Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sunday randomness: a redressed trio

Not a bad weekend, really.  Grandma is unfortunately still confused and in a lot of pain, but the hospice nurse pays his/her first visit tomorrow and hopefully that'll help some.  There IS a silver lining to the thundercloud, however, that being that First Uncle is home from St. Louis for the weekend, and we've thus been able to work things through as a family.  It's been a little painful, but it's also been fairly enjoyable, as we don't get to see First Uncle every day.  It's always nice to see him.

In dolly news...well, nothing important is happening, but I got a cute picture of three of my girls in their new clothes today.  It's not a perfect picture since it's very dark in my yard at this hour, but I managed.
From left, they are Stacie, Margaretha (Phone Fun Skipper), and good ol' Sindy.  Stacie and Margaretha are wearing old Mattel clothes from the nineties, and Sindy is clad in one of the new Nintendo-themed Barbie dresses.  I haven't seen too many of the new Nintendo clothes yet, but I'm glad I found this one with Princess Peach and Bowser on it.
Oh yeah, there's Mario too.  Dig Sindy's blouse, by the way; it has the in-game currency printed on it, and the print goes all the way around.
This outfit doesn't fit Sindy perfectly.  It's pretty loose all over and the straps like to slip off, but it's impossible to tell that in these pictures.  I don't know why I chose to put this outfit on Sindy in the first place, by the way, but I can't say that I'm sorry I did.
Let's face it, though:  Sindy looks good in everything I put her in.  She's just one of those dolls that can rock darn near anything.

I want to take a look at Margaretha briefly as well.  Her outfit screams early nineties, with long, loose sleeves, loud colors that contrast wildly, and...y'all ready for this???  This ensemble comes with a fanny pack!
I owned exactly one fanny pack during my lifetime, and guess what?  It was actually cuter than what Margaretha has!  It was a blue dog, a blue dog that predated Blue's Clues by about eight years, and I wore it...oh, maybe ONCE!!!  I used it as a stuffed animal, LOL!

Fall isn't TOO far off, but with part of July and all of August ahead it feels like an eternity.  I don't positively, absolutely HATE August like I do January, but August is definitely not my favorite month.  In my part of the country school starts in August as opposed to after Labor Day, and if one grows up in this area one learns pretty quickly to dread mid-August.  This is compounded if one of one's parents is a teacher...and guess who's mother taught all through my childhood?  LOL, August was not fun in the Moon House when I was a kid, and my dislike of the month has carried over to adulthood.  I need to come up with some way to make the month fun instead of complaining, like I do with Valentine's Day.  The good news is that it's looking to be an early fall.  Nighttime temperatures have been dipping into the sixties (danged nice), and it should be no surprise to y'all that I've started prepping my girls for that too.  I'm not going to show all of Sindy's cute new hat yet, but here's a a sneak peak.
I'll also allow that it's a darn cute little hat and I'm pleased with it, as fortunately I usually am with Etsy items.  It's sized for a Lati Yellow head and I was hoping that it might fit Freya, but it didn't so Sindy gets it.


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