Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ask and ye shall receive...

Yeah, I know the disciples weren't referring to dolls when they recorded Jesus saying "Ask and ye shall receive," but when Setsu-P offered to send Kiyomi Haunterly to me, accessories and all, I couldn't resist thinking of the Biblical verse.  Here's pretty Kiyomi!
Setsu-P sent me a nice note and some miniature handbags, and she apologized for not sending Kiyomi's diary.  DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, GIRLIE!!!  I don't know where my other dolls' diaries are, and the text can be found online anyway.  So you're good.  My other girls send their thanks for the bags.  Draculaura claimed this one.
Yes, Draculaura.  She'll get her turn on the blog in good time, but right now let's take a look at Kiyomi.  She's in great shape!
Kiyomi is a Japanese type of ghost called nopperabo.  Nopperabo look like humans until one gets a good look at their face...and discovers that they have no face!  This effect is skillfully depicted by Kiyomi's white face paint.  Her eyes are just outlines, kinda like chalk drawings, and her lips are very close in color to her vinyl.
Nopperabo don't harm their victims physically, but they do revel in scaring the living daylights out of their victims.  And get this:  they travel in groups!  More information on these freaky ghosts can be found HERE.

I doubt Kiyomi could fool anyone into thinking that she's really a human, because she's pale blue and has fuchsia hair.  But then that's true of ALL of Monster High's students.  But either way Setsu-P said Kiyomi has all her accessories and she does.  I freaking love this bag.  It's got TWO faces on it.
Kinda like the tragedy and comedy masks that decorated many old-school theaters.

I could go on every little nitty-gritty that Kiyomi has, but this isn't a full-blown review so I won't.  I'm just going to thank Setsu-P from the bottom of my heart for sending Kiyomi to me.  The whole Haunted series was a fun bunch, but of them all...well, Kiyomi and River Styxx kinda tied, actually.  I like Kiyomi a lot, and my mother does too, LOL.  Thank you, Setsu-P!

All of my love,


  1. You're totally welcome! I had River as well and sent her to my bestie, lol. That just leaves me with Vandala from that series, and she's hanging around for some touchups (because I absolutely ship her with Sirena von Boo). Kinda ironic that the Spectra from the Haunted line looks less ghosty than she normally does. To me, anyway.
    That extra Mini Fashion handbag looks awesome with Ula! Hope the rest of them find some use as well.

    1. Oh, I intend for them to be! I just want them to go to the perfect dolls. I saw that bright pink and knew that Draculaura was the one for that one. I really like those little bags, though, and I thank you for those too!

      You're definitely not the only one who noticed that Haunted Spectra looked less ghostly than her usual self. I thought that was kinda a bummer. Other than that I love that whole line.

  2. I honestly hadn't even thought of the MH girls until you posted the pic of Draculaura with one - the non-dupe of the green bag would probably go really well with Scarah, now that I think about it. Not that her wardrobe needs much tweaking, but a girl could always use an option. The MF bags tend to be a little large even for Barbie, so I wasn't sure how well they'd work with the MH proportions. Today I learned a thing!

    1. Good idea; I do own Scarah, the one that had touches of Toralei in her. She'd do great with that green bag.

  3. I'm glad that you have a kind friend who was willing and able to send you a Kiyomi. I'd been planning to keep my eyes open for you when browsing the thrift stores, after you mentioned you wanted her. But the original Monster High dolls have gotten hard to find around here on the secondhand market.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. I'm blessed to have friends like y'all who send me stuff. I need to think of a way to pay y'all back!

  4. Kiyomi is cute, despite her ghoulish roots, but then, blue is my favorite color. I like Draculaura too; I dig her girly girl vibe. I like the way that you have Kiyomi posed in the second pic, and I think Draculaura's shirt with the bloodstains totally fits her story, even if it's ghoulish too.

    1. That shirt is printed with news stories of real murders, LOL. I saw that, and being the true crime fan that I am I was all over that like white on rice. Draculaura will get a full review in the week ahead...if I can get off my lazy rear to do it!
