Saturday, July 22, 2023

He's here!

Whew, been a busy week at Casa del Luna!  I hit the ground running when Sandy got here, and except for a break on the weekend I haven't looked back.  That said, this post is for you, Tam!  You shared your picture of your Baby Beans doll with me, and now I'm sharing mine with you.  I didn't even know I wanted one of these goofy dolls until I saw that MeTV list, but...well, y'know.  My doll's name is Bedsie Beans, and Ghost of the Doll says he is harder to find than Booful (my personal favorite) and Bitty, the other two Beans in the first wave.  Ghost also implies that Bedsie had a shorter run than the other two, as they weren't able to find packaging for the years 1972 and 1973 (Booful and Bitty did come in this packaging).  I seem to have a knack for finding the harder ones, don't I?  Sandy all but landed in my lap, and now I've got this little guy.  Here's my Bedsie Beans; he came in several colors, with mine being the orange variant.  He's about as different from Sandy McCall as night is from day.
I do have to admit that Bedsie's mouth looks a bit like the grille of an Edsel...and I won't say what people often compare that to!  As Bedsie's name implies, he's sleepy and in mid-yawn, kinda like I tend to be in the morning.  Hey, 9 a.m. is still early for my lazy rear, especially on a Saturday!  Anyway...I presume Bedsie is a boy, but I'm not 100% certain due to that lace around the neck.  Ghost of the Doll calls this one a "she."
These dolls could probably be any gender you like, so I'll call my doll a him because I like boy dolls.  Like all of the Beans Bedsie is a glorified rag doll, with a soft, floppy, plastic pellet-filled body and a hollow vinyl bad, his hands are vinyl too.  Some of these dolls have cloth hands.
The advertisements for these dolls says they can "flip and flop into almost any position," and indeed Bedsie can do just that, though he'd prefer that I just leave him alone.  He can also sit up if I balance him just right, as Bean heads are supported by a peg of some stripe (it feels like plastic).  The My Twinn Cuddly Sisters also relied on a mechanism like this to keep their heads up.  Such a mechanism tends to work the best if the doll is mostly a beanbag; regular old stuffing has too much give.

Bedsie doesn't have a rubber butt, but I was amused to learn that some Beans have vinyl rear ends under trapdoor pajamas like Baby Love 'n' Touch (a.k.a. "Naked Butt Baby") does.  These Beans were called Bare Bottom Beans.  Then of course there were Beans in bonnets and Beans that talked, Beans in cans (I love those), Shoe Beans (I like those too, but WHYYYY???), and even some that represented nursery rhymes.  Tam's lovely green-eyed girl was one of those, representing Little Bo Peep.  As fond as I am of green eyes, I may have to seek Bo out for myself.  I also like the pastel-haired, dimple-cheeked Feijaozinho Colorido dolls and their friend Emilia, but those were Brazilian releases so goodness only knows where I can find one of those.  One can admire though, right?  Besides, those Brazilian dolls don't have quite the character that Bedsie Beans does.
I think Bedsie is about pooped out!  I guess a spin in the washing machine and a spin in the drier will do that to you.  For the record, Booful, Bitty, and Bedsie can be tossed in the washing machine and the drier as long as things aren't too hot; indeed, their original packaging says they're washable.  I tried tying Bedsie up in a pillowcase, the way they say to do if Cabbage Patch Kids need a bath, but the knot came undone, LOL.  Bedsie is no worse for wear except for being sleepy, so I'll leave him to relax while I work.  To Tam, I promise I'll work on a post for Sandy McCall.  You wanted it, you asked for it politely, and you'll get it.  It'll just take a little time, because he's a big boy and I'm not used to handling dolls as big as he is.  He also ended up having more of a backstory than I thought, but I'm workin' on it!



  1. Aw, I love your new baby. I have seen these online, but I'm not sure I've ever seen one in person. I love all those Baby Beans dolls. The beans in a can is a natural! I am so looking forward to your Sandy post! I love him! I wish one would randomly show up on my doorstep! Unfortunately, I have no doll friends any more. Poor Connie developed dementia and I have no idea where she is now, or if she's even still alive.

    1. Poor Connie indeed! That's a cruel disease, dementia. You never do know who or what might turn up, though. Kinda like I had no idea, LOL. I'm always keeping my eyes peeled for something one of my blogging buddies would like. You or Barb or Xanadu, it doesn't matter. I'm always looking!

      LOL, I love those Canned Beans too! To me it makes sense that a doll named after beans would be in a can. But for the record, Beans make me want to barf...especially lima beans!

  2. You do find some very peculiar dolls RM, I love this little ones yawny mouth, but I think he's ready to go to sleep now :)
