Thursday, June 25, 2020

Presenting Adam Lee Middleton

It certainly has been a dolly month for me, hasn't it?  First Sasha, then Sachi, and now this doll.  Some months ago Tam had this lovely little boy on her blog and offered him up for a buck plus shipping.  And...well, I've always wanted a Lee Middleton doll so I bought him.  I feel like I strung poor Tam along, to the point of her having to page me on her own blog, but the explanation for that is that I rarely read my email now that I'm not in school.  Either way we got things figured out, and I've got my doll.  Here's my boy, whom I've christened Adam Lee Middleton.
At least Tam thinks he's a boy, and he looks like a boy to me too.  There aren't enough boys in the doll world so Adam he has become.  Tam was a little concerned about some stains on his tushie, but seeing as they're not spreading I see no reason to be too concerned.  They're mold stains, but as long as they're just mold stains and not live mold I'm good.  I can attack those stains with Stain Devils or I can just cover them up with clothes, one or the other.  Just look at his cute face!
Adam's outfit is a newborn-sized getup that I purchased at Wal-Mart, by the way.  The sleeves are a little short and his cloth bits stick out, but I just pretend he's wearing an undershirt.  No biggie!

I send my warmest gratitude to Miss Tam for selling and sending this doll to me, and for holding onto him while it took me forever to respond.  Thank you, Miss Tam.  Your dolly is adorable!

Much love to all,


  1. Oh, I hope you don't think I was hollering at you! I know from my kids that nobody does email anymore except we old people! As for holding on to him for you,I did take rather a long time digging him out, didn't I? I'm glad you like him and he's found a good home.

    1. I didn't feel hollered at at all, LOL! I'm glad you called my attention out, because I'd forgotten him completely! I do like him a lot, though I did accidentally drop him on the kitten (kitten was mad but unhurt, LOL again). The kitten likes him too.

  2. Your new little boy is a cutie. I also love his violet eyes; I hope that color sticks around!

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because I love his eyes too!

  3. What a cutie he is! Enjoy him! I have several Middleton dolls, as my daughters were young when they were popular, so they "adopted" several. My late mom loved to take them to the "adoption center" once a year or so and let them pick out a baby and that baby's "siblings". (I recall baby girls, toddler sisters, and baby brothers). Of course, they are all in storage at my house. But I did buy one for myself from a doll gal who was downsizing her collection. Alas, that doll still lives in its box until I can get my doll room mess straightened out--too many treasures from Goodwill and ebay have me in quite a mess. I might have to thin the herd soon. Enjoy sweet Adam--Goodwill is a terrific place to pick up barely used baby clothes for just a few bucks.

    1. Oh yes, I love Goodwill! My two composition babies wear stuff from there all the time, and likely they can share clothes with Adam. Do you know if any of your Middleton dolls' eyes have turned? I've seen a few online that did that. Only a few, but a few is enough for me, LOL!

    2. I haven't looked at the dolls for a couple years--they are in bins in the back of a closet. But the one I bought is fine. I should probably take a gander at the others--my daughters both have pale blue eyes, so I'm sure the dolls they chose have some version of blue eyes!

  4. He's very cute and looks all boy to me!

    1. LOL, thank you! Tam and I thought he looked all boy too!
