Tuesday, October 1, 2019

We're gonna take a walk in the woods

LOL, it's just a smidge early for Halloween, but those of us who bother with the holiday tend to draw it out all October.  So if any of y'all live in Georgia and fancy a scare, Doll's Head Trail is your place to go.  The trail is "decorated" by local carpenter Joel Slaton, and the "art" on the trail incorporates doll parts plus other odds and ends like soda bottles, fishing lures, concrete blocks, cast-off appliances, you name it.  Mr. Slaton invites visitors to add their own "exhibits," provided they leave the other pieces alone and use their own cast-off items.  Hmmm...I think I could contribute something myself!  Maybe Sally can go live there!
No, not Sally.  Beat up as she is I still love her.  Most of the doll heads on the trail appear to be porcelain or vinyl anyway.  Compo wouldn't last half a year out in the open, particularly in Georgia, warm and rainy as it can sometimes be!

Resting on my bookshelf at home is a book entitled Weird U.S.  Said book is a compilation of places in the country that are haunted, cursed, inhabited by folk monsters or bizarre humans, or just plain weird.  Doll's Head Trail was strangely not on the list, but that may be because the authors didn't know about it.  It sure as heck is strange enough!

One day, not tomorrow, but one day I hope to take a road trip to Georgia.  Savannah and Tybee Island are both on my bucket list, thanks in part to the lovely pics Tam took during her recent vacation (Savannah is here and Tybee Island can be seen here).  Or I think Tam and her husband went to Tybee Island...maybe the island and the beach are two different places, LOL!  Anywho, now I've got to visit Doll's Head Trail as well.  My sister would hate it, and I'd love scaring the bejesus out of her with it...but first I'd have to get her there.  If it so much as has the word "doll" she flips out.

Much love,


  1. That looks like a great spot for a Halloween walk. If you want seriously cree-pay, check out Isla de las Munecas, or Island of the Dolls. I'm not sure that I believe the origin story, but whatever its beginnings, the end result is ghoulish and macabre.

    1. How interesting, and if true, how sad! You're right, of course; stories like that are best taken with a grain of salt. Very interesting, nevertheless.

  2. You do come up with some interesting things RM, if you ever do go, I'd love to see photos. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Oh you betcha I'll take pics! If I ever get to go, that is! I can't be credited for the topic in this post though; my uncle shared it with me in a text message and I thought "I've gotta share this!"
