Monday, June 10, 2024

The big four

For classic rock fans the term "the big four" refers to the first four British bands to make it big in the U.S.:  the Beatles, the Who, the Stones, and the Kinks.  I like all four of those bands and thus refer to the big four often, but when one is a hardcore American Girl fan there's a different kind of big four.  For some reason these four are held in higher regard than most.  #2 and #4 are on the top row, and #11 and #15 are on the bottom.

By luck of the draw I have #15 and #4, better known to me as Jettivee and Silver Bird.
I understand why AG collectors scrabble for a first-issue #6 since those are rare, and I think I can also fathom why #4 is special since her head is unique.  But the other three...believe y'all me, I mean no hate at all towards these dolls, but I do wonder why collectors seem to love them.  When one pops up on the Failbook group I'm in everyone goes nuts.  These dolls have a lot in common, I'm noticing; they're all brown-eyed brunettes, and none of 'em are white.  Both Silver Bird and Jettivee LOOK fair-skinned in my pictures, but believe y'all me, they're not white dolls.  Jettivee is dusky, and Silver Bird has a golden cast.
None of 'em had short runs either.  All four dolls were released in 1995 and all four were available for over a decade.  #15 had the shortest run (she was discontinued in 2007) and #2 had the longest (she was retired in 2012).  Compare that to #48, who was released in 2009 and retired in 2012 and is also something of a unicorn for some collectors.  Based on all that I'm wondering why these particular four send American Girl collectors into a collective tizzy.  They're cute dolls, no question, but then so are the ones available for purchase now.

As for me myself, I'm glad that I've got Silver Bird and Jettivee in my bunch, but I won't turn my nose up at either #11 or #15 if they should appear for a good price.  Jeez, I'm such a glutton!  

Love to all, 


  1. I've always loved your AG gang but have never felt a desire to collect them myself as an adult.

    Now those catalogs as a kid... I think my grandpa just liked to torment me because we had a subcription to it but I never got any of the dolls.

    1. You're probably better off NOT collecting them, LOL. I love my girls, but they're expensive and they take up a lot of space.

  2. I did get some things out of the catalogs, but never enough, because we had two little growing girls in the house at the time, which didn't leave much disposable income. I know what you mean about them taking up a lot of space, which is why I only have four. I have some furniture for them, though, and that stuff is bulky too. Fortunately for me, our two growing girls are grown and gone, so that leaves me with more space (and Mr. BTEG as well.) :)

    1. In my infinite lack of wisdom I got my kids an entertainment center and that three-in-one gaming set. I did the latter because I love foozeball, but joke's on me. I have NOWHERE to put said stuff. What a dope I am, LOL. You aren't lying, that stuff is bulky.
