Thursday, May 19, 2022

AG Spotlight: Felicity Merriman

Greetings, readers.  The Moon Girl has decided to give each of us American Girls our very own post...but in order to do that she had to sit down and interview every single one of us.  That is no small task since there are almost thirty of us.  Since I am the oldest, I get to go first.

FULL NAME:  Felicity Merriman

NICKNAME:  "Lissie."  The Moon Girl rarely calls me this, but the other dolls do it all the time.  Lindsey also jokingly calls me "Duracell," since I have a copper top.  Aye, I may date from the eighteenth century, but I know what batteries are.  I remind myself more of Energizer batteries, since I keep going and going and going...

BIRTHDAY:  April 21st

HOMETOWN:  Williamsburg, Virginia

HEAD MOLD:  Classic



FAVORITE COLORS:  Green, blue, and pink

THINGS I LIKE:  Music, animals (especially horses), being outside, playing my guitar for my friends, reading (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is my favorite author), 

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Animal cruelty, sewing, dancing, being inside too long, sitting still too long (unless I have a good book), and Amazing Maddie

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  I like the baroque classical period, which is the music I grew up with.  I am also catching up with the times and am learning to play more modern songs.

PET:  Posie, a lamb.  

BEST FRIENDS:  Elizabeth isn't here, but Molly fits the bill nicely.  I am considering starting a red-headed league with Robyn, Reagan, and Sasha, since we're the only large redheads in the Moon House.  Lastly, I am quite fond of Kyle, a fellow Patriot.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  If I could kill Amazing Maddie I would.  I also don't always see eye to eye with Julie, Kailey, and Lark, but they are nice, down-to-Earth girls so I make an effort to get along with them.

HOW I CAME HERE:  Christmas gift!  The Moon Girl was eleven or twelve, neither of us quite remember which.  She chose ME over Amazing Maddie that year.  That's right, Maddie.  Me.  Get over it.

ABOUT ME:  I was the Moon Girl's first, and for awhile, her only.  Her sister had Molly, and despite a two hundred-year age gap we got on quite well.  We are still very close.

In the time since my life in the 1700's I have grown accustomed to wearing long dresses.  The only time I wear modern clothes is for jujitsu class.

Aye, I practice jujitsu.  These modern martial arts are a wonderful way to learn to control one's temper, which I never outgrew.  So far I have never had to use my physical skills against anyone, but if Maddie keeps pushing her luck I may have to.  

In other news, I like to garden and to take care of animals.  I also like to read; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a century younger than I am, but I do love his stories.  I am the only girl in the Moon House that hates dancing.  I became good at the minuet after practicing, but I hated it in 1776 and I hate it now.  I prefer to play my guitar and back up Zoe's singing while the others dance.  Or I WOULD prefer...the Moon Girl hasn't gotten my guitar yet!

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Good grief, gal, do you know how much your accessories cost nowadays???  With inflation becoming a problem I can't be buying much!

Oh, I see.  Well, I suppose I will have to be...dare I say it...patient.  According to that odd man that Luciana watches on television, patience is for wimps.  Regarding my personal beliefs, I am a staunch conservative and a devout Anglican, which sometimes puts me at odds with Julie, Kailey, and Lark all of whom are leftists.  I can usually turn Julie and Kailey inside out when it comes to debates, but Lark little more well-read.  I do not like to quarrel with my younger friends, so we usually agree to disagree, and then focus on something we all like, like music or animals.  We all also agree that preserving the environment is important, though I cannot seem to impress upon Julie the dangers of large hail to solar panels.  Just because softball-sized hail hasn't happened here doesn't mean it WON'T.

I think that covers me for now.  If I can think of anything else worth sharing I'll add it in.

Faithful friends forever be,
Felicity "Duracell" Merriman


  1. How nice to have a vintage Felicity, with a limited edition dress to boot. I'm sensing a story with Amazing Maddie. Tell Felicity that solar panels are pretty environmentally dirty to make, too.

    1. Not to mention the big ones blind the snot out of our pilots! LOL, I'm in the process of hashing out the story between Felicity and Maddie; hopefully it'll make sense. Not all of my dolls get along, unfortunately.

  2. I recently got myself a secondhand Felicity from eBay and I'm so glad to have her! She has those nice vibrant green eyes that yours does. I remember LOVING her stories when I was young. Cute interview with your girl (Duracell, haha)!

    1. You can't knock these older dolls, no. I always loved the red hair/green eyes combo. I also loved her stories when I was a kid. She was such a little spitfire, but kind and nurturing at the same time.
