agree with Unsentimental Niece on that one, and so did Mama.  She wanted a Thumbelina doll when she was little, and she freely admitted that she liked some better than others.  This Thumbelina fits comfortably in the palm of my hand, and her small size will make her a fine friend for Bedsie Beans.  She'll need some clothes, of course, but...that's really all she needs!  

This next baby is a bit of an enigma.
He's the smallest of the babies, though not the smallest doll in the whole box.  He's hard plastic and vinyl, and he has a bottle mouth but no pee hole!  I love his side-glancing eyes!  But for all that I have no idea who he might be.  His back is marked "MADE IN HONG KONG," and that tells me absolutely nothing.  Oh well, I'll jerry-rig a diaper and add him to my collection. 

The last little doll is one I was expecting.  She's a little coin purse doll.
I'll call her Penny Coin Purse, LOL!  Miss Penny has a plastic torso and a vinyl head with rooted hair, and her skirt is all one piece with a zipper attached.  I could store some spare money inside her, and I think I'll do just that.  It'll be paper money, because too many coins will wear holes in the fabric and I don't want that.  Penny needs her hair tidied a bit, and she'll be ready to ride with Belle on my purse!

In addition to all that I received some bottles and a plastic binky, which I think may belong to the unmarked plastic baby.
Mama tells me that Grandma utilized one of those sterilization racks for baby bottles.  Since she had twin boys, she probably needed to use it a lot!

Gosh, I knew Real Baby, Baby See 'n' Say, and Penny Coin Purse were all scheduled to come to me, but I was NOT expecting the other two and the bottles.  I send virtual hugs to both Tam and her daughter for sending it all to me (the coin purse was her daughter Emma's idea if I recall correctly).  Thank y'all so much!  I know this year hasn't been easy for y'all, and yet you're thinking of other folks and I'm...really at a loss for words.  If there's anything y'all want me to look for, let me know and I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Much love to all,


  1. I'm glad it all arrived safe and sound. As for that eye, it was in place when I got her. It can be pulled back into place, but when she does her thing, and moves her eyes and mouth, it gets all wonky again. See what you can do. Those bangs ought to work out for you too. Just be careful not to get her insides wet. If you gently force Thumby through her head motions the string might draw back in for you. Other than that, just wrap it around her waist. I remember the baby bottle sterilizer my mom used to have. Never used one myself, not having bottle fed my kids, but it is familiar to me. It was still around when I was old enough to remember it. I'm glad you're happy with the babes, As for what to look for, if you get another midnight visitor like the last one, let me know! I'll gladly give him a place to call home!

    1. I promise if I ever find another doll like Sandy (or if I decide to part with Sandy himself) I'll send him your way. As for Thumbelina, I'm not too worried about her ripcord; I had planned to wrap it around her waist, just as you suggested. She and Baby See 'n' Say will be getting new dresses soon, so their cords won't show anyway. LOL, my mom did bottle-feed us, but our bottles were plastic so she just scalded 'em with hot sink water. I'm very happy with this bunch!

  2. Baby See 'n' Say is really creepy, are you sure she's not related to Chucky??? LOL! Nice haul RM, they do need some tender loving care though. It would be lovely to see what you can do for them, I always like before and after shots.
    Big hugs,

    1. I've chosen to name her Elmyra, after a cartoon character that also had a creepy side. LOL, I've been getting a lot of TLC dollies lately; got a couple in the mail yesterday that are missing their eyelashes, they've been worked over so hard.
