Wednesday, May 25, 2022

That's life

I am NOT, nor will I ever be a big Frank Sinatra fan, as his voice was flat much of the time.  However, for much of the past week I've gone around humming "That's Life."  Why?  Because life happened again.  Mama's pain came back with a vengeance early Monday morning, and after much ado and some wasted time she finally got to a hospital that could diagnose her properly.  The gallbladder was the problem and the gallbladder came out, and as of writing Mama is at Southeast Hospital in Cape Girardeau with a drain in her side.  The gallbladder was severely inflamed, parts of it had turned necrotic, and an infection had set in.  In addition Mama's blood pressure was bottoming out, and that suggests to me that she was dangerously close to going septic by the time the hospital got her treated.  Right now she's where she needs to be, and she's in a lot of pain but staying...well, relatively positive, considering the circumstances.  She says she's been treated very well, and if I know her like I do then she's trying to be nice to everyone in return.

To kill some time I'm gonna talk about two dolls that I saw at Wal-Mart yesterday.  Neither of them are super-unique, but they caught my eye.  The first one is this My Life doll, the Dream Team Captain.

I don't know how well y'all can see, but her hair is this unusual mix of purple, green and blue.  The rest of her is typical My Life fodder, no different from Airy, and since I have too many dolls in this size as it is I didn't get her.  There are better images of her hair on Wal-Mart's website.

I didn't get a picture of the other doll, but she's one of the new Shadow High dolls.  Here's an idea of what they're like; the one available at my local store is Heather Grayson, second from left.
I love the idea of Rainbow High's rivals being in grayscale!  Hey, gray has its place in the color world too!  I used to hate wearing gray, by the way, as it reminded me of surgical tools and the walls of the hospital where I spent much of the summer of 2004.  I've since grown to love wearing gray, but I digress.  As noted above, Shadow High is Rainbow High's rival school, since every good school has a rival (Malden's archrival is Kennett, for example).  These kids are fine art students like the Rainbow kids are, and....that's all I know.  From left, their names are Natasha Zima, Heather Grayson, Ash Silverstone, Nicole Steel, Sunny Madison's antithesis Luna Madison, and Shanelle Onyx.  Betcha a dollar to a doughnut that Sunny and Luna are related.  Their hair is exactly the same style, and their names are both a play on celestial objects (the sun and the moon).  The two extremes, uber-pale Natasha and very dark Shanelle are my favorites, and I'm excited to see these kids moving into Wal-Mart.  Too bad they're thirty bucks a pop.

Speaking of black and white, bird crap is black and white, and I've been seeing a lot of it lately because Mama's carport has swallows again.  Only one baby bird is visible, but this morning I watched the parents visiting and I saw three little mouths begging for food.

Last year there were five babies.  There was so little room in the nest that one bird had to sit on the ledge...but then again those babies were very close to fledging by the time I took the picture.  The current babies are nowhere near big enuff, but they're healthy and the parents are taking good care of them.  I love swallows; they can be ornery, and like all birds they produce a lot of droppings, but as wet as this year is we're going to need as many swallows as we can get.  We'll need swallows to SWALLOW the mosquitoes!  LOL, I wonder if that's why they're called swallows?

Tomorrow's AG Spotlight will go up as scheduled (it's Kirsten's turn).  Dang those posts are easy, especially for the historical girls, since all I have to do is snap a couple'a pictures.  As insane as my life has been lately, I haven't had the energy for much else.

Hugs, rainbows, and bug guts,


  1. Yikes, I'm glad that your mom's medical issues were finally diagnosed properly! Thanks be to God that they caught it before it got worse. Mr. BTEG also has no gallbladder, but his was a much more normal proceeding.

    I really like the Rainbow and Shadow High dolls, but I do not need any more dolls! For their articulated bodies, nice clothes, and extra outfits, thirty dollars is probably close to reasonable for them. Have you seen what the rebooted Monster High dolls cost? :O

    My previous post was a "gimme" for me, since I had to take exactly 0 new pictures. My latest one was pretty easy to produce too. Sometimes if you want to blog regularly, you don't have time for every post to be lengthy.

    1. I know the post doesn't have to be lengthy, but I'd prefer that it at least be eye-catching. Helps with traffic, LOL.

      I hear you about not needing any more dolls...and what am I doing? Looking at two that I want but don't need. I need more eighteen-inch dolls like I need a hole in the head.

      Regarding Mama, unfortunately health care isn't the greatest here in the Bootheel. Pregnant women and their babies are the most at risk, since Cape Girardeau and Jonesboro aren't exactly next door. Thank God, Mama has had no complications. I still don't know yet when she'll come home, but she's eating and doing everything a human should.

    2. I always add at least one photo to a post, but sometimes I "recycle" photos, if it's never been used on the blog, or not used in a long time. Blogging isn't the same as YouTube, but I think that they are alike in one respect: putting out content often is king, and I currently go too long between posts.

      We have two top ranked health care systems here, with the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, and I still am frustrated sometimes about less than stellar care. If I had to hear my daughter with chronic fatigue syndrome and polycystic ovarian syndrome tell me one more time that the doctors were telling her to just lose weight and she'd be healthy, I coulda punched someone. I guess medicine is like every other profession: you get good doctors and incompetents.

    3. Oh, the Cleveland Clinic...being a disaster buff I'm quite fond of the Cleveland Clinic. You may have heard of the fire they had there almost a hundred years ago. It was so weird, not like a regular fire at all. Really is a pity that you're so close to two nice institutions and still have to deal with idiots. My coworker talks about how she misses the days of general practitioners, who knew a little bit about everything.

    4. The one in the X-ray department? Yeah, I saw a YouTube video about that. It sounds like it was pretty horrific.

    5. That's the one, yeppers! Smothering on fumes from burning X-ray film...definitely not a pretty way to go.

  2. So, Sunny and Luna Madison are twins - Sunny goes to Rainbow High and Luna goes to Shadow High.
    I own all of Shadow High right now and I love the grayscale dolls, they're gorgeous and pretty unique in the play line doll world. I do hope MGA will do more Shadow High because I am now invested in the line.

    1. Yeah, we haven't seen a doll like this since Frankie Stein was rendered in grayscale, and that was just a one-time-thing (two if you count the Comic Con exclusive). I bet your bunch is striking in person!

  3. Ohhh, I am so glad your Mama got the care she needed in time! My hubby had a similar experience several years ago--infected gallbladder that was hard to remove and resulted in a 4-day hospital stay with a drain and lots of antibiotics! But he recovered nicely. We are fortunate here in north-central WV to be near a teaching hospital system (WVU) as well as having access to the Pittsburgh hospitals (90-ish minutes away).

    1. Oh mercy, I didn't tell y'all that Mama had to go back again, did I? She's still recovering!
