Monday, May 27, 2024

Under the cabbage leaf: lovely to see you

Dark cloud of fear is blowing away
Now that you're here, you're going to stay
'Cause it's lovely to see you again, my friend
Walk along with me to the next bend

--The Moody Blues, "Lovely to See You"

When all else fails, quote the Magnificent Moodies!  I have to admit though, that if I genuinely love someone I want 'em with me PAST the next bend, not just to it.  But then again, one can't be with someone a hundred percent of the time.  Even Mama and Daddy were apart sometimes, although their hearts remained connected, of course.  And sometimes one can only live one bend at a time, so there's that.  ANYWAY, the exodus from my current house has been slow but steady.  While I was shoveling out one bedroom I unearthed these five, better known among my Patch as "the Lost Five."  It truly was lovely to see them, all in one piece and free of pox despite spending three summers without AC.
From left, Stella Rae, Valencia Rose, Poppy Elizabeth, Andrea Doria, and Taniyah Yasmin.  It's been WAY too long since these girls were in the blog, and also too long since they were hauled out of storage.  Andrea Doria remembers when she was my only Cabbie, and she was shocked to see how much the Patch has grown.
Andrea Doria is an in-joke between Tam and me.  Perhaps it's bad taste to name a doll after a shipwreck, but the SS Andrea Doria has familial significance.  My dad was fascinated by shipwrecks and was a history buff, and he credited both of these hobbies with the sinking of the Andrea Doria.  In 1956 he was four, and it was early in the morning where we were, but Grandma roused Daddy anyway with the words "Get up, son.  There's history happenin'."  There on live TV was the Doria, heeling over and slowly sinking.  Daddy was glued to the TV, and from then on he was obsessed with both history and shipwrecks.  And that is a too-long story about why I'd name a doll after a shipwreck.  Andrea herself is kinda special, as she was the first Cabbie I obtained as an adult collector, and my first Cornsilk Kid, AND my first and only Growin' Hair Kid.  She was just as surprised as I was to learn that dolls with fiber hair are STILL called Cornsilk Kids.  Kory Aryan and Julie Emmalee are only two of my Cornies.
Back in the dinosaur days when Andrea, Val, and Poppy were my only Cabbies, I said that all the Cabbies I'd known had "bricks" inside their chests.  BUT...butbutbut, I'd only known four of 'em at the time I'd written that!  Andrea Doria and my childhood doll Honoria had "bricks," but the more Cabbies I met the more I realized that "bricks" are NOT a feature of all Cabbies!  Shelley Fred doesn't have a "brick."  Nor do Idalia Gale or Candela Laura, or Kory Aryan, or ANY of my other Cabbies!  The only way I can explain it is that Andrea Doria and Honoria were both Growin' Hair Kids.  I mean, they're both nice and soft (or were, in Honoria's case), but if I hug Andrea tight I can feel that mechanism inside her.  Oh, Andrea is special in another way, as she's one of only two Cabbies I own that doesn't have blue, green, or brown eyes.  Andrea has violet eyes, and Owen Presley's eyes are hazel.
Usually when Cabbies have blue eyes they're sapphire-colored, like Idalia Gale's, Hugo Jack's, and Lucey Dena's.  I've only seen a few that had darker blue eyes like Andrea does.
By the way, I didn't learn until just here recently that the #9 head is called the "monkey" face, because the eyes are so close together and the ears stick out.  It's hard to see Andrea's ears, but her eyes are definitely close together.
Could be worse, I guess.  #14 is called the "potato" face.  I love potatoes, but I wouldn't want to be compared to one!  By the way, when I find Cabbies running around without papers I assign them birthdays as well as names.  Andrea Doria's assigned birthday is July 26th.  The anniversary of her namesake's sinking.

Here's Valencia Rose, delighted to meet two other dolls with the #4 head.  
Truth be told, I didn't want these many Cabbies with the same head, but when one sees a Jesmar for fifty bucks one doesn't quibble about head molds.  Besides, it's not like they're all that alike.  Two Colecos, one Jesmar.  Two girls, one boy.  Three hair colors, two eye colors, three hairstyles, one with freckles, and all three of 'em have different complexions.  LOL, point made.  Since Candela and Val do have green eyes, I want to compare the shades.  The paint jobs are different, that's for certain; Val has more black in her eyes than Candela does.
Shape varies more than shade, LOL.  Oddly, even though I love red hair, Val is still my only redheaded Cabbie...sort of.  Auburn is a shade of red, isn't it?  Shelley's locks are auburn, and Kory Aryan's hair is...well, kinda ginger-brown.  There's definitely some red in it, though it doesn't show up in photographs.
My mistake, the BACK of Kory's hair has a lot of red in it, and it does show up some in photographs.
On the other hand, Titania Rosalind's hair is truly, most sincerely red.
I really like these "Playmates," as Coleco called them.  They're dolls for dolls, and I've always loved that. Courtney Moore needs one; an eighties doll simply can't be without a Cabbage Patch Kid.  Valencia Rose's birthday is also the anniversary of her namesake ship's sinking, January 22nd.  I wanted Titania's birthday to be April 15th, but Val insisted that her doll share a birthday with her.  I didn't argue.

Then there's Stella Rae, who is in a sense the same doll as Cara Raelean.  I've been saying that ever since I adopted Cara, but now I can honestly-to-God show y'all.  Stella Rae is on the left.  She picked August 5th for her birthday, for reasons I don't know.
Stella encountered some minor mishap somewhere, either at the factory or with someone ham-handed, so she's got a faded right eyebrow and a barely visible smudge of blue paint over her right eye.  Her vinyl is also opaque and slightly yellow, versus Cara's slightly paler complexion.  So even though these two are the same they're easy to tell apart.
Fun fact:  Twin Preemies made it to the prototype stage, but were never sold as such.  The full-sized Kids WERE twinkies from time to time.  But I can still pretend that Cara and Stella are twins.  In other news, I learned this past weekend that #1 is called the "shy" face.  Stella and Cara don't look too shy to me!

Taniyah Yasmin is here, of course.  I still need to find her accessories, but she's happy.  Jakks Pacific Cabbies almost always are.  Taniyah is the first Cabbie I bought with her papers, so I know her real birthday:  October 22nd.
Taniyah was initially the smallest of my Cabbies, so she's pleased as punch to have Owen Presley and Sammy Sloth to hang out with.
As for Poppy Elizabeth...well, she's Poppy Elizabeth, soft and squishy as ever.  The Joplin tornado was still fresh in every Missourian's mind when I bought her, so May 22nd is her birthday.
Poppy's favorite thing to do is lounge, like a cat.  Maybe she needs a cat to be her pet.  Lucey Dena and Lesley Emily have pets, after all.

As for growing my Patch...well, it grew by four this past month.  There's Alexandra Claire, another joyous Play Along Kid.  Mama helped me name this one.  Her assigned birthday will be the day that I bought her, May 14th.
I finally got my sunshine-haired Kid!  She's not QUITE like a gaudy yellow, but she's good enuff for me.  She's also got another feature that I didn't yet own:  gray eyes.  Coleco Kids had gray eyes once in a blue moon, but I've never seen one.
Then there's Allie Kathleen, a 25th Anniversary Kid.  Mama bought her for me AND helped me name her, LOL.  I don't know why Mama took such a liking to Allie, but she did.
Allie was listed on Etsy without any clothes, and Mama says she felt sorry for her.  Indeed, Allie's seen some hard playtime; her face is scuffed and her left elbow has come unsewn, but I can fix that.  Her birthday will also coincide with her ordering date, May 11th.

THEN there's Cleopatra Chantale, a Growing Hair Kid with lovely red locks and another head that I didn't own.  What a beautiful complexion she has!
The #22 Cabbie head is a favorite of mine for an unfortunate but humorous reason.  I was browsing Diana's Patch, getting to know the various heads, and I just happened to be looking at #22 when Mama looked over my shoulder.  "EWWWW!!!  Some of 'em really ARE uglier than others!" she exclaimed.  I'd TOLD her not all of 'em were the same, but I don't think she believed me, LOL.  Of course I thought this was a riot, and when I saw this #22 with red hair in a yellow dress I was sold.  This child's name genuinely is Cleopatra Chantale, by the way...and her birthday is October 1st, just like Hugo Jack's and Shelley Fred's.  Her papers didn't make it into her box, but the seller says he'll be sending them soon.  So we'll see!

Nathan Hunter is a Coleco-era Preemie and has his papers.  His birthday is October 1st and he dreams of being a sportswriter.
Four of 'em.  I've got FOUR Cabbies with this birthday!  My birthday is in October so I'm biased towards October birthdays, but in a patch of twenty-seven having four dolls with the same birthday is a hair nuts.  

Lastly, there's Nate's little brother, a bean-butt baby named Esmond Brant.  He also has papers; his birthday is November 1st.  For another dose of birthday madness, Esmond's birthday is the same as Cara Raelean's.
See how clean and nice his little head is?  I was very choosy about picking a bean-butt in good condition, and I'll do everything I can to keep Esmond as such.
For awhile Nathan was lashed to his original box (pardon the flash).
But as I've said before, what's the point of a doll if you're not gonna love on it?  I did photograph the box since I'd never received a Coleco Kid in situ, but Nathan is free now.  He looks super-cute with the other Preemies.
He also looks adorable with little bro Esmond.
Esmond, being a bean-butt, is the smallest of my Coleco Kids, and I was half-expecting him to be Taniyah Yasmin's size.  Here's what I get for thinking.
LOL, Taniyah is smaller even than a bean-butt!  Cabbie sizes never fail to surprise me.  Esmond is wonderfully soft, by the way.  He's got the stuffed stockinette body and the beanbag tushie, but he's also swathed from head to toe in knitwear.  Most of the bean-butts I've seen wear knitted clothes like this, in soft colors like pink and mint green.  Esmond wears blue.  See the cables on his chest?  I love cable knit stuff.
Regarding other factors, Esmond has a #1 head, meaning that he shares a head with Stella Rae and Cara Raelean.
In a similar manner, Alexandra Claire shares a head mold with Julie Emmalee...sort of.  The numbers on their necks are different, but their expressions are very similar.
Finally, Allie Kathleen shares a head mold with Hugo Jack.  They're both #5...and yet look how different they are!  Play Along and Jakks Pacific Kids have such pretty complexions.
#5 is growing on me.  I didn't like this head when I first saw it in Doll Reader, but it's growing on me.  For the record, #30 will always be my favorite Cabbie head, and Play Along's PA-23 has also become a favorite.  Dolls with variants of that head look like they're up to some sort of mischief.

Since I like discussing where my various dolls came from, here's where all four of the newbies originally lived.
*Alexandra Claire hails from Riverview, Michigan
*Allie Kathleen comes from beautiful Alpine, Utah (I freaking love the Wasatch Mountains)
*Esmond Brant is the only foreigner, coming from Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario
*Nathan Hunter is from Port Clinton, Ohio

In other news my relatively good luck with names continues.  Cleopatra Chantale is unusual, and she doesn't really look like a "Cleopatra," but so far, the only really stinky combo I've gotten has been Shelley Fred, and I can live with "Shelley" due to its literary roots.  Owen Presley remains my favorite of the dolls with official names; that one's gonna be a tough one to top.  As for the ones I had to name, it's kinda hard to go wrong when your mother is helping you pick.  And since I made such a big to-do about birthdays, I wonder if I'll ever find one that shares my birthday?  I know I can always assign someone a birthday like Valencia Rose did with Titania Rosalind, but...well, I like the thrill of the chase.  My birthday is October 6th, so if any of y'all see a doll with that birthday let me know.  Also, please let me know if you've ever seen a Cabbie that shares YOUR birthday!  As a last little tidbit, I got a surprise box in the mail, so keep your eyes peeled for a post about that.



  1. Oh good, the surprise arrived! Hopefully in one piece. Someone obviously got lazy with the packing, can't imagine who that was <__<

    If you're interested, there's at least one channel I follow on YouTube that does documentaries about shipwrecks. He narrates very nicely and makes for comfy background listening, subject matter notwithstanding.

    1. Oh good, I'm always browsing YouTube. And I'm always looking for something new to watch. It'll take awhile, but I'll get up a post on those dolls you sent me. They're cute!

    2. Yes ma'am! It's this guy, Maritime Horrors:

      And take your time :)

  2. I have to say, Cleo is my favourite of your flock. (Or should I say, 'crop'?) Clothing-wise, I am partial to Esmond's knit get up, and Nathan's shortalls and cap. That must have to do with my generation, I guess. I've been to Port Clinton. I've covered Ohio pretty well. Not that there's much to cover.

    1. Can't say that Missouri has much either, LOL. Not if you don't like nature, anyway. If you fancy hiking there's all sorts of neat stuff. I must admit that I'm dying to see what Ohio has to offer. Your state borders a Great Lake, after all.

      LOL, I figured Cleo the brown-eyed redhead would appeal to you! You know my opinions on red hair! And yeah, I love both Nathan's and Esmond's outfits. They're extra soft, especially Esmond's knitwear.
