Thursday, August 30, 2018

Hairdorables review

Woolly worm!  When these guys start hanging around you know fall is not too far off.  I love woolly worms.
Hey, all you lucky people, it's the one and only RagingMoon1987.  Before we get underway I want to thank y'all for your advice regarding Xenia over the past few days.  I got one vote for replacing the eyes and several others advising a "try on a junk head before trying on a doll you love" approach, which I think is smart.  I also got one person suggesting that I try to paint Xenia's eyes, which may also be a possibility.  But until I can find a head to practice on I'm taking the low road with a temporary fix.  Etsy has these cute heart-shaped sunglasses, and I've currently got a pair on the way for Xenia.  I too have a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses, and Mama has dared me to take a selfie with Xenia and our matching I may do just that.  Y'all keep your eyes peeled for my ugly mug.

'Nuff chatter, let's get down to business.  This week's review will be the latest hot item, a Hairdorable.
Hairdorables are a new thing from Just Play, a company that I associate with Puppy and Kitty in My Pocket figurines.  These dolls follow the current trend of goodies in blind bags, and they also borrow a few pages from Shopkins Shoppies and Li'l Outrageous Littles with their bright colors and big eyes.  Hairdorables do differ from the other blind-bag figures I've seen in a few critical ways though, with the most important one being their hair.  The name of the line probably gave that away though, didn't it?  Yep, the name "Hairdorables" is an obvious play on the word "adorable," and if one looks closely it's also a play on the word "hairdo" as well.  "Big hair, don't care!" is the tagline for this series.
Dig that logo!  It's encircled with a BOBBY PIN, something that I see quite often in stores but only rarely on people.  Do peeps even use bobby pins anymore, or have clips taken over (clips are the way I roll, for example)?  Y'all raise your hands if you still use bobby pins!

I've watched a few unboxings on good ol' YouTube to get a feel for what these dolls are like, and I subsequently learned that they have clothes.  Not vinyl clothes that gap open in the back like the Li'l Outrageous Littles, not permanently attached clothes like the Shoppies, but real, honest-to-God cloth clothes.  I've heard plenty of complaints (and spoken a few myself) about the Littles' vinyl clothes, and I've griped ad nauseam about molded doll clothes so seeing real, honest-to-God cloth clothes pleases me.  One thing that has raised the hackles of some consumers is the price; these dolls can cost anywhere from ten to fifteen bucks a pop depending on where you shop.  My doll came from Dexter's Wal-Mart and cost twelve bucks and eighty-eight cents American, for example.  That's high for a toy that's a big question mark, but in the defense of these dolls the boxes can be reused so there's not a lot of waste for that ten-to-fifteen bucks spent.  Compare that with the Li'l Outrageous Littles, which have less to offer for the seven bucks they cost, and reside in hovels that...may get thrown away???  I always keep the pods that my Littles come in, but not everyone does.  Maybe that's why MGA Entertainment came up with that confetti pop gimmick, one that works every time one wants to play with the doll???  Who knows?

Judging solely from reviews by other bloggers and YouTubers, I already think the Hairdorables have more to offer than Li'l Outrageous Littles, but I've yet to tear this bad boy open.  Before opening the box I want to look a little more closely at the sides and back.  The back has a wide array of "selfies" of the dolls, plus a few hashtags and "like" insignias.  Jeez, they're really going trendy on these!
I hate it when toys go trendy.  It runs the risk of making the toy look dated as it ages, as what's trendy now might not be trendy two or ten years from now.  I doubt that in this day and age hashtags and "likes" will be disappearing, but I may live to eat my words.  Anyway, the back also contains a rudimentary list of contents...
...and a picture of the main character, Noah, engaging in another trend that probably won't be dying out, selfie-taking.
The left panel of the box has Noah's backstory.
The backstory says that Noah is a sweetie with a knack for hairstyling.  She posted a tutorial on hairstyling for fun and it went viral, and subsequently Noah found herself an internet sensation.  The backstory adds that Noah has gained a ton of new friends (the other dolls, I presume?) and they all contribute to  I guess they mean a YouTube channel, because the last sentence invites us all to check out the Hairdorables there.  Haven't looked at that channel yet.  I've watched plenty of box openings but not the official channel yet.  One thing the box blurb DOESN'T tell is the origin of the term "Hairdorables."  Apparently Noah got so excited during a video that she tripped over her tongue and said "hairdorable" instead of "adorable."  The term stuck, and I must say that it's a good term indeed.  I've been known to invent words myself, either deliberately or by accident, so it's good to know Noah and I have something in common.

As for the other side of the box?  It has the logo for the doll line and another picture of Noah with three of her friends.  I recognize the rainbow-haired girl as Rayne, and I think the unicorn girl is Willow, and I think the winking green-haired girl is Harmony, whom I really like.  Can't beat a doll with acid green hair, though I like all four of these characters.
Let's do this!  The box is wrapped by a band of hard, clear plastic that throws a lot of light clusters, so that goes first.  Under this plastic layer lies our collector's guide, which can also serve as a poster.  The back of this has a group picture of the characters, complete with the prerequisite jock (Brit), animal lover (Kat), and girly girl (Bella).

The reverse side has our checklist, revealing the twelve main characters and their three variations.
Knowing my luck I'll end up with blonde-haired, pink-wearing Bella, who interests me the least of the troupe, even though her bio made her grow on me a little.  The rest of them...well, I like all of them, but I do have my favorites.  I like Harmony and Willow, as I mentioned above, and I also like Kali with her deep skin and purple hair, and Rayne with her rainbow tresses, and...shoot, I like a good number of these.  Of the characters Kali, Neila, and Willow catch my eye the most (Willow reminds me of Talolili), while Bella, Kat, and Brit don't stand out as much.  As I mentioned above there are twelve characters with three variations for a grand total of thirty-six different dolls, thus my odds of not getting Bella are pretty good.  One variation of Bella and one variation of Neila are hard to find, and one version of Rayne is VERY hard to find, but pictures of them can be found if one digs enough on Google.  I positively LOVE Super Neila and Rayne Showers, but my odds of getting them are NOT good.  But then again, I've seen plenty of Super Neila dolls floating around in reviews so maybe she won't be so hard to find after all.  Willow has also made a lot of appearances so maybe I'll get her...

...Great time to start cracking!  To open this box I pull this tab, which in turn undoes a perforation down the front of the box.
The box is still fastened shut at this point, but it's by a dot of Velcro so all I have to do is gently pull to open the box up.  The interior will be a little living space that is not specific to any single character.  I wish I had a chair like that!
The left compartments hold a handful of surprises that offer clues to the doll's identity.  In case none of y'all can count (I sometimes can't) there's four compartments for accessories on the left and one big compartment for the doll on the right.  The doll admonishes her owner to open her last.
Sick reference time:  seeing illustrations of these characters counting out the compartments on their fingers reminds me of a terrifying fireworks PSA from the Netherlands.  Here's the link; I rate the commercial R for disturbing (but gore-free) imagery.  If there had been gore I'd have rated it NC-17.  Whew...where was I?  Oh yes, let's forget about freaky Dutch PSAs and pop open this first compartment.  The openings of these compartments are perforated (thank goodness she's got all five fingers)...
...and inside are these little plastic boxes that look a lot like the packages that McDonald's puts their condiments in.
The top has one of the characters (good ol' Bella, I do believe) declaring that the contents are just her style.
I guess I shouldn't be so hard on Bella since her online bios say she's hard-working and thoughtfulShe also loves cheese, which I can relate to.  I wonder if she'd like cheese on Granny Smith apples like my sister does?  Bella is also a ballerina, and while I can't dance a step myself I love ballet.  So Bella has her merits, but there are other dolls I'd rather have.  That said, spoiler alert:  this first package will be boring.  All of the first packages I've seen have a comb and a sheet of stickers.
Okay, the stickers are boring, but only because they're the same basic shapes for each doll.  I do appreciate that they come in pairs, though; maybe Just Play wants us to use those stickers as earrings for the doll?  I think I'll do that.  As for the comb, it's green plastic and is a design I've not seen before.  It can be used as a pick if I get a doll with super-big hair, and if not Dandelion or Jova can use it.  The blue-green plastic would be a perfect match for Jova's stock dress.
Notice that Dandelion is wearing a different comb.  <winks slyly>
Box number two, now!  It reads "love is in the hair."  Boooooo.  LOL, Daddy would've loved these; he liked bad puns.
One of the items in here is no huge surprise, but the other could potentially give away what character I'll get.
The sticker is a phone, which I love.  I wish all of the stickers that came with dolls like this had some sort of function like this one does.  As for the other item...oh, what adorable shoes they are!  Pink and blue slippers with teddy bear ears and faces!  What's not to like about those?  Since I have somehow learned a little bit of self control I won't be looking at the collector's guide for hints, but these shoes are likely a dead giveaway.  Not every character has mismatched shoes.

Box three has Skylar the globetrotter making another bad pun.
This box contains another sticker that resembles an old-school Polaroid photo, plus a pair of very cute translucent pink heart glasses.
Last box now!  These sometimes hold something pretty sizable and are thus bigger than the other three boxes.  This one proclaims...proclaims SOMEONE as the Queen of Curls.
Inside I got another Polaroid-looking sticker and...oh goody, a gummy bear hair clip!
I have a sneaking suspicion that my doll may end up being candy-themed.  For some strange reason my dolls have been following a sweets trend here lately.  Alrighty...NOW we can see which doll I got.  The doll is concealed in a plastic tray with a lid that shows a delighted-looking Noah making still another bad pun ("Let's see what's in HAIR!").  Ewww...for some reason that pun leaves me thinking of nits and lice.  With school having recently started lice come up frequently in conversations at the library.  That said, I love how Noah is reaching for the tab, and her excitement is contagious. 
Word of advice:  the back of the tray has a hollow area that lets some of the doll's hair hang out.  This can give away the surprise if you're already familiar with the characters, and I'm familiar with some of them so I didn't look.  I peeled off the cover and discovered...this little cutie.
YAY, I remember seeing her in a YouTube video and liking her.  Along with the doll comes a small card, and that reveals her name and a pair of her characteristics.
My poppet's name is Dee Dee, not to be confused with my other doll named Dee Dee.  She likes making candy and the color peppermint pink (a shade that I also don't hate), and her motto is "Good friends are the sweetest!"  That's no lie, chica.  That's no lie.  Interestingly, Dee Dee's online bio states that her motto is "Life is sweet!"  Well, it CAN be, or it can be bitter or sour or bland, depending on one's choices and one's outlook on life.  Anywho, the back of this card also shows Dee Dee, but notice that parts of her are cut off, and notice that the legs and hair of other characters are visible.
Puzzle piece, I'll betcha!  That's a pretty clever way to try and get kids to buy more of these dolls!  By the way, neither of these images show the Dee Dee that I got.  See?
The doll I got is the "Sweet Treats" variation, while all the illustrations show "Dee Dee-licious."  Interestingly, neither of these are Dee Dee's signature self; that title would belong to the little gal marked with the heart, "Dee Dee Dorable."

One last interesting thing about the box before I move on to review Dee Dee.  The inside of the compartment where she came from is decorated like a closet, complete with illustrations of the other characters' clothes.  The backs of the smaller compartments are also decorated, but they're lined with plastic and are too hard to photograph.
Alrighty, let's put Dee Dee in her little accessories and show her to the world!
Dee Dee and her Hairdorables sisters are small dolls, about on the level of a Shoppie or a Kenner-era Strawberry Shortcake doll or Remco Jan
The larger Li'l Outrageous Littles are smaller than Dee Dee, but not by much.
Dee Dee also fits in pretty well with the Peanut Gallery (Freya, Usaggie, and Calypso).
Even though my particular character doesn't have a space theme she still looks quite cute with Whimzee and my Novi Starz Sila Clops and Malie Tasker.  Her hair is big enough to rival that of the Novis.
Teresa Brown and Confessions of a Doll Collector's Daughter both got variations of Neila, who is space themed.  Indeed, I think her name may be a play on Neil Armstrong.  Neila looks even better with the Moondreamers than my doll does, especially the variation that both my fellow bloggers got (the rare Super Neila).  Just thought I'd throw that out there.

As with Crissy and Velvet, hair is the thing with these dolls, so let's take a look at Dee Dee's hair.
Hairdorables don't "grow" hair like Crissy and Velvet did, but I have to say that I'm not disappointed in this hair!  There are at least five colors in that mix, two bands of pearly white, and two shades each of mint green and light pink.
The style is simple, just two high, bouncy pigtails that are fastened off with clear rubber bands.
The clip proved to be too loose when affixed to the loose part of Dee Dee's pigtails, so I ended up attaching it below the rubber band of her left pigtail.  It won't be going anywhere now!
The fibers themselves are soft and smooth, but they feel like that rebellious type of fiber that will hold a kink if squashed for too long.  I don't want that to happen so I'll be careful about how I store Dee Dee.

Oops, I forgot the root job!  I had to dig a bit before I found a gap sizable enough to photograph, but it can be done.  That's a darn good root job, though!  Notice that Dee Dee's scalp is painted to match her hair, by the way.
Hairdorables have highly stylized faces, though definitely not as stylized as the faces of their blind box comrades, the Boxy Girls.  Their expressions are goofy, but not ridiculously so.
Dee Dee has cocoa-colored vinyl with enormous eyes and a big smiling mouth.  Her eyes are blue...with PINK highlights???
May want to see an optometrist for that pinkeye, Dee Dee.  LOL, the eyes look weird up close, but from a distance they take on a lovely deep purple hue.  Eye makeup is at a minimum, just some plum-colored shadow and some winged stuff on the edges that could very well be eyelashes instead of eyeliner.  Dee Dee's eyebrows are blocky bands of fuchsia paint that have no major detail, but they are of a nice shape and enhance her gleeful smile.  Said gleeful smile is open, and is painted with three colors:  white for the teeth, red for the interior of the mouth, and fuchsia for the lips themselves.
No paint foibles here, and to be quite honest I haven't seen any paint futz-ups on any of the dolls I've seen reviewed, mine or otherwise.  Just Play is off to a darn good start with these heads.

Briefly I want to look at the ear region.  Dee Dee has cute rounded ears with no piercings.  As far as I know no Hairdorable does have piercings, even though the illustrations show that some of them do.
I was afraid the area of her head under her ears wouldn't be flat enough to take those stickers, but having looked this head over I don't think I'll have to worry about problems placing them.  Thus Dee Dee has a pair of stick-on earrings in her future!  I hated stick-on earrings when I was a little kid, by the way; I NEVER got a pair that wanted to stick!

Now let's dribble off these clothes and take a closer look at them.  Hairdorables look like they're elaborately dressed, but in truth Dee Dee just has this dress plus the accessories that I've already shown.'s printed with GUMMY BEARS!!!  I'm not a huge eater of gummy bears, but they make cute motifs for clothes, just like polka dots and sugar skulls do.  Dee Dee's gummy bears are dark pink and teal like her hair clip, and the print extends around to the back.  Notice that the Velcro goes the full length of the dress, like it does on Licca-chan dresses.
Let's all smash our butts together and sing "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy," for this dress is printed on the back!  Three cheers!  Now...if one looks closer it's possible to see that the bodice of this dress has a different print, in the form of peppermint stripes.  The bodice in turn is trimmed with bits of tulle at the armholes, and pink sateen ribbons that give the illusion of a blouse and jumper rather than a full dress.
The skirt is also trimmed with this tulle, which helps tie the look together but could potentially snag if caught in the dress's Velcro.
The interior is very nicely done, which surprised me since all the materials used have a penchant for snagging or raveling.  The stitches look a little clunky in places, but on a garment this tiny I guess that can't be avoided.
Before moving on...may as well discuss Dee Dee's add-ons.  As revealed above she came with a brightly colored pair of glasses and an equally colorful pair of shoes.
I absolutely LOVE these shoes.  I'd have worn these in a New York second back in high school...and quite frankly, I still would.  They're translucent plastic and are colored to match the gummy bears on Dee Dee's skirt.  If you look close it's possible to see that they have eyes and noses.
These are sized for the left and right feet, by the way.
I got a special treat when I flipped the shoes over to look at the treads.  The treads have little gummy bears on them!  That's a nice little detail, one I wasn't expecting.
The glasses also remind me of my high school days, when I had a huge crush on Elton John and insisted on wearing my own goofy-looking glasses at every opportunity.  Indeed, I still have a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses that I wear on a regular basis...only they're blue, not pink like Dee Dee's.  LOL, anyway, I love the plastic that these are made of; they're pink and translucent, but they're also pearly.  Note the little hearts on the earpieces.
There are no lenses, which suits me just fine since lenses in fake (or real) glasses can throw light clusters and reflections.  Thus Dee Dee can wear them without looking like she's gazing through a fishbowl.
These are also big enough that Dee Dee can wear them on her forehead like so.
As for the clip,'s a hair clip!  Not high, not low, just a cute hair clip made out of shiny transparent teal plastic.  It looks a lot like a real gummy bear, only it's got a super-cute face.  Even real gummy bears aren't this cute.
Those are darn good accessories for a doll this little, though I advise caution with these shoes.  They're small enough to get lost or swallowed, and indeed one of my particular doll's shoes likes to pop off.

Now let's take a look at this body, a task that may be tricky due to all that hair.
Painted underpants!  Selah!  That was one of my biggest complaints about the Li'l Outrageous Littles; their clothes constantly gap open and show their butts, and there's nothing ON those little tushies to look cute!  At least paint on a diaper if you're going to have clothes that hang open, folks!  Dee Dee doesn't have either problem and I'm very glad.  Heck, I could even pretend that Dee Dee is wearing a swimsuit if I wanted to!  I also believe very strongly that Dee Dee and her hairy friends will avoid the body image gripes that have plagued Barbie since her birth, as her build is trim but not sexy.  Regarding joints, at first glance Dee Dee has the prerequisite five joints that keep her from being a figurine:  hip, hip, shoulder, shoulder, neck.  But these joints have surprisingly nice movement, especially for a figure so small.  The neck is average, with just rotational movement, but the shoulders are ball-jointed and can move in or out as well as back and forth.
It's fun to stay at the YYYYYYYYYY-M-C-A!!!  LOL, Dee Dee's tiny little elbows are not jointed, nor would I expect them to be.  They are permanently bent, and her little hands are cupped into a heart shape.
Several of the other Hairdorables have hands like this, but I still think it's cute.  I do wish there were a few more variations like peace signs or maybe the Vulcan salute (the latter would've suited space-obsessed Neila very well) but can't have everything, and I love the heart sign.  Dee Dee can also put her hands on her hips like so...
...but that seems a bit too attitudinal for a doll clad in a gummy bear dress.  Just the same, it CAN be done.

Hips are jointed similarly to the shoulders, with lateral movement in addition to back-and-forth movement.  Dee Dee can sit, though she has to be propped against the wall due to her huge head.
Front-back splits are a cinch...
...and she can do almost complete side-to-side splits as well.
The legs are surprisingly detailed, with visible kneecaps, ten little toes, and molded bone structure in the ankles.
In general I must say that this body is a pleasant surprise.  I had little dolls like this when I was smaller, the Li'l Secrets that Miss Emily reviewed about a year back, and though they were the same size as Dee Dee they had but one joint:  their heads turned.  That didn't stop me from loving them when I was a kid, but nowadays that would bug me since I like to pose my dolls and play around with them.  One could say that the Li'l Secrets were the ancestors of Hairdorables, by the way, as they held surprises in their hair.  And I mean IN their hair.  Read Miss Emily's review and you'll see what I'm talking about.  Either way I'm thankful for Dee Dee's joints, as they enable her to interact with my other dolls.

Speaking of other dolls, I have my doubts about clothes sharing for Dee Dee since she IS so small.  One of my FB friends suggested trying Chelsea clothes on her, but unfortunately I only have two Chelsea dolls, Chelsea and Calypso.  To complicate matters, Calypso has a molded top so Dee Dee can't wear that.  Too bad too, because it would've looked good with Dee Dee's hair.
Having looked at them all together I now have my doubts about how well this will go, but I can still try it out.
Calypso's skirt looks like it fits, and Chelsea's outfit looks plumb cute, but both of these outfits are WAY too big for Dee Dee.  The shoes almost fit, but I don't trust them not to fall off.
I also have several old-school Kelly dolls, and they're not as tall as Chelsea and Calypso so maybe this will work better.  Here's Winter Fun Keeya and Biker Baby Belinda.
Belinda was a personal favorite of mine during childhood, by the way.  My father was a biker during his young man years, and thus I'll always have a soft spot for bikers.  Let's see how this works, though; again I have my doubts, but it's worth a shot.
These fit even worse than Chelsea and Calypso's clothes do.  Even the shoes are too big.  Too bad too, because Dee Dee looks pretty darn cute.

Oh yes, I also have a PukiPuki dress, the one that proved too small for my Ai Dolls.  It would be great if Hairdorables could wear PukiPuki clothes, because Etsy has a few things available for PukiPukis.
Have I ever mentioned that I love the name "PukiPuki"?  FairyLand is good at naming their sculpts and their lines.  Anywho, this set came close to fitting, but it still gaps at the chest and the booties are loose.  This COULD work in a pinch, but I'm not thrilled with it.  FairyLand does make dolls one size smaller than PukiPukis, if y'all can believe that, so maybe a RealPuki dress might fit...

So that doesn't leave much that Dee Dee can wear.  Maybe if this line catches on Just Play will start making blind-bag outfits for these girls?  Wouldn't that be something?  Just make little boxes with outfits concealed inside, and maybe some hair clips or extensions to keep the Hairdorable theme alive?  I know that's what I'd do if I were calling the shots...but I'm not, so that's that.  For the more crafty of us, Hairdorables heads can apparently be used on other doll bodies.  The doll in the link is Rayne on an Ever After High body, and 11-cm Obitsu bodies apparently will work as well...but the color match is often horrid.  Y'all try putting a dark head like Dee Dee's on an Obitsu body that's Casper the Ghost white and see how great it looks (LOL).  I've always wondered why Obitsu bodies have to be so cotton pickin' pale, especially when there are dolls of color out there who'd look great on Obitsu bodies.

I think that settles it.  Do Hairdorables make the CUT with me?  LOL, hair?  Cut?  Jeez, y'all are a tough crowd!

*Blind bags again.  Blind bags always run the risk of duplicates.
*These are pricey for blind bags.  Mine cost $12.88, which might be a deterrent for those who are already hesitant about buying blind bags.
*Can't share clothes with any other dolls, as far as I know.  I still haven't tried RealPuki clothes.
*Small pieces, not suitable for young children
*Hair might tangle!

*Very cute.  These dolls' faces exude personality.
*Packaging is reusable, and there's not a lot of waste overall.  Heck, I even kept the plastic containers that the accessories came in!
*New spin on an old concept.  Hair play is nothing new, but the blind bag element gives it a bit of fresh air.
*Hair is nice.  It's a little stubborn, but it's not bad.  Very soft and smooth and good for braiding.
*Clothes are well-made and printed all the way around.
*Clothes and accessories can be shared back and forth.
*Heads can apparently be used for customization purposes, though I haven't tried that yet.
*Bodies, though small, have very nice joints.
*Perfect for dioramas!  I can't wait to set Dee Dee up with my other small dolls in my dollhouse. 

No joke, I have a dollhouse.  It's one of those big plastic Fisher-Price jobs, but it'll do for Kelly and Chelsea and Dee Dee and the Shoppies.  Anywho, I'm pretty fond of this line, though it does have a few problems, mostly problems that are specific to blind bags and can't really be avoided.  For example, this video provides some well-founded critiques that left me nodding my head in agreement.  And then of course there's always the problem with duplicates, as this Instagram user notes (she got three of the same Kali).  The men in the video address the problem with duplicates in an interesting way though, as these dolls can be easily traded.  Let's say I had two of the same Dee Dee.  I could easily trade one off for a doll that someone else doesn't like, or for a doll that someone else has two of.  Sort of like Pokemon cards were back in the day.  In short, the Hairdorables aren't perfect, but they may have another fan on their hands.  Froggy rated these dolls highly in one of her videos, which is saying quite a bit since the Hairdorables beat out a number of older lines to do so.  Froggy has been active in the dolly world for quite some time and I've grown to respect her opinions.

As for me...well, I would have ended this after endorsing Froggy's YouTube channel, but I'm still hoping to find a Kali or a Willow somewhere.   So great are my hopes that I went back to Dexter and bought their second (and last) Hairdorable.  Spoiler alert:  I didn't get Kali OR Willow.
I ended up with Kat in her signature look, better known as "Kat 'n' Dogs."  She is the owner of the yellow comb that Dandelion was wearing in the picture above.  Kat is not a doll I'd have chosen if I COULD have chosen, but she's obviously an animal lover so I can live with that.  Plus, she has a dog bone dress and Sailor Moon hair!  Granted, it's fluffy, curly hair that isn't as easy to control as Dee Dee's, but it's a very similar style to Sailor Moon's signature 'do.
In the name of cute puppies, she'll punish you!  LOL, speaking of cute puppies, this version of Kat comes with one.  All three versions of Kat do, but this one...I can't really determine that breed from just looking at him like I can Kat's other two dogs (her other variations come with a dachshund and a poodle).  My doll's dog is hard to see in the above picture, so here's a better look at him.  He would've made a pretty good little blind bag figure on his own!
I assumed that the little guy was a very fat chihuahua or a mutt, but Kat insists that he's a corgi named Gilly.  Or maybe this isn't Gilly but another little dog that Kat rescued; her other two variations do come with other dogs that are definitely NOT corgis!  Either way this accessory brought a collective "AWWWW!!!" from Mama and me.

Like Dee Dee, Kat sports a dress that is printed all the way around.
With the exception of head molds Kat and Dee Dee are about as different as night and day...
...but they sure make a cute pair!  I hope this line lasts longer than one wave, because I like the direction that it's headed in! 

Happy days,


  1. Whew! Quite a detailed review! Where to start? Okay, dancers use bobby pins. Dancers use *a lot* of bobby pins. There's lots of meme jokes about bobby pins amongst the dancer crowd. (My youngest started taking ballet at age 7 and ended up taking five different disciplines of dance.)

    I like the Hairdorables, but don't need them in my collection. Dollsville USA, by the way, got Sk3r Noah and Rayne Bow. :) I love the gummy bear theme with yours.

    Lastly, about an hour from me, there is an annual Wooly Bear Festival. I grew up hearing about it, but I've never actually been! It's the largest one day festival in Ohio, apparently, and I don't know that I'd like the huge crowds.

    1. Oh yeah, I forgot about dancers. We actually have ZERO dancers around Malden, so that would explain my ignorance there. As much as I love ballet I actually know precious little about it or about dancing in general.

      I ought to have checked out Dollsville USA's post beforehand and provided a link, so thanks for doing that for me. I like that blog quite a bit, but sometimes posts get buried in my dashboard.

      THE WOOLY BEAR FESTIVAL!!!!!!!!! Mama and Daddy told me about it, and I'm dying to go. I feel you about crowds, but I'd still love to go. Mama even told me that one year a Boston terrier won the title of Miss Wooly Bear...and she was NOT happy about being dressed up! I wish I could've seen that!

    2. Well, come up some September to visit and we can go to the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame and the Wooly Bear Festival. :)

  2. I grabbed one of these the other day at Walmart, but only one because I'd heard the end caps were *really* prone to giving you doubles. I really like how much personality these little gals have. The fact that they have removeable shoes, hair you can style AND fabric clothing is huge, imo. I just wish you could tell which doll you were getting. Adorable as she is, I don't think I want a second Willow, you know?

    1. Yeah, duplicates are a HUGE pitfall with the whole blind bag thing. Kind of a shame too, because these dolls are great. Thanks for the warning about endcaps, by the way; I know how they can be with Barbie selection. Congrats on getting Willow; I love her! She reminds me of Talolili and her fondness for kawaii things.

  3. This are so cute, I absolutely love their colorful hair, but I'm not really into mini dolls. Also, I haven't been to a toy store in a while, so I'm not sure if this are avaliable in my area.
    I do like blind bags but the kind that are around 2$. When Monster High was a big thing, I wished they did blind bags with shoes, accessories and even pets in different poses, or new ones for those dolls that didn't come with one. Yes, you have the chance to get a duplicate item, but you can always get creative and repaint it. Of course, it's a bigger deal if you get a duplicate with a more expensive items like this dolls.
    Great review.

    1. Dummy me, I completely forgot that one could customize a duplicate. These will be easy to customize with their big faces.

      I feel you about blind bag MH accessories; I wished that Mattel would've done that too. They'd have sold like hot cakes.
