Saturday, November 11, 2023

Dolly Dress Discussion: Bratz Boyz clothes

Beware, y'all.  It's another Bratz post.  LOL, I wanna talk about Cameron, my lone boy.
Cameron is kinda special, because he's the only boy doll I own in this "smaller than Barbie but still a fashion doll" category.  I think I said that once.  A special doll needs nice things to wear, but up until recently all I had for Cameron to wear were the outfits that he came with.  Both outfits are nice, with pieces for mixing, matching, and layering, but it's time for a change.  Two weeks ago I bought this lot off of Etsy.
If you look closely it's possible to see that NONE of these outfits are actually meant for Cameron.  I have three for Dylan, two for Koby, and one for Eitan.  This is significant because like the girl Bratz, the Boyz have varying skin tones and snap-on shoes.  Inevitably parts of these shoe-feet have skin showing, and if the outfit is put on a doll that it's not meant for those feet are gonna look funny.  This could've been avoided for the Boyz by painting on some socks, but I don't guess MGA thought of that.  Luckily for Cameron, all of these outfits have long pants and will thus cover his ankles.  Outta sight, outta mind.  

Before I begin I'll say that I never knew any boy during high school who was this sharp a dresser.  We were all working-to-middle class.  We either couldn't afford designer crap, or we owned it and didn't want to yuck it up with football practice or farm work or what-have-you.  Besides all that, the boys I knew were more into comfort than style, and if they did follow a style it was usually "macho."  Of course there's nothing wrong with wanting to look masculine or be comfortable, but when one of the boys did dress up we all took notice (usually it was for a job interview after school).  Cameron's wiki insinuates that he prefers to dress to attract the ladies, but that his preferred overall look is "sporty."  The wiki also states that Cameron likes leather jackets, so this first outfit ought to suit him.
One of Dylan's getups, "Chance Encounter!" incorporates the jacket, plus khakis (uh, khakis?) and some stuff that would flatter Dylan's dark coloring.  See the shirt?
Dylan's wiki doesn't outright say that he's black, but he was produced with a small Afro once, so I figure he's probably either Afro-American or biracial.  Either way he was the darker of the first two Boyz, and this orange would thus look amazing on him.  I hope Cameron will look okay too.

I ended up being mistaken when I said these pants were khakis.  Both they and the jacket are pleather.  This is problematic because pleather and time are not friends.  Cameron's man purse is pleather, and see how rough it looks?
I need to see what I can do to prevent further deterioration.  Anyway, Cameron's new jacket creates another problem, one that is fairly common to pleather or any sort of doll jacket.  His arms are restricted to a slightly-out-to-the-side position. 
I sometimes wear jackets that are like that too, Cameron.  It's a pain in the posterior.  Cameron looks okay in this outfit, but I doubt he'll wear it much.  It's stiff, and I worry about tearing those pants.  They fit pretty tight.

The next outfit is...dare I say it?  It's a suit!  "Dream Date!" was originally meant for Koby.
Koby is fair-skinned (possibly even more so than Cameron), and his style is also listed as "sporty."  I'm not sure how sporty a suit is, but I like the maroon with the gray.
This getup reminds me a lot of the suit Sandy McCall was wearing when I met him.  Cameron doesn't look much like Sandy, but we'll see how he looks in gray.
Those shoes don't do Cameron's feet any favors, but then all Bratz have big feet.  This outfit was ridiculously hard to get on Cameron.  The maroon shirt's sleeves are full-length, and they wanted to bunch up inside the sleeves of the jacket.  The cuffs are Velcroed, but that didn't want to hold so I had to fight with these sleeves to get them in place.  Then I had to tuck the shirt tail in.  The end result looks good, but overall it looks kinda mature for the sixteen-year-old that I presume Cameron is.

Rounding out the top row is another of Dylan's getups, "Phys Ed Funk!"
This one kinda had an analogous outfit in the girls' line, with "Just Do P.E.!"  Hmmm...those shoes don't look like athletic shoes.
Or they don't look like the ones I'm familiar with.  This outfit looks nice and comfortable for the class I hated most in high school.
Who in blue blazes works out in blue jeans???  Oh sure, I reckon it could be done, especially if the jeans are loose enuff, but I never did it, LOL.  I like this outfit better than the first two because I can actually picture a teenage boy wearing something like this.  It's stylish, but it also looks comfortable.  Plus, it can be worn with or without the jacket.  I like.

First getup on the bottom row now, this is the last of Dylan's outfits.  "Saturday Night Style!" is the name. 
S!  A!  T-U-R!  D-A-Y!  NIGHT!!!  LOL, I never can hear that song without picturing Mr. Peanut dancing wildly.  I dunno about y'all, but for me Saturday night is for staying in, popping open a bottle of Snapple, and catching up on some T.V., particularly if one has to be up early the next day.  I unfortunately haven't gone to church in years, but when I was younger one had to be washed, clean, and in bed by ten on a Saturday night.  If it was stormy we all went to bed even earlier, LOL.  But ANYWAY, this is another outfit that I could picture Dylan in; the print shirt underneath isn't as eye-catching as the orange shirt accompanying "Chance Encounter!," but it'll definitely do on the dance floor.  Plus, blue jeans!  Dig this belt buckle.
Belt buckles are great, but if one isn't careful they can be dangerous.  My parents told of an incident that occurred when they were dating.  While he was getting dressed, Daddy somehow popped himself in the mouth with his very heavy belt buckle.  He didn't lose any teeth, thank God, but he did a number on the soft tissue!  He and Mama went through with the date, and Mama told me things got interesting when one of Daddy's wounds opened up.  Hopefully Cameron will be more careful. 
I know from personal experience that blue jeans aren't always the easiest things to dance in, but then the only dances I can do are the Twist and the Drunken Giraffe (LOL).  Cameron looks to me like he can do a mean moonwalk.  Unlike the jackets with "Chance Encounter!" and "Dream Date!", these sleeves are big enuff to slide over the shirt with no fuss.  That said, the shirt itself was tough to put on due to loose ends inside the sleeves.  Still, I really like this outfit.  Hell, I'd have worn something like it myself once; I'm not opposed to wearing men's clothes from time to time.

Now...while Dylan is out stylin' on Saturday, Koby is feverin' on Friday.
Gotta fever of a hundred three!  If I had a fever that high I'd be hitting the doctor's office instead of the dating scene, but apparently that didn't occur to either Foreigner or Koby...or John Travolta either, but that's Saturday again.  The packaging for this no-frills outfit suggests that Friday nights are when these Boyz tend to chillax, and if that's the case then this is the perfect getup for chillaxing...except for pajamas, of course!
This outfit was the easiest one to put on so far.  The shirt has short sleeves, so I didn't have to cram the jacket onto Cameron's arms.  Everything is soft and comfy, again like something I'd have worn when I was a teenager.  I could also picture some of my guy friends wearing this, especially in spring or fall when evenings might be a teeny bit chilly.  

Quick aside now, since Ive made a few classic rock references.  If I toss Foreigner into my CD player, I usually go straight for "Juke Box Hero" or "Cold As Ice."  Never was a big fan of the song "Hot Blooded."  If y'all bother to click the links, look closely at "Cold As Ice"; I do believe one of those men is left-handed!  I know that some folks play their guitars left-handed even if they're not, usually to emulate Paul McCartney or Jimi Hendrix, but when that guy waves at the end of the video he waves with his left hand.  Pretty cool.  

Alrighty, music trivia, over, last outfit!  This is Eitan's getup, "School is Cool!"
School is coolest when you're loading up your backpack after last period.  You've got a full bladder and a full colon, but the bathrooms are full too, and sweet relief is only a two-minute car ride away.  So you bid your best friend adieu, whisper "You're a bitch" to the school bully, and go sauntering away like you're not about to mess yourself.  Best part of my school day, and yes, I always made my opinions on the school bully known, LOL.  Anyway, of the four initial boys Eitan's style is the most ambiguous.  His wiki lists him as such, also noting that he has a punky edge to him.  He is darker than Cameron and Koby, but lighter than Dylan, though that won't matter since Cameron's ankles don't show in ANY of these ensembles.  
I rest my case!  Once again MGA paired a long-sleeved shirt with a jacket, but I didn't have too hard a time getting the jacket in place.  No, the hard part here was getting the shirt on, because the cuffs of the sleeves were very tight.  Still, Cameron does indeed look like he's ready to head off to school, especially on a chilly day like today.  If one of my high school guy friends was feeling particularly dressy during the winter, he might've worn something like this.  I only knew one guy who did habitually dress like this, and he was the school heartthrob so it would make sense for him to be stylish.  Seriously, everyone loved that guy, all the girls (and probably one or two of the guys) had at least a little crush on him, and he was popular because he was nice to everyone, not just because he was attractive and well-dressed.  It CAN be done, kids!  Popularity can be achieved just by being kind, though it does depend on what the rest of the student body is like too.  Anyway, I like to pretend that Cameron is like my friend, kind to everyone AND a sharp dresser all in one.

With all that said, Cameron's wardrobe is full now!  "Friday Night Fever!" is my favorite outfit of the bunch due to its multiple pieces and its soft, comfortable look.  That kinda getup is the stuff that my friends would wear while relaxing (male and female alike).  Some of us would wear something like that to school to, particularly if it were during finals or if we weren't feeling too well.  "Dream Date!" is my least favorite, as threading Cameron's shirtsleeves through his jacket sleeves was a pain, and because the suit look doesn't really suit him (pun intended, LOL).  But I still like the suit enuff to put Cameron in it from time to time.  

God bless our veterans,


  1. I think Cameron looks pretty cool in ALL his new outfits and the bare ankles don't show. If you really get concerned over a little flesh showing, you could always paint on socks yourself. :)
    Big hugs,
