Thursday, September 8, 2022

AG Spotlight: Luciana Vega

Girl of the Year, wannabe astronaut, Trekkie, Whovian.  Allons-y!

FULL NAME:  Luciana Vega

NICKNAMES:  Mostly variants of my given name, stuff like "Luci," "Astro-Luci," "Lucita," "Lulu."  My friends use "Astro-Luci" on a regular basis, and Courtney also calls me "Luce."  The Moon Girl jokingly called me "Rose Tyler" once, even though I don't look any more like Rose Tyler than I do the man in the moon.  She also calls me "Star Baby," after the Guess Who song.

BIRTHDAY:  May 15th

HOMETOWN:  Rural Virginia

HEAD MOLD:  Josefina

HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown with one purple streak, and since I'm a doll it'll never grow out!


FAVORITE COLORS:  Purple, pink, and blue

THINGS SHE LIKES:  The sciences (astronomy and geology are my favorites), lying on my back and looking up at the night sky, sparkly clothes, comfortable shoes, some sci-fi programs (Doctor Who, The X-Files, and Star Trek are my favorites), Alice Ellison (one of Beastsbelle's dolls, a fellow Whovian), Oreos and cookies in general, pistachios, Shopkins...SHOPKINS!!!

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  I wonder whatever happened to Alice and her dolly friends and family after Beastsbelle stopped blogging?  Beastsbelle put a lot of effort into their little personalities and hovels, and now they've all vanished into the ether.

THINGS I DISLIKE:  City life (too many lights at night), having panic attacks, being far away from the people I love, dumb people, high-heeled shoes, and oh my God, I'm so glad the Thirteenth Doctor is leaving!!!  KILL THAT BROAD WITH FIRE!!!

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Agreed, agreed, 100%.  Who had the bright idea to make Doctor Who a chick anyway???  Making the Doctor a chick is like casting a white guy to play Alex Cross!

MY TYPE OF MUSIC:  David Bowie, due to his song "Space Oddity," and to his fondness for sparkly clothes, the Guess Who, and Led Zeppelin.  Denise and I like to tease each other over which frontman is better, Roger Daltrey or Robert Plant.  The Moon Girl calls it "the Battle of the Blondes."

PET:  Goldie, a Tribble, and Velociraptor Blue, a hamster.  Y'all saw Goldie a few months back, so here's Blue.

BEST FRIENDS:  Samantha, because she has some mental problems like I do (hers are pretty serious), Amanda, because she's a reader and a thinker, and Courtney, because she's a thinker and something of a Trekkie.  I like to talk photography with Z, though I don't understand all the technical jargon, and Rita Cheryl, because she keeps things between Kyle and me on a low simmer (jeez, he's annoying).  Courtney, Rita Cheryl, Z, and I formed a sort of Star Wars fan club, and we enjoy that thoroughly.  Sometimes we even battle with lightsabers, LOL.  Z Yang compares me to Abby from Turning Red...I'm not THAT spicy, am I?

*Side note from Z:  You want to kill the Thirteenth Doctor with fire.  That's pretty spicy.

Yeah, that's a good point.  Anyway...

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Kyle is annoying, as I said above.  Doesn't he ever take life seriously?  The term "dumb blonde" fits him well, I think.  It fits Doremi too, though I think she's just playing dumb.  She's way too calculated with her attacks on Justin (and sometimes Rita Cheryl) to be dumb.  

Side note from the Moon Girl:  Kyle never takes life seriously???  You battle with lightsabers!  You can't take life too seriously if you do that!  Not that I'm hating, LOL.  I like lightsabers too.

Alright, alright, Kyle isn't so bad.  Where was I?  Oh yeah...

HOW I CAME HERE:  I'm another eBay find.  The Moon Girl said she figured she'd better grab me before the price gougers hit.  That can be a problem with Girls of the Year.

ABOUT ME:  It took me awhile to really open up to the Moon Girl.  For almost a year all she (or anyone) knew about me was that I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.  Alas, since I'm a doll I'll never grow up, and thanks to Lottie I won't even be the first doll in space!  Bummeroo, as Amazing Maddie would say.  But seriously, it took me a long time to adjust, because I kept having one nasty anxiety wave after another.  Meeting someone new?  Panic attack.  Going somewhere strange?  Panic attack.  It started getting out of hand, so the Moon Girl offered to get me a pet, the way she did for Samantha.  I jumped the gun and adopted a Tribble one day while she was gone, and after a lot of begging the Moon Girl let me keep her.

On the other hand, the Moon Girl got Velociraptor Blue for me.  She also named him; for some reason her family named their pet hamsters after dinosaurs, but who's judging?  Blue also likes to sit on my head, but I prefer to keep him in my hand so he doesn't crap in my hair.  Hamsters will do that.
Goldie and Velociraptor Blue have helped me relax significantly, though keeping them both properly fed is a pain at times.  Tribbles will eat anything edible that they can get their toothless little jaws on, and they're supposed to reproduce like mad if fed right...but Goldie hasn't reproduced, like AT.  ALL.  I know the last thing we need is a bunch of little puffballs everywhere, but I'm concerned that I'm not feeding Goldie the right stuff, and I don't know who to ask, since no one I know has ever had a Tribble as a pet.  Velociraptor Blue is easier; all I have to do is ask Courtney.  Blue and Parsley largely eat the same thing.
I wonder why Blue is hard and Parsley isn't?  Blue is designed like Silver Bird's rabbit, while Parsley is like Julie's rabbit.
Anyway, Goldie's presence was the first indication the Moon Girl got that I was a Trekkie.  Soon after that I outed myself as a Whovian as well; I said back in February that the Tenth Doctor was my favorite, but the Eleventh Doctor is...well, he's hyper, but I like him.  I can be hyper too, so I can relate.  As I stated above, I'd happily set the Thirteenth Doctor on fire, and I'm darn glad she'll be gone soon.  I also like Harry Potter, both the books and the movies.  I identify as a Ravenclaw, and to my delight I'm not the only one!

LOL, pardon the reused picture.  Lark's Ravenclaw shirt is in the maelstrom the Moon Girl likes to call "storage" and she's not in the mood to dig (she never is, drat it).  Anyway, when I'm not exploring, geeking out over fictional (or real) aliens, or gawking at the night sky I collect Shopkins.  I've even got two Shoppies of my own.  The Moon Girl says that when she finds her collection she's gonna give 'em to me, but for now she's stealing a picture from an old post.  This isn't all of them, she says, just her first four.
That post is an old one, she says!  Back in those days Barbie Fashionistas still had joints, and the Moon Girl was using the Shopkins as Barbie props.  Which she still can; I don't mind sharing.  So I'm a stargazer and a fan of campy sci-fi and Shopkins...oh yes, I also do yoga, which I've suggested to Samantha and Justin since they're both just this side of neurotic.  Justin is one of those limber My Twinn dolls, so he's pretty good at it...unlike Samantha and me.  No, as much as I'd love to do a convincing back-bend, I'll never be an AZIAM Girlz doll.  But then again, that may be a good thing since they're a freaky-looking bunch.  I can do a passable downward dog, though.
I think that sums me up pretty well...hey, what are you doing, Rita Cheryl?
*Side note from Rita Cheryl:  Oh Mickey, you're so fine!  You're so fine, you blow my mind...

Uh, I get the drift.  I hope you're not expecting me to try catching you, chica.

*Side note from Rita Cheryl:  The Moon Girl wants a group picture!

A group picture???

*Side note from Rita Cheryl:  Yeah!  You, me, Courtney, and Z!

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  All four of you have compared yourselves to the Turning Red crew, so get in together and SMILE PURDY!!!

Oh, very well.  
Hey, we look cute together!  Oh Court, you brought our lightsabers!  Let's duke it out!
*Side note from Courtney:  Vile Sith Lord, I'll savagely defeat you and return peace to this galaxy!  Yikes!
*Side note from Courtney:  Or I'll do a pratt fall instead.  Hey, why does everyone compare me to Priya???

*Side note from Rita Cheryl:  'Cause compared to the rest of us you're pretty chill.

*Side note from Courtney:  Bitchin'.

Heck, I wonder how I ended up being Abby...wait a minute, Z and I already discussed that.  So who gets to be Mei?
LOL, I wonder if she shape-shifts!  I know for a fact that she loves red pandas, so I guess we'll all just have to wait and see!  

Never eat pears,
Luciana Vega

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