Friday, December 1, 2023

Deck the halls

Okay, NOW it's safe to put Christmas decorations up.  My family used to joke that it was bad luck to put up Christmas decorations before December began, and it kinda became a family tradition after that.  Some folks put up their trees and frippery ON Thanksgiving, or even before.  I don't mean any shade towards them, but I prefer to have Christmas after the turkey and the cranberry sauce.  Or the spaghetti and the meat sauce, which is what we had this past Thanksgiving.  Whatever works.  Either way Rita Cheryl was ready for a change and I gave it to her.
Remember a few days ago, when I said I could doll Rita Cheryl up like the new collector doll for a fraction of the cost?  Rita Cheryl told me maybe when it's hot again, but right now?  Absolutely not!  I do intend on at least trying to put my money where my mouth is, but Dolly Child and I are focusing on the closer future for right now.  American Girl has ugly sweaters for both Christmas (here and here) and Hanukkah (here and here), though they call 'em "silly" rather than "ugly."  But I wanted a legit ugly-in-a-good-way sweater for Rita Cheryl to wear, and HappyThreadGirlCo came through.  This bad boy is handmade, and it's nice and chunky so Rita Cheryl could layer it over a turtleneck if it were extra cold outside.  But my favorite part is these Christmas light charms.  I've seen glass Christmas light chatms before, but these are the more kid-friendly plastic.
What a pity that Rita Cheryl's ears aren't pierced, because a getup like this begs for Christmas light earrings!  I'll have to see what I can do about that.
I've never owned one of these AG rings before, so I have no idea which finger it's supposed to fit.  It slipped off her index finger right after I took this picture, so that's probably not the right finger.

The other freebie was this ornament.  It's a hollow plastic orb with iridescent pink glitter inside. 
The only gripe I have with any of this stuff is the Velcro in the back of the sweater.  It holds together with zero fuss, but it's very shaggy and should be kept away from tights and from hair.
It's easy to use, though.  The seller clearly meant for this to be kid-friendly, but it's pretty easy for grown-up hands too.

LOL, I love ugly Christmas sweaters, but being heavy means that my options are limited.  So as I often do, I live through my dolls!  I'm thankful to HappyThreadsGirlCo for this option for Rita Cheryl, and I particularly recommend her shop if you like very small baby dolls.  She's got playpens!

Joyeux noel


  1. In my opinion, Velcro should be kept away from sweaters too, but it is easier for kids to use. I'm with you on decorating for Christmas; it shouldn't start until after Thanksgiving. My eldest daughter's birthday is December 21st, so for most of her growing up years, we didn't even put up a tree until the 22nd, in an effort to keep her birthday and Christmas separate. Plus, we keep our decorations up until January 6th in any case.

    1. I always felt sorry for folks who were born in December, because they had to compete with Christmas! Sounds like y'all had a nice way of keeping the two holidays separate. Yeah, I think this sweater was meant for a child to use, so that's why it had Velcro on it. Heck, I'm a child at heart, so that counts!
