Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sunday at the slough

Today was a pretty day (if a little chilly), so Mama and I decided to pick up some provisions before bad weather moves in tomorrow.  We here in the Bootheel are only supposed to get cold rain and maybe a few errant wet snowflakes, but better to be stocked up on animal food anyway.  We decided to go to Dexter for this animal food, and on the way back we swung by one of my favorite places.
I've NEVER seen any otters here, but that doesn't mean there aren't any!  Otter Slough is buried in rural southern Stoddard County, and one has to know the area fairly well in order to find it.  It's worth the effort though, at least if you like water birds.  Later in winter there are usually plenty of ducks, coots, and geese hanging around, but today was largely a day for great blue herons.  My mother and I are both extremely fond of great blue herons, so we took a lot of pictures.
This next one was a real show-off.  He stood with his neck in a perfect S for us.
There was also this one, who was very close to the road and showed absolutely no fear of the car or our enthusiastic chatter.
The side roads are unfortunately closed until April, so we had to turn around and come back the way we came.  This allowed me a better view of the weeds and the trees.
See how calm it was?  The ponds were like big mirrors.
The most photogenic of our herons was still hanging around when we came back by.  He captured and ate a fish right after I snapped this picture.
More pictures of the pond.
This heron was hiding in some dormant cattails.  He's fairly obvious in the picture, but IRL he was very well hidden.  He flew away after I caught this picture, but he didn't go far.
Another random picture of the skyline.  I love how perfectly the trees are reflected in the water.
This next picture, of a heron that I'd photographed earlier, shows the subtle beauty of the species' plumage.
A large flock of snow geese did make an appearance as we prepared to take our leave.  Once again, they were much prettier in real life...and much noisier!
Despite the chilly weather the water was full of mud sliders.  I can only assume that they were out catching their quota of bugs and whatever else sliders eat before they brumate.  This little guy decided he fancied some sun.
We also saw plenty of red-tailed hawks, a few large ducks that were too far away for pictures, and one large doe who didn't hold still long enough for a picture.  No biggie there, since Crowley's Ridge has plenty of deer.  This was arguably the best time I've had at Otter Slough, though; we must've seen a dozen herons.  Usually we're lucky if we see two or three.  I could seriously LIVE out there in the boonies like that though; it's just so peaceful!  Snakes are bad during summer, though, and what pond wouldn't be complete without WATER MOCCASINS??????  Yeah...I don't mind snakes usually, but I'll make an exception with water moccasins.  Otherwise Otter Slough is a great place to visit.  If one stays in the car one need not worry about snakes.  This little jaunt did make me impatient to visit Mingo again, though; Mingo has everything Otter Slough has and it's just as beautiful, but it's BIGGER!!!  If I get to go again I'll have to take more pictures.

I absolutely PROMISE that I'll get back on the dolly train soon.  I've got several that still need reviewing, and I also have a secondhand ball-jointed doll on the way.  So this blog should be fairly busy between now and Christmas.  Stay tuned...

Much love,