Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The end?

Well, I can't say as this is a great surprise, but I'm still saddened to see this line go.  According to a link shared by my buddy Alyssia, the one who painted my lovely custom Ever After High doll, the Monster High line has been axed...or at the very least put on hiatus.  Here's the link to this unfortunate news.

Of course this is all strictly conjecture as I've heard nothing official, but the fact that there were no Monster High dolls at the Toy Fair speaks volumes.  Also telling was the declining quality of the dolls (which I griped about in the past), the ill-advised and unwanted reboot, and the complete absence of any new MH dolls on store shelves.  What saddens me is that there are still young fans of this line; just today I spoke to an eight-year-old in a tank top emblazoned with Frankie Stein, Draculaura, and Lagoona Blue, and when I asked "Do you like Monster High dolls?" she responded with an enthusiastic "YES!!!"  Of course it wasn't just the dolls that she liked, but it was an ice-breaker.

Earlier this year I had seen some awesome stock photos of ballerinas and hoodie-themed ghouls, but right now it looks like my hopes of catching one or the other in stores will come to naught since the local stores are not getting a restock.  Not that I need any more Monster High dolls, since I've got so many already, but dang, those hoodies were cute!!!  I guess I'll just have to settle for nude dolls on eBay (which are nice anyway), and with the clothes that Etsy supplies.  I do hope that the apparent demise of this line won't mean that my favorite Etsy shops will close, because I still have those poor eBay dolls to clothe!  Check this!
Okay, I admit that I just shared that picture because I didn't want this post to be all words.  All of my girls have shoes that match their ensembles now, so I'll need to update this picture.  Anyway, Cleo, Catty, and Catrine are all clad in dresses from a shop that I've spoken of in the past, HauntCoutureAtelier.  I can't crow enough about the proprietor's customer service, or the quality of her items.  I just hope that she'll stick around after Monster High's demise, so that those of us with dolls can clothe them in her colorful threads.

If I hear anything official I'll pass it along.

Much love,


  1. I love Monster High aswell, and I'm quite sad about it being cancelled, but honestly, they had it coming. I think that one of the problems with Monster High was that the line became too big in a short ammount of time, with tons of new characters getting released every year. It was cool at the beggining, but I feel that, at some point, collectors couldn't keep up. Also, some of their latest releases (before the reboot) were poorer in both quality and desing than their first releases.
    I do understand that Mattel wanted to make the most profit of such a succesful line, but somehow that's what made the line come to an end. Also, if you ask me, I think that Mattel is not very good at listening to what fans really want.
    I wish that Monster High would do a comeback in a couple of years, but with Garret Sander out of Mattel...
    I love your blog.

    1. It's weird. Mattel listened when fans wanted dolls of different body shapes, but when it comes to making more clothes for their individual lines or leaving something that isn't broken alone they're terrible! I did notice the quality getting worse as the line progressed, and I hear you about too many characters in a short time. And the reboot sucked, quite frankly; a lot of the edge went out of these dolls when the reboot came. So yeah, it's too bad about the line going bye-bye, but it HAS been a long time coming.

      So glad you like the blog. Talolili and I do our best to keep it fun for y'all and for us as well. You viewers give us a reason to keep it up.

    2. Dolls of different body shapes gave Mattel a lot more press, and a lot more SJW points, than improving or maintaining the Monster High line. Or the Ever After High line. (sniffle) I kind of wonder if Mattel sees doll lines other than Barbie as expendable. Kind of like a lot of the other doll lines that come and go, like La Dee Da or Lalaloopsy. I don't know if even your late lamented Pinkie Cooper would have gone on for more than about five years or so, even if she'd caught on better at the beginning. It would be interesting to be in on what the people who run Mattel are thinking.

    3. The weird thing is, Mattel doesn't even seem to be paying much attention to their cash cow. They're churning out cheaply made dolls and skimping on the clothes, and the clothes that they DO produce are hardly worth the money it took to sew them. I'm with you; I'd like to crawl in their heads and see what they're thinking.

  2. I never bought any of the Monster High dolls although I was tempted (to buy) by Scarah Screams, Catrine, and Torelai. The more mundane dolls usually got my funds - shrug - but I liked the MH concept. Pity they'll likely be going. They had a large and varied following, I thought.

    1. They did, until they mucked around with the head molds. That reboot was ill-conceived and ill-timed.
