Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Think pink

As promised, here's Candela Laura and Cara Raelean in their new clothes.  
Being a blonde, Candela was kinda born to wear pink.  Mama saw this outfit on Etsy and liked it.
A flowered blouse and a cute pair of pink corduroy overalls.  Oh, and two hair bows.  One for the base of Candela's ponytail and one for the top.
I love how the foliage on the blouse brings out Candela's eyes.  I didn't show that effect, so y'all will just have to take my word for it.
Oh, and I want to show Treesa the shoes, seeing as she supplied these.
Candela sends her heartfelt gratitude, Treesa!  She says those shoes match both her new outfit and the elephant getup.

As for Cara...well, to tell y'all the truth, she can wear any color she likes.  One of the things that I love about bald Cabbies is that they don't have to worry about their outfit complimenting their hair.  Anyway, I supplied Cara's outfit meself.  It came from Blastpiper Discounts on eBay.
As I said about Cara's last outfit, I'm a sucker for baby bonnets.  I'm also a sucker for anything tie-dyed, and such things are difficult to find in...well, in ANY doll's size!  When Mattel released that Ken doll in the tie-dyed wife-beater I was ecstatic.  That said, this isn't really tie-dyed at all.  It's a very fine plaid.
I won't have to worry about staining now...or I shouldn't have to.  If you've ever made your own tie-dyed shirts then you know how the colors can bleed or stain other things.  Now that I stop to think of it, that's probably the reason why doll clothes aren't oft tie-dyed.  Anywho, this outfit is pretty fancy-free; It's got lace on the hem of the dress and around the bonnet, but that's about it.
The lace on the skirt is different from the lace on the bonnet.  I like the stuff on the bonnet better; it's more substantial.
Just for the helluvit, Cara in her bonnet.  
Squeeeee, baby bonnet!  LOL, any outfit for the Preemies is fair game; for some reason there doesn't seem to be a lot of stuff out there...not on eBay, anyway.  Etsy is another story.

And that, kiddies, is my girls in pink!  As usual I owe my mother a debt of gratitude for Candela's outfit; she's always getting my dolls (or me) something nice like that.  I hope she knows I appreciate it.

Pink love,

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