Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Deja vu

Y'all know my tradition of sharing when one of my pets dies, and today was Eddard's turn.  To my great sorrow and dismay, he went in the same way that Arya did:  normal until the wee hours of the morning, then limp and minimally responsive, then dead.  Word of note:  Eddie is NOT dead in these pictures; I took these shortly after Arya died, back when I was still calling Eddie "Sansa."  Being a baby meant that his favorite thing to do was sleep.  See how fluffy and sleek he was?
Mama thinks that Arya and Eddard were taken from their mother too soon, and I have to say that that seems like the most logical explanation for their deaths.  Both were breezing along merrily, and then both abruptly started losing weight.  I attributed Eddie's weight loss to the oncoming "gangly" stage and gave him extra portions of meaty cat food,  Even though they both had their teeth I guess they still needed that milk.  I wish I'd thought to give Eddie replacement formula, as my past underage kittens have thrived on that, but since he had teeth I figured the wet food was enough.  I feel guilty about that oversight.

So my happy little family is back down to eight again:  cats Callie (yep, I got her back!), Allie, Lily, Lola, and Pebbles, dogs Bella and Sonic, and my bearded dragon Priscilla.  I don't think I'm going to bother with kittens again for a long time, as my older cats don't take it well when I bring in little ones.  But then again...never say never.  If one needs help I won't turn my back on it.

To any Canadian readers I send my warmest regards and my prayers for a happy and safe Canada Day. 

Much love,


  1. Oh,I'm so sorry. Even if you have them for a short time,you can get very attached to animals. It's always sad when anyone dies before their time too.

    1. I appreciate the kind words, chica! I did indeed get attached to the little goober and his penchant for chewing on my hair. I'll miss cuddling with him tonight.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to read this, I never saw this until now, as I'm way behind with reading the blogs that I follow. What a sad day to lose this little one too...but obviously something must have been wrong for it to happen to him and his sister. I hope you're over beating yourself up over the formula thing, although I am the same....when my 7 year old Chihuahua died unexpectedly a year ago this month, I did the same, I kept wracking my brains over why it happened (his gut twisted and he died within 12 hours) and could I have done something to have prevented it? My vet told me no, it was a rare and unforeseen thing but I still blamed myself all the same :(

    1. No worries about being behind; unless something really weird happens these posts will be here for a long time. I got over the formula bit pretty quickly since I think the problem was indeed either viral or congenital (I'm thinking the latter since none of my other animals got sick) but losing them still isn't easy! And oh, your poor little Chihuahua! No, there wasn't a thing you could've done, but you always wonder "what if." A friend of my dad's felt the same way after his dog died of the same thing, and Daddy had to console him.
