Monday, February 26, 2024

Saucy springtime

 I finally added Saucy to my collection!  I've been calling her "Alana" after Alana "Honey Boo-Boo" Thompson, but "Saucy" is an apt moniker too.  For the uninitiated, Saucy's face changes expressions when her left arm is turned.  Her right arm can be posed normally. 

It was a short winter, Charlie Brown, and even though we're not quite out of February the violets are in full bloom.  Saucy/Alana is a spring fan like most of my dolls are, and she was delighted when I let her pick a violet.
She was less enthusiastic when I told her severe thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow night. 
Oh noes!!!

Tornado risk is low, but not zero.  I'll be paying close attention as I head off to bed on Tuesday.

Veronal love,


  1. Super doll, it's the first time I've seen one that changes faces. I wish you to miss the tornado, all the best.

    1. Tornado risk is low, so I figure our odds are pretty good.

  2. The mechanics remind me a little of the My Scene Fab Faces dolls. Although the gimmick seems to translate worse the older a doll is supposed to look. Toddler dolls with changing facial expressions seem easier to get right. Teenage dolls with changing facial expressions are different territory. Not necessarily saying it can't work, just harder to do without going full-blown creepy.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Oh, those dolls were freaky! LOL, did you see Emily's review of those on her blog?

    2. I can't remember if I read that review specifically. But I do enjoy her content, so I may have.
      Signed, Treesa

  3. This video reminded me of you. Even more after reading the last two sentences of this post.

    1. LOL, yep, that's about what it's like around here! Forecast this morning called for wet snow in places on the heels of those thunderstorms!
