Sunday, November 29, 2015

Living la vida loca

Exactly half a year ago I was complaining about how hot it was in the house.  Now I've got reason to complain about it being cold.  Look at Pix E. Flutters' hair!
Pix's hair doesn't turn pink unless her surroundings drop below 66 degrees Fahrenheit.  Apparently it's that cool in the house right now.

In case you haven't guessed, our furnace went out.  Yep, the brand new one that we got installed back in late May.  On Thanksgiving I got a whiff of something funny when the unit kicked on.  It smelled exactly like something burnt out.  Then the unit began making strange noises.  My mother can't smell well because of allergies, so she thought I was losing it until earlier this evening.  She heard the noise for herself, so now we're sitting around with the unit off and the breakers thrown, per a friend's suggestion.  We may be able to have it looked at tomorrow, and I'm praying that the men can fix it without a lot of fuss.  Please cross your fingers for us; Mama and I have a large group of pets, and I hate for them to be uncomfortable.

Cheers, I guess,


  1. Uh oh, strange noises and a burning smell -- that is not good. I hope they can get it fixed quickly! Until then, sweaters all around!!

    1. Pretty much, yep. I slept in my jacket, though it did very little good. Not knowing what's wrong has put my anxiety level on high, and my nose was cold, so I barely slept.

  2. Good luck with getting the furnace fixed quickly!

    1. Thank you! We are blessed to have workers who will come on a Sunday, so we've got someone on the way right now.
