Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The nest

Yesterday we had a line of thunderstorms come through.  They weren't super-violent, just windy enough to shake the limbs and blow loose junk from the trees.  Anyway, when I took the puppies for their afternoon business-doing I found this cast-off bird's nest.
One of my Facebook friends has it identified as the nest of either a starling or a martin of some kind, and we have plenty of both so this nest could be either one.  It's lined with mud and is surprisingly smooth inside, except for the hole on one side where the nest probably attached to the branch.
It's large enough inside to house a tennis ball...
...or Freya and Usaggie.  Take your pick.
Nothing super-special, really, but I've been looking for a bird's nest for awhile so it's good to finally have one.  I'll probably keep it awhile and then throw it on the leaf pile when I rake this fall...if I bother to rake.  I usually don't.  LOL

Freya's eyes are STILL not in yet, though I think they'll get here soon.  They made it to the distribution center in Queens, New York, so I might have them by the weekend.


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