Thursday, September 29, 2022

AG Spotlight: Lark Anderson

How many people have owned me now???  Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter.  I'm here now, hopefully in my forever home.

FULL NAME:  Lark Chloe Anderson

NICKNAME:  Marina and Luciana call me "Alondra," which means "lark" in Spanish.

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  I came with the name "Lark."  My middle name is the same as my old owner's first name.

BIRTHDAY:  February 19th

CUSTOMIZED FROM:  I can't remember.  I don't even remember if my eyes are original.

HOMETOWN:  Calgary, Alberta, Canada

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Electric blue

EYE COLOR:  Light blue

OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:  Purple eyebrows and enhanced lips

FAVORITE COLORS:  Blue and anything that coordinates (or contrasts) with blue

THINGS I LIKE:  Candles, Crocs (when I bother with shoes at all), rainbows, the smell of rain, and rain in general, earthing, pizza, milk tea and bubble tea, poutine, food in general, snow and the accompanying winter sports, adventure, tie-dyed anything, cryptozoology and the paranormal, visiting graveyards (not always to look at orbs, LOL), any of Calgary's sports teams

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Stepping on something sharp (goathead seeds are the bane of my existence), winter unless there's snow (it ALWAYS snowed in Calgary), unsweet tea, any of Edmonton's sports teams

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  eighties New Wave, particularly Talking Heads

BEST FRIENDS:  Marina, Llewellyn, and Luciana, since they all have trippy hair.  Airy keeps my hair dye in stock, so I appreciate her too.  Marina and Luciana are also the ones who gave me my nickname, which I love.  I also like to ski and snowshoe with Justine-Marie; when you're from Canada you learn to love winter sports, even if you might hate winter.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Luciana's pet Tribble tried to swallow my arm once.  Tribbles don't have teeth so it didn't hurt, but my arm was all slimy afterwards so I keep a respectful distance from Goldie.  Word of advice:  if a Tribble tries to swallow your arm, tickle its gullet.  Goldie let me go pretty quickly.

Side note from Luciana:  It was your leather jacket that Goldie wanted.  Tribbles aren't big on eating humans, but leather is another story.  As Alondra noted, tickling Goldie's gullet proved effective, and jacket, arm, and Tribble all came out unscathed.

HOW I CAME HERE:  Where else but eBay?  When the Moon Girl heard that Chloe was giving up the dolly hobby she found me on eBay.  The bidding got pretty contentious, but she won me and I'm here now.

ABOUT ME:  I can't help feeling a little sad that Chloe wanted to part with me, but life in Casa del Luna has been pleasant enough.  A little hot at times, but pleasant enough.  We all are thankful for the cooler air that's been moving in, though I can't say that I'm looking forward to winter.  I don't mind the leaves, though.  Courtney and I like to play in these together.

The Moon Girl says she never has learned what kind of tree this is, but she jokingly calls it "Horus" because it has a knothole on it that looks like an eye.  Notice that the knothole currently has two cicada husks.

Every year Horus is the first to drop it's leaves, and inevitably the leaves just dry up and fall off without turning colors.  They're still fun to play in...holy crap, call off your dog, Court!

*Side note from Courtney:  He's not my dog, he's Justine-Marie's.  Why he always follows me, I'll never know.  He won't bite.

Maybe not, but his nails are sharp!  Yeesh...regarding specifics about myself, I'm asexual and a polytheistic Druid.  Polytheistic means many gods and goddesses, of course, and some of us celebrate Samhein instead of/in addition to Halloween (I'm in the "in addition" club; I love me some Halloween!).  Care to loan me Garnet, Rilla Louise?  I need a sacrifice.

*Side note from Rilla Louise:  Wait a minute...SAY WHAT???

LOL, just kidding!  Modern Druids don't need to sacrifice animals.  We do have a bonfire, though, and normally we'd be allowed to take some back home with us.  Too bad that the Moon Girl won't actually let me build a fire.  Oh well, there's more to Druidism than Samhein and fire, but I don't want to bore everyone too much. 

Let's see, what else...oh, my favorite thing to do in my spare time is visit the local cemeteries (the Moon Girl and her mother also do this; they call it "graveyard hoppin'").  There are at least five graveyards within a four-mile radius of the Moon House, more if one extends that radius a mile or so.  Local legend says that the large one to the west on Crowley's Ridge has a resident ghost, but the Moon Girl says she thinks Stevens Chapel Cemetery is the one that's haunted.

Stevens Chapel Cemetery is an old one, located about a mile north of the airfield.  A lot of the folks buried here were young, cut down by tuberculosis or diphtheria or appendicitis, or a runaway wagon in this poor chap's case.  Shows us all how far medicine has come in the past hundred years, though appendicitis is still dangerous.  Anyway, the Moon Girl says you've gotta know the area fairly well if you want to find this cemetery, as it's located away from the main highways in the area (the others are fairly close to Malden's main drag).  You gotta admit that this looks like your stereotypical haunted cemetery, particularly the part with the fence around it!

Notice that I am not alone on this particular jaunt.  Z wanted to come along too, for obvious reasons.

And Rita Cheryl tagged along too, because the Moon Girl drags her everywhere.  We're all pretty fond of Rita Cheryl's new dress!  Notice the cotton in the back.  It's a beautiful crop, but whew, does that defoliant stink!

This stone is our favorite; the Moon Girl says she's never seen one cut through like this.  See?  It's made out of metal, and the letters are cut out so you can see the grass through it.  You can also see the Moon Girl's shadow!

Z had to get in on the action too, of course.  It's not a very big marker, about the height of our My Twinn friends.

Moon discovered that that particular stone doesn't have a Find a Grave entry, so she left some flowers after taking us away.  She says that after all this she doesn't want to go out there alone again.  I can't say that I blame her; at first it was great, traipsing around a graveyard on a nice fall evening, but the longer we were there the more unsafe I felt.  As an aside, the land is sandy around here, so it's not uncommon to find wild cactus growing here or there.  We didn't see any on this particular outing, but Z did fall into a patch of sticker burrs.  Yikes!  Next time I come out here I'll...dare I say it?  I'll make myself wear shoes.

The people of Florida are in my thoughts tonight.  Hurricane Ian is upon them, and as slow as he's moving they'll have to put up with this for awhile.  Stay safe out there, whether you're in Florida or not!

All of my love,
Lark Chloe Anderson 

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