Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Eye candy!

When I was a teenager Bratz were in their heyday.  I know some of y'all aren't Bratz fans, but I loved strolling down the Isle of the Dolls, as I called it then, and looking at their garish makeup and their colorful clothes.  It was the break from the eternally pink Barbie that I appreciated, though Barbie did have some interesting things to offer back then.  Those days were twenty-some-odd years ago now and a lot has changed, and after Monster High went away the Isle of the Dolls was "downright dull," as Pongo would put it.  Now...not so much!  Things got a little less boring when the O.M.G. dolls came out, got a lot less boring with Rainbow High, got even LESS boring with Shadow High.  Admittedly Rainbow High and Shadow High aren't everyone's cuppa either, but I enjoy them.  I have an in-depth review of a couple of the Shadow High girls waiting in the wings, but God only knows when that'll be done.  So instead I'll show y'all what I saw at the local Wally World the other day.  Apparently both students from both Rainbow High and Shadow High are attending a costume bash, and...well, I'll let y'all see for yourselves.  This first girl is a fairy.

I love her makeup!  It reminds me of the aurora borealis.
The somewhat dark expression gives this young lady away as a student of Shadow High, and given her stark white body and hair I was expecting this to be Natasha Zima in costume.  Surprise, she's a new character!
McFee.  I wonder if that's a play on "fae," another term for "fairy."  Eliza claims that her wings are special effects, but if there truly is some word play in that name then maybe she's fibbing.

I have no idea what this next gal is supposed to be dressed up as, though maybe her headband gives some sort of hint (they look like lacy cat ears).  She's pink, but she's a lovely raspberry shade so I can live with it and even dig it.
Look at her freckles!  I love dolly freckles!
Claws and a name like "Wilde"...yep, she'd have to be a cat.  Nail art isn't the most important thing in the world, but it IS art!  I've got friends with the skills to prove it.  A closer look at Lola in the box shows that she does indeed have crazy-long nails.
There's one other Rainbow High student attending this soiree, a purple vampire named Demi Batista, but she wasn't at my Wal-Mart.  I got to see boring Bella Parker instead.
Bella is a witch, a good witch, I presume.  Only bad witches are ugly.  Bella certainly wouldn't fall under the "ugly" category, but I don't find her costume or paint anywhere near as interesting as her Shadow High shelfmates.
Here's her story.  I'm pretty sure a pink witch won't cut it against an ice-blue fairy and a raspberry pussycat, my dear.

Bella also will not be alone at the ball; she's accompanied by Violet Willow (also a cat-girl) and by my old favorite Robin Sterling (a spider!).  I'm going to respectfully disagree with Lori and say that I prefer Slumber Party Robin to Spider Robin (she prefers the spider), but I'm very pleased to see Robin getting a second doll.  Strangely though, I find the Shadow High dolls to be more interesting.  Shadows are usually gray and black like the first wave of dolls was, and yet MGA is finding more ways to incorporate colors into that bunch, first with Neon Shadow, and now with the new Costume Ball trio.  I hope they'll continue to think outside the box; if they do, then these dolls could have a bright future in store.

Rainbows and shadows,


  1. I like the Rainbow High dolls, but I don't need them. At the moment, I have too many Barbies and I am trying to weed through those. I saw someone on Instagram mention that the quality on her latest RH doll was not so good as the originals. I hope MGA doesn't go down that path, but it seems like they all do eventually.

    1. Oh well darn it! Yeah, MGA seems to love charging people out their ears for their overpackaged products, and then letting quality control slide. It never fails, sadly.

    2. I just bought Demi Batista yesterday and Junior High Amaya last week and i own all 3 Rainbow Divas dolls. The quality hasn't gone down pff if anything it's gone up as far as the detail and clothes, the boots are now consistently fabric instead of plastic for one thing, the dolls come with jewelry and accessory type pieces more often than not.
      Now, RH quality *control* has issues in places, but no more than the usual wonky eye makeup and smeared lips issues that have been happening all along. Like, the occasional doll has a serious mishap with a joint or something but that's not a common occurrence compared to mild things like hair gel on the face that washes off or minor makeup misses that are easily sorted out with a dab of acetone on a cotton swab.

    3. Hmmm...I wonder why RH quality control is a little more iffy than SH, even in the tiny ways you mentioned. LOL, I'm jealous of your Rainbow Divas; that's a fun bunch.
