Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The blonde bunch

Juneteenth means another long weekend for me, and that means sleeping late and being delightfully, ridiculously lazy.  I also spent some time with my mama and Uncle Man-Child, which wouldn't be a big deal...except that all Uncle Man-Child talked about was prepping, prepping, prepping, with plenty of blather about himself added in.  I know that in this day and age prepping is kinda important, but I'm so sick of hearing about it I could scream.  

Great time to futz around with my dolls!  In the past month I've gotten three large ones...and wouldn't y'all know, they're all blonde.  The first one doesn't need much introduction, since she's an American Girl.  She's Just Like You #115.
She bears a passing resemblance to Alex Kingston and that bitch she plays on Doctor Who, so I named her River Song.  Riv has a long Bob Geldof-style name like Silver Bird does, but I just call her "River Song" or "Riv."  I think this my...third?  No, River Song is my fourth AG doll with hair this curly.
#115 is a fun doll to own, kids!  I bounce her and her curls go boing like in Ramona the Pest.  Unfortunately my problem cat Tommy likes River Song's curls too; I've had to pull the little jerk out of her hair twice, and I've only owned this doll three weeks. 

Then last Friday I got a Failbook message from a friend saying she had a porcelain doll who needed a home.  I volunteered to adopt her, and the next day I did just that.
Lady Diana Spencer, in a knock-off of the blue velvet dress she wore to the White House.  My doll's dress isn't velvet, but oh well.  She came with her box, but it was pretty well smashed.  It's not like Lady Di will ever be worth a ton of money anyway.  These "collectible" porcelain dolls never are.  But they're pretty, and that's what counts to me.  This friend that gave Diana to me is the same one that gave me Belka/Lucy, by the way.  I didn't NEED Diana, but then I didn't need River Song either.

Nor did I need Arista.  I bought her with my own money, just like I did River Song. 
Arista is one of those ily 4EVER dolls that has been semi-trendy lately.  Unlike Diana and River Song she will be getting a review, but that won't be for quite some time.  I feel a little stupid ordering an ily 4EVER doll that looks so much like River Song...a measly three weeks after I got River Song.  

So much for cutting back on dolly purchases!  I did say I was doing that last spring, but as usual I lied.  I didn't buy Diana, but I did buy River Song and Arista, so that's twice that I lied.  Add Terri Lee to the mix and I triple-lied, LOL!  What can I say, this is how I get my pleasure out of life!



  1. Yep. Liar, liar, pants on fire. But how could you resist, especially if that's your pleasure in life? I never could warm to River Song like a lot of people have. She just rubbed me the wrong way from the first time she showed up. I didn't like the whole idea of the Doctor marrying her, when everybody knows Rose was the love of his lives! If he couldn't marry Rose because he didn't ever age and die, why could he marry River. I just found her annoying. I haven't even watched the show since halfway through the first Peter Capaldi season. but I am going to watch the three specials with David Tennant and Catherine Tate! I see why people like the 4Ever dolls, because they are sort of an older version of the Animator's dolls, and I LOVE them.

    1. Oh, I'm excited to see how they handle poor Donna's situation. I felt like she kinda got the shaft. And don't get me started on River Song marrying the Doctor!!! When she and Eleven locked lips I wanted to tear my hair out.

      I'll review Arista around...oh, October, maybe??? I've got a lot of other stuff that needs to be done, and with the temperature rising inside and out I'm lazier than ever!

      Love ya!

    2. I know! Donna's last scene was heartbreaking! She had made such strides as a human being, and it all just disappeared. And how can they get back together if she can never remember him? I guess we'll find out. I'm excited! I hope I don't get disappointed!

    3. The only way I can think of for Donna to remember the Doctor is for them to kill her off, and I'm hoping they don't go that route. She and that particular Doctor have already been through too much as it is!
