Sunday, December 2, 2012

A couple of follow-ups

For the first time in thirteen years, I have set foot in a Toys R Us.  Today was my sister's induction ceremony into an honor society (she got into Omicron Delta Kappa), and after that we ate out and gadded about.  I reminded my mother of the B.F.C. Ink predicament that I am in, and the possibility that TRU might have some dolls on clearance there.  The manager of the store in Cape Girardeau happens to be a dear friend of my sister's, so that was an added incentive to go.

As it turned out, TRU was out of B.F.C. Ink dolls and had been for sometime.  Discouraged by this news, I went off to see what I could find, and I ended up coming away with this:
Remember when I said that Moxie Teenz clothing and accessories are hard to come by?  Well, I finally found a place that has the stuff I so desperately crave.  This is a Moxie Teenz wig, quite obviously.  It is the very wig that I have been wanting for a long time (remember that I'm a sap for unusually colored hair).  It is a pink chin-length bob, and it comes with its own mannequin.  And unsurprisingly, it has a flaw.  Check this out!
This is how the wig looks after being smooshed in its package for God knows how long.  The hair gaps open at the part and reveals the plastic wig cap underneath.  This wig cap is clear and thus shows whatever color is beneath it, be it the white of the mannequin or the black of Tristen's painted head.  It wasn't hard to extract from said packaging, but getting it to look halfway decent is another story entirely.  It looks great from the front.
But from the back, not so much.
Like I said above, this is a side effect of the packaging and not an error or a poor root job.  I am hoping that with some time and TLC the hair will relax and cover the rest of the wig cap...and Tristen's head.  Tristen, however, is not griping.  She's pretty pleased to have a break from the same-old, same-old that her black stock wig was giving her.  And finding any wig at all has been a real chore for me so I too am pleased.  Plus, it matches both Tristen's stock outfit and her pink nightie quite well.

In addition to the pink wig I saw this wig, this wig, this outfit set, and a jewelry set.  But best of all was Gavin.  I finally saw him today, for the first time since his release!  He's very attractive, almost like a grown-up version of LIV's Jake.  Yes, I do believe I've FINALLY found a place where I can get things for my Tristen.  Hopefully I can get back there before all the other stuff is sold out.

Now, an update on my blog entry regarding Lala-Oopsy dolls.  I saw two of them at TRU today; Princess Nutmeg and Princess Anise were both there, and they were both cute.  I did not think to photograph these unusual creatures for posterity, but I did get a good look at Princess Nutmeg through the box.  Here's what they look like in the box (please note that this is NOT the doll I saw at TRU; photo credit goes to
Notice that Lala-Oopsies are billed as having a "soft, squishy head and bendy legs."  If you own a Lalaloopsy doll then you know that these dolls have very hard, very heavy heads.  Heck, I've even biffed myself in the face with Blossom (due to klutziness on my own part), so the soft head of the Lala-Oopsy sounds like a good idea.  Or does it???  Since I didn't buy Princess Nutmeg I can't give you a detailed review of her head (or her bendy legs), but her head looked suspiciously like FOAM!!!  The appearance reminded me of some of the old balls Nerf used to sell.  Nerf called the balls "Poof" balls (chuckle), and I had several during my childhood.  They were soft foam rubber and covered with a layer of latex paint, like this:
You see how that looks?  Lala-Oopsy heads look just like that, sort of shiny but sort of matte at the same time.  This is significant because if that paint peels even a little bit (and it will during the span of play), kids will pick at it and create big unpainted patches with just sponge rubber showing through.  Once again, I know this from personal experience; my sister ruined every Poof ball I owned during my growing up, to the point that I stopped asking for them.  If a Lala-Oopsy head is made out of the same material as a Poof ball, then what's to stop a nosy little child (like my sister) from peeling the paint off?  If this happens then voila!  You paid thirty bucks for a doll for your child and now it has a featureless head.  Or no head at all; another of my sister's favorite things to do with my Poof balls was to pinch small plugs of foam out of the ball.  The last one I had looked like Swiss cheese before we declared it a loss (the family dog also helped that one along).  I could be wrong; I wasn't able to directly examine Princess Nutmeg's head through all that plastic, but this will definitely be something interesting to see.  If the Lala-Oopsy dolls have foam heads then I can't see them becoming a hit...and that makes me want one all the more!  Today's flops may become tomorrow's collectors' items!

Speaking of flops, sweeping change of subject.  The entire time that I was scouring the shelves looking for bargains, discounts, and rare finds, my sister and her boyfriend were talking with the manager of the store.  Remember back at the beginning when I said that Manager and Sister are friends?  Apparently they are pretty close, because Manager promised to hold back any B.F.C. Ink dolls that she might come across...AND she said she might let me have one free of charge!  As an added bonus, she also told my sister that I'm not the only one who has come into TRU searching for B.F.C. Ink dolls.  Apparently their discontinuation made them popular with collectors, so now I feel less like a complete dolt for having waited.  I only feel like a partial dolt.  LOL

Whatever happens, I'll keep you posted.
Tristen says bye-bye!

Cordially yours,

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