Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving quickie

It's Thanksgiving, y'all!  This one will be different this year; once upon a time we had thirteen people crammed around Grandma's kitchen table.  But this year First Uncle can't make it down, and Sister and her husband can't make it either, and Grandma is deceased so it'll just be me, Mama, and Second Uncle.  Mama made pot roast instead of a huge turkey that the three of us couldn't eat in a million years, and we're going to eat that and watch the football game.  But since I've made it a rather slow November around here I thought I'd post something quick.  Here's my two new babies.
Mama, to my complete shock, has declared them both the creepiest I've ever brought in.  I quite like them myself, but to each their own.  The big one is a bisque doll by a Japanese company that I need to research more, and the little one is Cheerful Tearful by Mattel.  These were both impulse buys prompted by pictures on a Facebook group that I belong to (and I belong to a billion of them).  And I wonder why I'm always short on money, LOL!  Hey, I pay the bills and I keep my animals healthy!  I promise they're not going without!  Anyway, I once again have a backlog of blog posts, so it'll probably be...oh, I'll say FEBRUARY before I get these dolls reviewed!  They WILL be reviewed, though.  I promise y'all that.  My intention is to get back to posting weekly after this...or at least that's my intention!  We all know what the road to hell is paved with!

I wish our dear readers a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.  Be safe while driving, cooking, and eating, and DON'T go out on Black Friday unless absolutely necessary!  Save it for Cyber Saturday...or is it Cyber Monday?  I can't remember.  Just be careful out there!

Happy Thanksgiving,


  1. I kind of agree with your mother about Cheerful Tearful, although part of that is because her face kind of reminds me of the sixties TnT Barbie, blown up to baby doll size. Why does she have a hole in her foot; do you know?

    Your bisque doll reminds me of turn-of-last-century photos that I've seen, of little Japanese girls, so I think she is just right.

    I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving. We're going to my in-laws and with Mr. BTEG's mom and sisters and the "kids" who are now mostly grown up, we're going to have at least ten at our table. My sister-in-law has decided to try a turducken, so we'll see how that goes.

    1. That's a good question about Cheerful's foot. Unfortunately I don't know the answer, though all the other Cheerful Tearful dolls I've seen have a hole in their left feet. There's bound to be a reason for it.

      So glad you like the Japanese doll; I'm super excited to have her!

      Turducken! I've heard that's heavenly, but I've never actually never had it. I hope it was good and I hope y'all had a good time!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
