Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Isabelle comes to play

I had another special visitor at the library today.  One of my younger girls brought her Isabelle doll for me to see.  Yes, this Isabelle, the one that I complained about at length in an old Time to Gripe post.  She's a much prettier doll IRL than she was in her stock photos.  I absolutely love those gold shoes!!!
Isabelle made fast friends with my Hot Looks doll Chelsea, who accompanies me to the library along with the Peanut Gallery.  Indeed, the Peanut Gallery was quite interested in making friends with Isabelle as well.
Oh, did this child and I have some fun!  While her mother worked we...kind of, sort of spread our dolls out on the countertop and had a game.  We played "house," "school," and an "American Idol" type of game.  And no, I didn't let this interfere with my work; the few patrons that did come in were taken care of in a timely manner, and my playmate's mother was able to get her work done in no time flat.  I don't plan on making a habit of using slow days at work to play around, but in this particular case I wasn't about to say no to a seven-year-old.  When children are not around the smaller dolls sit under my desk, while Chelsea remains topside and provides a conversation piece for inquisitive patrons.

In other news, my old My Child doll got a new dress.  Here's what her usual attire looks like...
...and here's her new one.
Morgan's new dress is another Magic Nursery toddler dress, like this one.  The skirts on the Magic Nursery dresses are an eensy bit short, but not short enough to deter me from putting them on Morgan.  Hey, it's easier than digging up vintage My Child clothes!  Mama says that the bold colors on this new dress make Morgan look like a whole new doll, and I have to say that I agree.  I like Morgan's original dress, but it does make her already-pale "skin" look even more washed out.

With the day officially over (I arrived home fifteen minutes ago), I must now shower, settle my rear in, and wait for the wave of thunderstorms that the local weathermen have been predicting for over a week.  This storm had better put up or shut up, so great has the hype been.  Dare I mention that it was seventy years ago today that Cape Girardeau got hit, by the tornado that made my grandparents fear for their lives on the eve of their wedding?  Yeah...let's pray that we don't have a repeat.

Best wishes to all,

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