Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Jaylin gets a kimono...and some other stuff

Sigh...after a long, tiring month I've finally got my house in some semblance of order.  My bedroom still looks like an F4 tornado hit it, but I've at least made a dent.  My A/C is still out of commission, but thank God, this summer has been mild so far.  Among the things I've done is sort doll clothes...and a lot of them.  To guarantee that I won't lose Jaylin's new batch of stuff I started keeping it in a box.  I never lose boxes.  Right now there's room for Jaylin to rest there too, though that may change in the future.  Hi, Heidi!
The expansion of Jaylin's new wardrobe continues, though I'm still keeping an eye out for her old stuff.  Yeah, I know she got something new earlier this month, but with the long sleeves and thick tights she'll soon be roasting...or she would be if she were alive.  But as I've said before, the best way to flesh out a doll's wardrobe is with grab bags, and this is true regardless of what kind of doll you've got.  Through grab bags I've gotten some wonderful things in the past for my American Girls, for my Barbies, for my ball-jointed dolls, and now Jaylin gets to join the club.
Etsy shop is Darlingja.  I think I got the last grab bag she had, but she has Nikki and Odeco-chan dolls for purchase if any of y'all like those (I do, unsurprisingly).  Anyway, most of the grab bags I get contain a ton of separates and maybe one dress, but this contained two semi-full outfits...and one of them is a kimono.  
The length of those sleeves screams furisode, but the fabric suggests a yukata.  Indeed, this image shows that some yukata do have the ridiculously wide sleeves that furisode have, so I'm calling this puppy a yukata.  Here's how Jaylin looks in it.
The yukata was shipped with the right side wrapped over the left, which is...well, wrong.
Right only goes over left on a corpse.  Jaylin is wearing her yukata the correct way.  
I have zero problems with the yukata itself, but I do see where I've fallen short a bit:  Jaylin doesn't have a good pair of shoes for this getup!  Nowadays any casual, lightweight shoe is fair game for yukata, but the only casual shoes I have for Jaylin are blue and bright green.  I don't think that'll work for this fabric!  So I'll need to find something for her to wear...or I could just leave her unshod.  It's summer after all, and bare feet are acceptable during hot months, regardless of what one is wearing. 

The other getup is more what I expected when I ordered the grab bag, and it's more Jaylin's style.  I absolutely love this little crocheted blouse.
It's made of this light, smoky blue yarn that compliments Jaylin's hair.  The front closes with little silver beads that serve as buttons.
The skirt is quite short and is made of black denim with Velcro in the back.  It has a satin "belt" and a couple'a pleats to jazz it up a bit.  I love how the "belt" is tied into a bow.
Then there's two pairs of knee socks, one in light blue and one in horizontal stripes.  I love striped socks...and I also love mismatched socks. 
The shop included a necklace, but I haven't used it yet.  The clasp is a little hard to undo.  I love the colors, though.
The whole ensemble fits Jaylin like a dream, though the buttons on the blouse are a little hard to do up.  Notice that I did go the mismatched sock route.
Once again Jaylin is in her stocking feet, as her black combat boots have joined the world of missing persons.  LOL, I lie a little; I know they're in Storage Hell.  Eventually I will find them.

Lastly, I got this as a gag.  Etsy shop is OneSixthFauxLife.
Yeah, I think I'm better than Chuck Swirsky, frickin' liberal!  For the uninitiated, Max Headroom was this smart-a$$ who had his own TV show during the 1980's, and who served as a spokesman for the ill-fated New Coke.  He's also a footnote in television oddities; in November of 1987 some yayhoo in a Max Headroom mask committed not one but TWO signal hijackings in the Chicago area.  The first time Max managed to interrupt a WGN newscast, and later that same night he targeted WTTW, a PBS affiliate.  Wouldn't y'all know, WTTW was showing an episode of Doctor Who that night, and the Fourth Doctor got railroaded by Max.  You don't do that, folks!!!  When Number Four is talking, you don't interrupt!!!  But interrupt Max did, and his behavior was...disturbing, to say the least.  The Oddity Archive shows and discusses the incident HERE.  ANYWAY, I got Jaylin this little tank top largely for LOLs, and she doesn't look half-bad!  I paired it with her goofy striped bell-bottoms. 
I think the bell-bottoms have found their perfect match!  OneSixthFauxLife sells other shirts in Blythe/Licca-chan-size, so I'll probably be back to get a few more.  But for now I'm happy knowing Max Headroom is where he belongs.  

And that's how I like to build a wardrobe for my "kids."  Little by little, a piece here, some shoes there, a whole little outfit once in awhile, with the goal of putting together a set that is unique.  As usual I'm pleased with most of the stuff I showed today.  The socks are kinda tight, but at least they won't slip off and get lost.  As a last little tidbit, I found a doll that looks exactly like Jaylin on AliExpress, blue hair and gray eyes and all.  I doubt many people would want a doll like Jaylin, but if any of y'all do, there's where you can go.

Ciao for now,

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