Friday, September 1, 2023

A spring dress for fall weather

In a marked contrast to last week, today began with temperatures in the low sixties.  True, we're supposed to hit the mid-nineties later on this weekend, but the humidity isn't soul-crushing like it was.  Plus, IT'S LABOR DAY WEEKEND!!!  Uncle from St. Louis won't be down 'cause he's not feeling well, but my mom and I can hang out and relax.  To commemorate, I present Suzie in a...decidedly veronal-flavored dress.  I keep forgetting that it's Suzie with a "Z," LOL!
If springtime did have a flavor, I think it would taste like rainbow sherbet, with all the colors that spring brings.  Anyway, Suzie's new getup is probably better suited for Easter or May Day than the first day of meteorological fall, but...well, unless you're a Hershey bar change is good.  Now if you're a Hershey bar change is bad.  But yeah, I like Suzie's heart dress and will trot it out again around Valentine's Day, but when one gets something new in the mail one has to wear it, even if it's just for a few minutes to take a picture.  In Suzie's case she'll be wearing it longer, because she loves the colors...and the little buttons.  See how they're mismatched?  I love it!
I had a denim vest with buttons like that once.  My grandmother made it; it was just a plain denim vest with a zipper down the front, but to make it fun Grandma sewed multicolored buttons all over the front of it.  The only thing I didn't like was that there was only one green button, and when Grandma explained that she lost its mate I was appeased.  It was a minor complaint anyway; I freaking LOVED that vest.  Suzie's buttons make me think of that, of wearing that on the playground and being extra careful not to get the buttons torn off.

As to my shop, this is one of the few handmade things I've found on eBay.  Usually when I get a handmade doll outfit it's from Etsy, but pixies1952 provided this dress.  As of writing she has one other dress for Baby Face dolls, and one for Gotz Happy Kidz.  Pixie is based out of England so it took awhile to get the dress, but it was well worth the wait.  Pixie also invited me to join an English Baby Face fan group on Failbook, and I took them up on that as well.  If you like Baby Face dolls, a link can be found HERE.

Happy fall, y'all,


  1. Oh how sweet Suzie kooks in her new dress and hat, it suits her perfectly. I can see how you would be captured by the colours and understand your appreciation of the mismatched buttons. I once made a cardigan for a teddy bear with black wool that had different colour flecks which worked well with mismatched buttons.
    Spring has sprung downunder under and the sun has finally shown her face in all her glory, finally I shall soon be warm again without turning on the heater. 😊
    Have a lovely weekend, big hugs,

    1. Oh, spring! I wish it would be spring or fall year-around. While I bake you freeze and vice versa. I hope spring in Australia is as beautiful as spring in the U.S.
