Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Happy birthday to us!

Now that Mama and I are older our birthdays are usually quiet affairs, but some of our patrons remembered.  We have two small children who come here for homeschooling and play dates, and they and their mothers surprised us.  The children put significant effort into this thing right here; it's made out of book pages!

Here's my balloon, my flowers, and my card.
Here's a closeup of the flowers.  I love chrysanthemums!  
Here's a closeup of my card.  It says "Another year in the bag!" inside.  These kids know me pretty well!
Mama got sunflowers and some pretty pink things.
She also got a cube with Biblical and inspirational quotes on it.
The little girl remembered that I love hair bows and got me this.  Don't tell anyone, but she's worn it before!  You'd never be able to tell.
Mama and I also each got a tumbler with a dab of trail mix inside.
The cat is mine, and the little girl got it for me.  The angel is...for both of us, I guess.  An older patron got that for us.  She just got diagnosed with severe diabetes and still remembered us.
Here's the card that accompanied the angel.
Mama and I are trying to put together some nice things to decorate the library with as the seasons change, and that angel will go with everything!  For that matter, the cat will too.  Oh yeah, the kids also gave us a cookie cake.
Coworker B brought us cinnamon buns yesterday, so we're already high on sugar, LOL!  Then if that weren't enuff another friend brought us cookies!  They're lemon Kool-Whip cookies
If that weren't enuff, before they left the kids gave us these.  A bag with some candy...
...and a Dr. Seuss book!
Landsakes, I'm getting just as bad as my father, getting all excited over my birthday like I'm still ten years old!  The presents and the sentiment behind us made us feel very loved, though, and that's what counts.  

One of the kids has a baby sister, and Baby Sister had a little friend with her.  Her name is Maxine.
The kids' mother said that Maxine used to belong to her, and now her baby has her.  The little thing's eyes have changed with time, just like a My Twinn's eyes.
Here's her mark.  It says "Phyllis Parkins 1990."
I think that may mean that Maxine is a Rosebud doll, since most Phyllis Parkins dolls are porcelain, just like Geppeddo dolls are.  Maxine isn't for my birthday, LOL, but I had to share her since she has a pretty face.  

As I said above, the gifts and the sentiment behind them made us feel very loved.  Indeed, I haven't had a birthday this much fun since we celebrated my great uncle Dee's birthday several years back.  His birthday would've been yesterday, and he was turning eighty, and his friends and kids threw a surprise party for him.  Oh, was that some fun!  Of course this one wasn't perfect since Sister and Brother-in-Law and First Uncle weren't here, but hopefully next year that'll change.  Otherwise this one was a good one...albeit a little sickening.  I gotta tummyache from all the sugar right now!  Time to sleep.

Love to all,

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