Saturday, August 4, 2018

Random post about Barbie clothes and life in general

SPOILER AND DISCLAIMER:  some of the dolls in this post will not be Barbie.  That said, time for a random post.  Hey, gotta kill time while Second Uncle forces the rest of us to watch a boxing match that he's got turned up to eleven.  I loathe boxing.  Anyway, here's the outfits in question.  Sindy, Tammy, and Pepper are wearing them.
These aren't cutting edge fashions, but they do the job of keeping my dolls' nakedness covered.  The little shorts set that Pepper is wearing has an adjustable halter tie at the neck and can subsequently fit a wide range of dolls.  By contrast, the Hello Kitty outfit was baggy around Pepper's waist and looked frumpy on her.  It flatters Tammy's wider hips and chest.

I paid eighteen bucks for all four of those dresses, and they came from OnlyDollThings.  They make stuff for the old-style Ken dolls too, which I didn't know before buying from the shop.  Since I've got Ken dolls that need new duds I may hit this shop up again in the not-so-near future.  It'll have to be the not-so-near future since I'm having to pay vet bills.  On Thursday my oldest cat Callie had to go to the vet due to ingrown claws and the resulting infection (which I thought I'd caught early but didn't).  Warning to any of y'all who own Hemingway cats:  MIND THOSE CLAWS.  They sometimes grow too much or in the wrong direction and cause a lot of trouble.  I did not know this beforehand; if I had I'd have been more diligent about cutting Callie's nails.  She's home now and healing nicely, but I'm mad at myself for letting it happen in the first place.  And that's not even the end of my vet woes!  This coming Monday it'll be time for Bella and Sonic to be spayed and neutered.  Jeez, seems like it was just yesterday I was carrying them both in my arms and making sure they didn't chew on something or pee in the floor.  

Now I'm going to listen to Second Uncle harp at the television and talk about himself all night long.  Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get to see a repeat of the 1982 Duk Koo Kim/Ray Mancini fight.  LOL, am I sick or what???  What can I say, I hold a very low opinion of most boxers.  MOST, that is; I like Lennox Lewis okay due to his class and his stance against domestic violence, and I like Manny Pacquiao because he's not afraid to speak his mind even if his opinion is unpopular.  But that's it for the most part.  Go figure; my favorite part of a hockey game is the fistfighting that sometimes breaks out, but I despise boxing.

Much love,


  1. Lol for your description of your uncle! The last boxer I remember is Muhammad Ali. I don't follow boxing at all, can you tell hahaha. The dresses are lovely, such cute fabrics! My cat's nails don't have to be clipped luckily, she keeps up with her own manicure :-). Good luck with the dogs!

    1. Oh Lordy, Second Uncle thinks Muhammad Ali is the Messiah. LOL, not really, but you'd think he did the way he goes on about he nitwit. Glad you like my dresses; they're simple, but they're colorful and they clothe my girls so that's all that matters. It's not every day that I can find something for Tammy to wear.

      Regarding the animals, I don't know what's up with Callie. All my other cats either chew their claws short or wear them scratching my paneling!!! Callie won't do either and it's caused a lot of trouble, but hopefully I can keep a jump on that by teaching her to enjoy a nice nail clipping. I've got the proper clippers so it shouldn't hurt her.

      Thanks for the well-wishes on the puppies! Tomorrow is going to be a busy and sad day (we're burying Grandma), so good news about a successful spay and neuter will definitely help.

  2. Six degrees of separation: my husband and his sisters grew up down the street from Ray Mancini. Back then, my eldest sister-in-law was the neighborhood bully, and she was the one putting the smackdown on all the kids round about. And speaking of my in-laws, is the no meal after the funeral a Malden thing, or a your family thing? My in-laws especially have to have a big family thing after a funeral, but it's a general rule up here even for non-Italians. I'm glad that you got through the funeral okay.

    We need to have my daughter's bunny spayed, and it is going to be expensive! I suppose because it is more difficult to anesthetize a five-pound animal. He also needs to have his claws trimmed occasionally; he can't wear them down and they don't just fall off like our cats' do.

    1. LOL, not eating after a funeral was a "this case only" thing. After my grandfather's funeral the church fed us, and we ate BEFORE we buried Daddy (go figure on that one). After this funeral Mama, my two uncles, First Uncle's best friend, and I went out to eat Mexican. We didn't want to make the ladies at the church go to a lot of effort for just a graveside service, so we just went out to eat afterwards. I highly recommend chicken with chili broth on it, by the way.

      Spaying a rabbit! I know people do it, but you're the first one I know of! My dogs were expensive and are pretty loopy, but it'll be worth it. When will Br'er Rabbit have his big surgery?

  3. I should have said Kip will be getting neutered since he is a boy! :) We wouldn't get it done, except that he sometimes shows his displeasure with things by spraying. He does also thump when he gets mad, which obviously isn't as bad. He's an all-indoor bunny, so the spraying is a problem. He will hopefully be getting it done as soon as my daughter makes sure that she has the money; she also is going to be needing to buy textbooks soon.

    1. Yeah, money. Good ol' money, always an issue. Oh well, I'm sure Kip will feel better after it's done. Once those hormones are gone, no more mood swings! LOL, what kind of rabbit is Kip?
