Sunday, October 6, 2019

Birthday Haul 2019

Yes, I turn 32 today...or rather, I turn 32 at exactly 11:02 this evening.  Mama tells me that on the night I was born there was a full eclipse of the moon, and that I was apparently born during the time of totality.  It was also the night that the Cardinals clinched the National League title for the 1987 season; my dad was keeping tabs on the ballgame while Mama was having me, LOL.  There will be no moon for me to look at tonight as it is raining and thundering a bit, and no Cardinals baseball either since I don't have a television, but I can show off the stuff Mama got for me.  I like to top my ponytail with goofy-looking hair bows, the goofier the better, and Mama got me three from Etsy.
One with a Nutcracker-themed print, one with Legos, and one with a Christian theme.  The Lego and Nutcracker bows have my initials monogrammed on them.
Here's a closer look at the Nutcracker bow.  It's got Clara, the Nutcracker Prince, and the mouse king.  I really love that, because they all look like a set of Christmas ornaments that my grandmother had.  The mouse king was my favorite of the ornaments.
The Christian bow is my favorite color (green) and has a verse that should be familiar to all of God's children.
Now...the Lego bow and the items that match it require a bit of explanation.  Back in August the library ran a Lego-themed back-to-school program.  The prizes were all Lego sets, but as extra incentives these really cool Lego erasers were given out as well.  The erasers not only functioned as erasers, but they also hooked together like the real blocks do.  I was sorely tempted to keep a few for myself, but I ultimately decided to play fair and give them all away.  Anywho, during this period Mama asked me if I had any Lego-themed clothing to commemorate the event with.  My answer was "no."  Surprise!  Now I've got a ballcap for bad hair days!  See how the front matches my bow?
Mama also got me these earrings to match everything else.  To my delight they're made of real little Lego pieces!
I was a huge Lego fan when I was a little girl, and the sets we gave out to the children tempted me to start the hobby again.  I may have to wait on that though, since I don't currently have an empty room to hide those tiny pieces from my snoopy cats.

The other item that I received also requires some brief explanation.  In recent times the Little House book series has come under fire for being politically incorrect...yeah, kids' books.  Some folks want them banned.  As long as RagingMoon1987 is in charge of Malden Library there will be Little House books, but I digress.  I'd never read the books, so during September I sat down and did just that.  I read on up to Little Town on the Prairie and enjoyed every second of it (On the Banks of Plum Creek was my favorite).  Somewhere along the line I vocalized a desire to Mama to own some more pioneer-themed doll items, and as usual Mama heard loud and clear.  She got me this neat cooking set.
I apologize for that picture being so dark; all of my light bulbs are burned out and I've yet to replace them.  Anyway, these are all wood painted up to look like cast iron, except for the tripod and the fire pit.  The big cooking pot, the spoon, the frying pan, and the spider are all high-quality wood, the fire pit feels like resin (I'll thus have to be careful with it), and the tripod, unsurprisingly, is metal.  If any of y'all are historians, chefs, or Addy fans, then y'all will probably know what a spider is.  For those of y'all who don't know, a spider is a frying pan with legs (sort of like a wok), and Caroline Ingalls did indeed have one.  See the legs?
I think Caroline's spider was mentioned in the very first book, Little House in the Big Woods.  I'll have to look again to be sure, but I know she had one and put it to good use.  EDIT, 1/10/2020:  I was told in the comments that Caroline used the spider in Little House on the Prairie, and upon re-reading the book I found that to be true.  In Chapter 3 Laura wrote:

"Then Pa raked more coals over the fire, while Ma sliced fat salt pork.  She fried the slices in the iron spider.  The spider had short legs to stand on in the coals, and that was why it was called a spider.  If it had had no legs, it would have been called only a frying pan."

The same chapter notes that the large cooking pot was called a bake-oven, and this was used to bake johnny cakes.  Johnny cakes could also be cooked in a spider (they were sometimes called "spider cornbread" because of this), but Caroline used the bake-oven instead.  Caroline also utilized a coffee pot, which unfortunately was not a part of this set.  And that was a simple but tasty supper on the open prairie!  End edit.

Regarding the spider, Addy Walker also had one available in doll size at one time, and it was real cast iron.  Apparently one could actually cook in it.  Thus how I knew what a spider was when my fourth grade teacher read one of the Little House books to us!

As a last little tidbit, I had a devil of a time setting up the tripod until I found that the fire pit has three holes to accommodate the tripod's legs.
I'll soon be digging out my historical American Girls to help with Z Yang's review, and when I do I'll set Kirsten up with this cook stuff and show y'all how she looks.  Kirsten predates Laura Ingalls Wilder's era by a good twenty years...but we can all pretend we don't know that!

Mama says that she's got a couple more things coming for me, which makes me feel guilty since all I got her was a pair of much-needed shoes.  When whatever-it-is comes I'll show y'all that too.  In the meantime I'm going to shove some Cheetos in my mouth and listen to the glorious rain, which may be the best present of all...except for that danged thunder!  Now it's getting loud!

God bless y'all,


  1. I have one of those erasers that look like a piece of Lego and a big Lego head with a pencil sharpener inside it. I never wanted to use the eraser. Then my brother borrowed it without telling me! It's not as cool now.
    It's heartbreaking that people want to ban the little house books. I don't agree with banning books at all but banning the little house books seems ridiculous.

    1. I don't agree with banning books either. I think that's censorship and I'm against that.

      LOL, typical of older siblings to borrow something and mess it up! But then again, younger siblings tend to do that too! I guess it's just an unspoken law that siblings have to bug the snot out of each other. The pencil sharpener sounds neat!

  2. Happy belated birthday! You got some great gifts. It was great of your mom to remember that you wanted pioneer-themed stuff. I know for sure that the spider was mentioned in Little House on the Prairie, when Ma is cooking on the prairie during their travel. You don't mention it, but the place where your mom got the cooking set, also has a whole huge line of LHoTP licensed merch. Me, I like all the pieces of the farmhouse kitchen set.

    Everyone in the BTEG family is a LEGO fan, especially Mr. BTEG. The man has around 100,000 pieces in his collection. Yep, that's the right number of zeroes! Both of our girls also played with Primo, Duplo and LEGO sets when they were younger.

    1. Ooops, I did get an insert in the box of cookware that advertises the other sets. I like the set with the tin cups, since tin cups were a bit of a running gag in Little House on the Prairie. Mama likes the wagon best. I definitely should have made note of that.

      Oh Legos...I whiled away many an afternoon playing with mine. I love how the little people are so detailed now! When I was little they had one facial expression and that was it!

  3. Legos are awesome! I never played with them as a kid, but my son sure did. There was a time when they were all over my house. :-) Not anymore though. My son is 17 and doesn’t build with them anymore and my daughter isn’t really into them. When I was working as an Elementary School Librarian those LEGO erasers were often sold at book fairs. They were always pretty popular.

    The Little House books were one of my favorite series when I was a girl. I was seriously obsessed with pioneers for a while because of that series. When I first encountered American Girl catalogs as a young woman I dreamed of getting Kirsten and her furniture and accessories and building her a little log cabin to live in. I was also obsessed with log cabins for a while. :-) The cooking set your mother got you is awesome! I look forward to seeing it set up with Kirsten.

    1. LOL, it's good to know I'm not the only one who thinks Lego-themed stuff is awesome. I could've played for hours with those erasers. I'll get that post set up as soon as possible; the ground is pretty wet and the best place to set Kirsten up with that cookware is outside.

  4. Happy Birthday RM (sorry I'm so late with good wishes) I hope you had a good one! I didn't realise you were such a Lego nut though, perhaps we will see more of this in the future? :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you! LOL, I'm actually not a huge Lego nut like I used to be! I could easily become one, though! Some of the new sets are epic.

  5. My kids all loved their Legos, and Duplos too. My oldest also delved into K'Nex.

  6. First off, happy belated birthday. I've been really busy lately, so I'm trying to play catch-up with my Blogger reading list. But it's sort of interesting to me that today was the day I got to your post. I actually maintain two blogs here on Blogger. Fashion Doll Memoirs is the primary one. But I also have a secondary blog called Grab The Brass Keyring that's devoted to keychain collecting, and I published a post there on Lego keychains just this morning. I've been on a bit of a Lego kick myself recently, so when I read your post it sort of felt like we were on the same wavelength.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Keychain collecting! That's one I hadn't heard of, though as many cute ones as there are out there you've got plenty to collect. I'll have to look at that blog! I hear you about being behind too; life tends to get in the way at times, doesn't it?

    2. Keychain collecting as a hobby seems to be underrepresented online. Though I did manage to find a couple of other blogs on the subject that I listed on a sidebar on my blog, Grab The Brass Keyring. I've been collecting keychains since grade school, so I have quite a sizeable collection by this point.
      Signed, Treesa

    3. That's really neat! What made you decide to collect keychains?

    4. It kind of happened by accident. If you want the whole story, check out my introduction post on Grab The Brass Keyring. (I know that's a shameless plug, but I've had a lot of trouble promoting my keychain collecting blog. When my dolls and I started Fashion Doll Memoirs, I just left comments on other doll blogs I read at the time personally inviting those other bloggers to check out my blog. But I couldn't do that for Grab The Brass Keyring because, as I said before, keychain collecting is underrepresented online.)
      Signed, Treesa

    5. LOL, I think I already started following the blog! It's just such a unique thing to collect.
