Thursday, October 7, 2021

Butterflies nesting

One autumn evening when I was fairly young and my sister was a wannabe entomologist Daddy called us out to the front yard to look at butterflies.  Monarchs start migrating south this time of year, and on that particular evening they'd chosen to nest in our trees for the night.  We counted about thirty before it got too dark to see.  Well!  Tonight we got a repeat performance, only this time I had a cell phone to take pictures!  Since these guys are all on the move some images will be blurry.  I'll largely just let these images speak for themselves.

This chap makes a lovely silhouette. 
One of these decided to flap his wings a lot.  I had a hard time catching him with his wings open.
Even when I did catch him he was too fast for me, LOL!

I wonder why they chose my tree and the neighbor's tree?  Not that it bothers me; I could gawk at butterflies all day long and be happy.  I feel blessed to have seen so many in one place!  God truly is good.

Cheers and butterflies,


  1. One year when my daughters were young, we "rescued" a monarch that was looking very wet and forlorn in cold rain. We kept it a few days, feeding it hummingbird food, and then let it go on a nice sunny day. It flew high up into the sky, and then took off, due south. It was a great homeschool lesson!

    1. Oh, I never heard of feeding a full-grown butterfly! How special that must've been!
