Monday, April 15, 2024

Two blue-eyed blondes

I've been futzing around with my My Twinns lately since they're all gonna need some work done before I get ready to move them.  During one futzing session I noticed that my boy Twinn has something in common with one of my other favorite dolls, Real Baby. 
Both Justin and Geneva are blue-eyed blondes!  This makes me giggle because I sometimes get tired of that combo.  I don't HATE it, mind y'all.  It's just that when I was little ALL the Barbies and almost ALL the baby dolls I had were blonde and blue-eyed.  Thus when I had a doll with dark hair or no hair or particularly red hair I was pretty pleased.  Justin and Geneva help break up the monotony a bit, though.  Geneva's eyes are darker than usual...
...and Justin's eyes are lighter. 
I keep thinking that Justin's left eye is wonky, but I'm wondering now if that eyelash is just set too low?  I need to reglue Rael's lashes AGAIN, so I may try that with Justin too to see if it'll help him focus.

I should probably note that at one time I was blonde and blue-eyed myself, LOL.  I was born with dark hair, said hair lightened up for a spell, and by the time I hit second grade it was dark again.  My eyes have been blue from the get-go.  They're not as dark as Geneva's nor as light as Justin's, and they didn't change color like my mother's eyes did.  Mama was born with blue eyes, and they didn't turn brown until she was about a year and a half old!  Humans are so weird!

Speaking of My Twinn, keep an eye out for a new girl.  I said no more big dolls, but this one's hair was just too beautiful to pass up.  She'll make her debut soon.



  1. Most Caucasian people are born with blue eyes, which eventually turn whatever colour they will end up. It does happen that brown eyed people are born that way though. I was born with my brown eyes, and so were my two brown eyed kids. But, as I have gotten old, my dark brown eyes have faded to almost green.

    1. I reiterate: humans are WEIRD! I've heard of eyes changing as children but not as adults. Gosh, I bet your eyes are gorgeous, though. Mama's are; they kinda change with the lighting...and with her mood, LOL.

    2. I can relate to your mom. My eyes, even when they were dark brown used to look different depending on the clothes I wore, and, as you said, the lighting. I worked in a store, so that bright, overhead light. People often said, "Your eyes are the same colour as your hair!" Excuse me. I do NOT have orange eyes.

    3. Maybe they meant that your eyes looked like polished petrified wood. That can have a ruddy tint to it, and if it's opalized it can sparkle. Believe it or not, I HAVE seen people with eyes like that, and drop-dead gorgeous those eyes were.
