Sunday, November 29, 2015

Living la vida loca, part two (not doll related)

Late last night I spoke of our latest gadget woe, that being my belief that the new AC/heater unit was on the blink.  I threw the breakers, went to bed, and endured a sleepless night due to nerves, a cold nose, and tummy trouble.  I finally nodded off around six and didn't rise again until eleven-thirty.  My mother slept well, despite the fact that she hates the cold, and the fact that she was almost as concerned as I was when she hit the sack.

Anywho, we are blessed enough to have crossed paths with a heating/cooling crew that works on Sundays if there's some sort of problem, and he came right down.  He promptly ordered the breakers turned back on, gave the electrical work a thorough examination, looked at the outside unit, and diagnosed...what else but a dirty filter!  He also explained that the noise we heard was innocuous and that the smell should clear up with a new filter.  After teaching me how to change the filter, he scratched my cat's chin and left.

I wasn't 100% convinced that the filter was the problem, particularly when I smelled the odor again, so I pulled out the filter, gave it a good shake, and put it back in.  I still get occasional whiffs now and again, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was.  Now all I've got to do is wait for the new filters to come (we had to order some online) and pray that nothing else goes wrong between now and then.  Oh yes, I also plan on going back on my meds; my anxiety nearly drove both Mama and me nuts this weekend.

Hats off to Carlos Warren and Son for helping us out today!  It was a Sunday and the weather has been less than stellar today, but a repairman came anyway.  Kudos to him!

Love always,


  1. Hopefully that's all it was. There might be some dust in there that's blowing in on the heating unit and making a sour burnt smell. My heat and air unit went out in January one year, and it was terrible trying to sleep with no heat at all in the house. Ugh!

  2. I'm so glad you all were able to get some assistance so fast and that the issue (hopefully) really was an easy fix.
    I hope the filters arrive soon and try to stay warm! Being cold sucks. :(

    1. Thanks! As far as I can tell all is well. The new filters haven't come in yet, so I may take the old filter out and give it a good shake before I go to work tomorrow. Hopefully that will ease the strain on the blower.
