Thursday, May 9, 2024

A nice little surprise

My mother and I have recently befriended a young lady who comes into the library.  Said lady is close to me in age and is taking college classes after hitting a rough patch in her life.  So she's in the library a lot and we've gotten pretty tight.  This afternoon she brought me this.
"A little bird told me that y'all like dolls," she explained as she handed this little one to me.  This poppet is about the length of my birdie finger and is all-bisque like those little dolls Hobby Lobby used to sell.  In truth she's a Christmas ornament, but I'll be using her as a regular little doll.  I think I'll name her Jessica, after my friend.  Thanks, Jessica!

In other news, my area made it through the storm in one piece, though I understand that at least one reader's neck of the woods didn't fare as well.  Setsu-P tells me that she's okay and her loved ones are okay, but apparently it was still not a pleasant experience.  Sigh...I don't guess any storm really is, unless your area is really desperate for rain.  My area's had a bit too much.  



  1. Now she's what I'd call a dolly for a dolly! 🥰 What a thoughtful thing to do and a great way to build a new friendship.
    You seem to have a lot of storms where you live, have you ever thought of moving? Even though we don't have the storms you get, I'm not fond of rain or cold and have often considered moving to a warmer climate. Unfortunately, our warmer climate state, seems to get even more rain as well as tropical cyclones, so I just stay put and hibernate in winter. 😂
    Big hugs,

    1. Yeah, this lady is very considerate. Mama and I are thinking of something nice to do for her.

      Regarding the weather, it actually isn't as dangerous here in Missouri as one would think. I make a big fuss here on the blog because I'm equal parts fascinated and paranoid, but in truth storms aren't as big a deal as I make 'em out to be. Tornadoes are common enuff that one needs to have a plan, but the biggest danger here in my town is actually the fault line!

    2. Well let's hope the ground doesn't open beneath your feet then. 😘

  2. We've had a bunch of rain (and snow) here too! I'm farther north and west than you are, and the winds have been especially crazy. I saw a lawn chair slam into my neighbor's fence! Super scary. As far as I know, no one's been hurt which is a blessing.
    My grass is growing like crazy. It's a jungle... 😂

    1. My front yard is beginning to look like a jungle too, LOL.

  3. Thank you everyone for your kind words. Sarah and her mother have become so dear to me. You guys are so encouraging and I look forward to coming in and doing my work and visiting with you guys! Sarah I just love your page and all the support you get. This is a great way to meet people and express yourself.

    1. This is been a wonderful outlet, yes. When I was in high school the only way to reach out was by letter, and even then I couldn't see pictures of other folks' dolls. With the blog I've met some delightful people!
