Sunday, October 11, 2015

Dolly Dress Discussion: new Vi and Va outfits

MGA Entertainment's Vi and Va dolls were only introduced this past spring, but I think they may already be discontinued.  Their Facebook page lies quiet (last entry was on May 27th), and when I went to Target yesterday I didn't see any of the dolls.  In fact, I only saw the dolls there ONCE!!!  That one time I was smart enough to grab one of the outfits, and I promptly discovered that some of Mattel's dolls can wear it, as can Lalaloopsy Girls and Pinkie Cooper dolls.  Today I found two more outfits at Goodwill; these two were originally intended for Viviana and Valentina themselves.
I don't know if you can see those price stickers or not, but if you can, you may see that the prices are marked WAY DOWN.  Since these dresses are constructed differently from the one intended for Roxxi, my plan is to fit these to the dolls that can wear Roxxi's dress.
For a refresher, these dolls, from left, are Twilight Sparkle (Hasbro), Stacie (Mattel), Princess Malucia (Mattel), Pepper Parson (Bridge Direct), and Pix E. Flutters (MGA Entertainment).  Notice that Stacie is still wearing Roxxi's dress!  But first things first.  I have a Bratz Girlz Yasmin in my midst, and she has nothing to wear but shoes and painted-on undergarments.
Vi and Va were small-bodied MGA dolls just like Yasmin is, so that's given me an idea...and I think you know where I'm going with it!  Just for grins, let's see how she looks in the Roxxi dress.
Houston, we have a problem.  The Vi and Va dolls have small bodies, but Yasmin's is even smaller!  This hangs on her.  No way can she wear it.  Perhaps she can wear the other dresses?  They are constructed differently, having honest-to-God sleeves instead of plastic spaghetti straps that the Roxxi dress has.  We'll soon see!  Here's Valentina's dress.
Valentina (Va) is/was the younger sibling and got this cute white dress.  The dress is trimmed in bright pink ribbons and pale pink jersey fabric that is printed with pink and blue flowers.  It comes with a pink plastic headband and...YELLOW shoes???  Those shoes do not match anything about that dress, so what MGA was thinking there, I'll never know.  Anywho, the set is rounded out with a plastic doll/figurine, again for reasons that I'll never know.  There's got to be a reason for its inclusion, but that's not the point of this post.

The Roxxi dress didn't fit Yasmin, but out of curiosity I put the Valentina dress on her anyway.  And...
...lo and behold, Yasmin looks pretty good!  The dress is big on her, but since it's got sleeves instead of clear spaghetti straps, it doesn't sag as much.  This is perfect for Yasmin's little girl self.  As a bonus, the headband fits.  I neglected to photograph this part, but Yasmin's head is big enough for it.  Since Bratz Girls have shoe-feet on pegs like all other Bratz, Yasmin won't be able to wear the yellow shoes.  No great loss.

This looks okay on Stacie, but the fit is tight.  The Velcro only partially goes together in back.  It's also short to the point of comical.  It's hard to tell because the skirt is so full, but trust me on this one.  I doubt I'll put Stacie in this again.  The headband was too big, and the shoes didn't fit Stacie's flat feet.

This is the first doll I've tried that could even come close to wearing the shoes.  They don't fit Mal very well, but they do go on and stay on reasonably well.  As for the dress itself, it flatters Mal's body better than it does Stacie's.  The Velcro goes together all the way, and the skirt provides more coverage, though it's still pretty short.  The headband sort of fit, but it wanted to slip over Mal's eyes constantly so I took it off.  Not that Mal needs a headband or shoes anyway.  She has her own shoes, plus a crown, both in a shade of pink that will coordinate with this dress.  This is princessey enough that I'd put it on Mal again, provided that she has her own crown and shoes.

The bodice is a smidge big around Pepper's chest, but other than that this fits her fine.  Since Pepper has shorter legs than Stacie and Mal, the skirt falls lower and looks less vampy.  The shoes did not fit, so Pepper is wearing Mal's.  Okay, they don't match perfectly, but I like pink shoes better with this dress than I do those danged yellow ones!  The headband WOULD have fit, but Pepper's smooth little head would not allow it.  Stretching the band over her ears could've technically worked, but that would've put a lot of strain on the plastic so I abandoned that idea and left Pepper as is for the photograph.

Pix has a unique egg-shaped body, so I wasn't expecting this dress to fit her.  Much to my surprise, it does, and it looks pretty good.  The bodice is big at the top, and maybe the skirt is a little short, but Pix has such a cartoonish body that this isn't a huge deal.  Neither the shoes or the headband fit, which is too bad because the shoes are very similar in color to Pix's hair.  Since this dress clashes with Pix's coloring I put her stock shoes on.  Their white flower decorations help tie the look together a little better.  In short, I love the way this looks on Pix.

As with most of the dolls above, this dress is loose around Twilight's chest.  She's on the short side, so the skirt hangs at a reasonable length.  The shoes and the headband both fit and fit surprisingly well; the shoes fall off occasionally, but Twilight can wear them better than any of the other dolls I've shared.  They match her yellow leg a little too closely though, so if I were to put this on Twilight again I'd probably use her stock shoes.  I probably won't make Twilight wear this again, though, because it doesn't suit her character.  This is more like something that Pinkie Pie would wear.  I'm not a huge fan of Pinkie Pie, by the way.  Her voice irritates me.
With Valentina's dress out of the way, here's Viviana's.
Viviana (Vi) got an outfit that looks more like a pajamas set than a dress.  It has a pale blue smock top with a flowered collar and matching flowered shorts.  The shoes are pink and the headband is blue, but they are otherwise the same as those that came with Valentina's dress, so I probably won't discuss them.  Another funny-looking little doll makes an appearance, and again I'm at a loss for reasons why.  I'll probably pose these plastic dolls with my Nenderoid figures.  LOL, didn't think I had any, did ya!!!  Yep, I do.  I was hoping for some Puella Magi Madoka Magica figures (Kyoko's my gal!), but Hastings only had Idolmaster 1 and 2.  They're cute little figures, regardless of what character they are, but I digress.

I'll go in the same order, with Yasmin going first.
This set is big on Yasmin, but not intolerably so.  Since it looks like a pajamas set the big fit can be forgiven.  Hey, who the heck wants to sleep in tight pajamas???  I sure don't!  The headband fits and the shoes don't.

I wish I had a little teddy bear to pose in Stacie's arm.  This set suits her wonderfully well.  It's not too big or too small, and it looks like something a girl her age would wear to bed.  I'm loving this.

Likewise, Princess Malucia wears this like a champ.  She doesn't wear it quite as well as Stacie does, but this is good enough for Mal to wear to a pajama party thrown by one of her common acquaintances.  The shoes fit reasonably well, but frankly, this set could've done without the shoes.  I only put them on Mal because her high-heeled feet look weird without shoes.

This set looks cute on Pepper as well, but I'm starting to think that EVERYTHING looks cute on Pepper.  Everything that I've tried on her looks adorable.  It probably helps that Pepper's coloring is rather neutral; black and white both match everything!

Again, I was afraid that this wouldn't fit Pix's egg-shaped body, and this time I had to contend with pants legs!  Pix's sizable feet don't always fit through pants.  As it turns out, I needn't have worried.  Pix wears this with aplomb.  Her tights even match the flowered collar and shorts, but to be perfectly honest, I probably won't put this on Pix very often.  She already has a cute set of pajamas, and they match her coloring better than these do.

Once again, Twilight is the only one who can wear the complete outfit.  The shoes fit reasonably well, and so does the headband.  As a bonus, this outfit suits Twilight's coloring better; you can't see the streaks in her hair very well, but they're pink and blue like this outfit.  Twilight definitely will wear this again.
In short, these Vi and Va dresses are good for Pinkie Cooper, Equestria Girls, Lalaloopsy Girls, and the Princess Malucia doll.  Stacie and the older Bratz Kidz can wear some of these outfits, but the fit is hit and miss.  If you have any of the dolls I mentioned in the first sentence, I highly recommend these outfits.  Hasbro, MGA Entertainment, and Mattel have all been lax about releasing new outfits for their dolls, so these Vi and Va clothes are an excellent way to rectify that.  

The Vi and Va series has one more dress available, that one belonging to flaxen-haired Felicia.  Here's what it looks like:
What on God's green earth is up with these accessories???  Who would wear a pink headband with a blue and black ensemble???  Brother!  Anywho, Felicia's outfit is the only one I don't own now.  Given the fact that the three dresses I do have fit all my dolls differently, this one will probably be full of surprises.  I hope desperately that I can find it, maybe tucked away in Target's discount section?  That would be fabulous.  

Yours truly, 


  1. You are correct; the Vi and Va line has been discontinued. The idea was great, but the outfits were sometimes strange (as you noted) and the dolls themselves had strangely painted eyes and those elephant feet. The only thing I can think of with the dolls is I've heard it's tradition for a girl to receive a "last doll" at her quinceaƱera. Why every individual outfit would need a doll is beyond me, though.

    I wish Pinkie Cooper had hung around. They weren't appealing enough for me to spend my carefully-budgeted doll money on, but they're cute dolls.

    1. Yep, I'm familiar with the Last Doll ceremony, and that's an interesting possibility. The odd thing is that the last doll given is usually a fancy porcelain doll. These figures remind me more of Japanese kokeshi dolls.

      I wish Pinkie Cooper had hung around longer too. That idea could've been gold; she could've had other breeds to be her friends, maybe some foreign breeds to better represent the "Jet Set Pets" idea. She could've had a Chinese friend that was a chow chow, or a French friend that was a poodle. That whole line was a gold mine.

  2. I purchased those same outfits at my Goodwill store. Couldn't pass up the bargain. Thanks for the review. You might still find Pinkie Cooper at Tuesday Morning or Family Dollar stores. Tuesday Morning had them on Clearance.

    1. Aha, so I see Goodwill is a good place to look for these clothes! Maybe I'll find the last one I need there. Yes, I saw Pinkie Cooper dolls at Tuesday Morning; I would've grabbed one, but frankly I need another one like I need a third leg tacked on. Maybe those extra outfits Pinkie Cooper had will turn up at one of the stores you mentioned; that would be fabulous!
