Saturday, September 25, 2021

Frozen flapper

A few short days after I dolled Lindsey and Marina up in their matching clothes, fall has the Bootheel in its grip.  The days are pleasantly warm, the nights are cool enuff that I have one of my floor heaters running, and Justine-Marie wants to get some mileage out of her new dress and shoes while she has a chance.

The dress has Elsa on it, from Frozen.

Sigh...I feel a little the way Elsa does, I think.  I always feel a little melancholy this time of year, knowing that winter isn't far off.  In addition, a family member needs prayers.  She's been sick with cancer awhile and is in no danger of dying yet, but her tumor is inoperable and she's in great pain.  She's a special family member, always upbeat and smiling, so prayers and positive thoughts would be appreciated.

With that lovely little message, dig Justine-Marie's shoes.

Can't beat sparkles, and can't have a Frozen dress without sparkly shoes.  As winter deepens I'll fetch a jacket and a pair of tights for Justine-Marie too, and she can enjoy her element while looking adorable.

Of course, such a dress will hardly do for Halloween, but Justine-Marie is covered there too.  She has her own little flapper dress.  Please ignore Adam's arm on the side, LOL.

From ice and snow to rain and fog!  Mama said she also saw this dress available in blue or red, but she liked the silver best.  I have to say that I do too, as silver goes with any skin tone.  Fun story about that feather boa:  I kept this dress in its box, and I kept the box on top of my late chinchilla's cage.  Well, night before last the box slid off and the feather boa flew out, and two of my cats thought it was some magical new plaything.  Luckily I got it back before too much damage was done, but it was still an entertaining five minutes.

With Justine-Marie ready, my sights now turn to Zoe.  She's going to be a witch, but it's not the witch y'all might be thinking of.  Stay tuned!  In the meantime I'm going to ride out the fallout from coronavirus shot numero dos.  Numero uno made my arm sore, but numero dos has left me with a sore arm, a mildly achy body, and a slight cough.  Funzies, but I'm glad I got it done under my own free will, without being ordered to by my boss or the government.

Much warmth and love to all,


  1. Replies
    1. I appreciate it big time. I was miserable this time last night, and now I'm better, though still not 100%.

  2. Glad you are feeling better. I remember being wiped from the 2nd shot for a day, but I am glad we are protected. My elderly dad recently had a bout with breakthrough Covid, and he was pretty miserable, but I am convinced his vaccinations kept him out of the hospital. (He's back to normal now). Prayers for your family member.

    1. I appreciate the prayers. This cousin is a special one and I hate all this for her and her branch of the family. Sounds like your dad had a close one, but I'm glad it wasn't worse. Thank God, the side effects only lasted a day for you and me. No fun, but we got through!
