Friday, May 17, 2019

R.I.P. Grumpy Cat

Yeah, yeah, I know this is supposed to be a doll blog, but this morning I got the news that Tardar Sauce died.  Tardar Sauce, also known as "Tard" or "Grumpy Cat," was felled by a urinary tract infection that apparently resisted treatment.  She was only seven, like my blind baby, Pebbles.  Tard split my ailurophilic sides on more than one occasion, with her eternally grouchy face augmenting meme after meme.  My favorite one was this one, addressed towards Tard's littermate brother Pokey (who was quite grouchy-looking himself).
I also loved the meme that inevitably surfaced during every Super Bowl.
I feel that way every time the Patriots go to the Super Bowl, Tard.  Indeed, I feel that way about every Super Bowl that doesn't have the Titans, the Chiefs, the Jets, or the Vikings.  In other words, every Super Bowl.  

Then there was this one, which always made me laugh since "Go hug a cactus" was a taunt I frequently threw during my high school days.  I was soooooo mature back then, LOL!
And of course, who could forget the classic?
Heck, I sort of had a meme of my own, though it was only tangentially connected to Tardar Sauce.  My old composition doll Anita wears an eternally grumpy expression, to the point that I call her the Tardar Sauce of my collection.
 This is especially so when I pair Anita with a more cheerful doll, like Gerb.
It's rare that I give liberal-rag Huffington Post any attention, but HuffPo loves animals and did not let Tardar Sauce's passing go unnoticed.  They wrote this very nice article that highlights some of Tard's accomplishments, some of her celebrity friends (Stan Lee!), and several condolence tweets.  It's really sweet.

Having recently lost one of my own cats, I semi-understand the sadness that Tard's humans are going through.  No one grieves the same, but I still sort of know what it's like.  I doubt Tabatha Bundesen and her family will see this, but if y'all do, I'm sorry for your loss.  Tardar Sauce was a great joy to a lot of us, and she'll be terribly, terribly missed by cat lovers and meme lovers everywhere.  She'll live on for a long time in the memes and in the hearts of her fans.  I hope Pokey is doing okay; I know that animals are just as capable of mourning as people are.

Much love to all,


  1. I'm glad you posted this. I mentioned to my family that Grumpy Cat had died and they were not interested. It makes me feel better to know that there are other people that think it's sad.

    1. My pleasure! Lots of people do care; Twitter is going nuts right now over it. She was a source of pleasure to us, but she was also a beloved pet. I couldn't let it go without saying something. Thank you for your nice comment!

  2. Awww what a crying shame, the poor we thing. I imagine there will be mourners all around the world. Grumpy cat was a wonderful source of amusement for many of us animal lovers. May you RIP Tardar Sauce.
    Big hugs,

    1. I can only imagine how awful her humans must feel at the moment. This appears to have been somewhat unexpected.
