Friday, August 18, 2023

Missing Flaxie, and other stories

Today's post springs from the forehead of a very crazy yesterday.  Things began innocently enuff when I ran home around noon to pick up a package (said package is from Treesa again, and I'll get to that).  I spent longer than I should have at home, because I got to digging through my doll room for Flaxie, my Build-a-Bear.  To my considerable chagrin Flaxie is somewhere that I can't ascertain, and one of my stupid cats decided that she wanted to hide in my doll room so I had to drag her out.  I get back to work and find...what else but a police car parked in front of the nursing home next to the library!  Alarms at the nursing home were blaring and the staff were moving patients into the library.  I hurried inside to help as best I could, opening up a side door and comforting some of the seniors as they were moved.  All told there were about fifty people, including a couple of neighbors who donated some water and helped move equipment.  They were here...oh, I'll say an hour and a half, and it was kinda nice.  Mama and I saw friends we hadn't seen in forever, and the nursing home staff was efficient and organized.  Turns out there was an explosion of some stripe and a small fire in the laundry room, but thank God, no one was hurt.  All was well when Mama and I came to work today.

In the aftermath of this chaos I got to open my box.  I knew that Treesa was sending me a passle of Build-a-Bear stuff, thus why I wanted (and did not find) Flaxie.  Treesa, I promise that once I find her I'll show her wearing her new stuff.  I also owe you a picture of Lydia with Walda and Amoreena; I'd love a small sofa for them all to sit on, since they're all soft-bodied.  But mixed in with the Build-a-Bear stuff were some other things that I was not expecting, and I'm gonna share them with y'all now.  Y'all may or may not remember that I once griped long and loud about not having a boy Cabbage Patch Kid.  Treesa certainly remembered, because look what I've got now!
Owen Presley is his name!
He's a little guy, about the size of Bedsie Beans.  He's also mint on card, but I'm fixing to change that.  Now he can sit and chillax with Bedsie.
He's so stinkin' cute!  I'm so glad to have a boy in my collection now!  As an aside...I think this accompanied Owen, or maybe it came with the next doll (also a Cabbie).
I thought it might hold some item of clothing, but inside was this nice little notebook that does NOT  look mass-produced.  This looks like something I'd have found on Etsy.
That's really too girly for Owen to use as a baby book, so I think one of my American Girls will get this.  River Song did vocalize a desire for her own scrapbook...

Anyway, Owen came with an all-vinyl friend who's smaller than he is.  Treesa sent me a nice note with the box, and she says that the all-vinyl girl is one of her own childhood friends.  She's got black rooted hair and green eyes, a combination that I like a lot.  I need to smoothen her bangs a little, but other than that she's great.
She came with a birth certificate, and her name is Carol Kasey.
Carol apparently belonged to a wave of Mattel-made Kids that I'd never heard of called Keychain Girls.  There were four dolls all told, and they each came with a keychain that was done up to look like a classic toy (the other options were yo-yos of varying colors and a small Magna Doodle).  Carol's keychain is an 8-ball.  This is very fitting because I love 8-balls.
This bad boy works, too!  Unfortunately it answered in the negative, even though I didn't even ask it anything. 
I also love this nod to Treesa's other hobby, as she collects keychains herself.  Her keychain blog can be found HERE; she's got some really cute ones.

Tucked away underneath Owen and Carol were these three.
Two tiny Cabbage Patch Kids, and a Kelly clone.  I love the clone's mischievous expression and purple hair; she reminds me a little of our dearly departed Sparkle Girlz.  This picture came out a little blurry, apologies. 
I just flat-out love this little guy.  He's just a little figurine, but he's adorable.  I think it's hilarious when babies play with their feet.
This last pet is a playset that Treesa says she owned as a kid.  The doll's name is Sheerena, and she's dressed appropriately for the season!  Like every single kid I've ever known, she's got on both her goggles AND her snorkel mask!
I give my compliments to Treesa for taking such good care of her things!  Little trinkets like those goggles would normally get lost at the hands of a child.  Let's take off those goggles now and get a quick look at Sheerena's face.  She's got brown eyes and dark hair, just like my own mini Cabbie, Graham.  Looks like Graham has a new big sissy!
These little ones are small enuff that I think I'll let Z Yang use them as props.  She's my resident doll collector anyway, and she didn't have any Cabbage Patch Kids of her own before now.  As for Owen and Carol...well, my Patch now has a boy and a cute new girl, but they'll have to wait to meet the rest of the crew.  I THOUGHT that I'd get to go home this week, but I'm still holed up at Uncle Man-Child's place. 

The last few items I'm going to discuss are a mix of things.  Treesa sent me a little sweater and some socks that she says the patch can share.
Well, maybe they'll share and maybe they won't!  That sweater has Valencia Rose's name all over it, and the smaller socks will fit Taniyah Yasmin's feet nicely. 

Then there's this adorable set, wig and all, that definitely won't fit my Cabbies. 
It's a gorgeous ensemble, one that's too well-made not to belong to a particular doll.  Which one, I have no clue, but I love the outfit.  Treesa warned that the red bits stain, so I'll be taking precautions against that.  Thanks for the heads-up, chica!

Lastly, there's this...scarf?  Baby blanket?  Either way it's pretty. 
The Build-a-Bear items include Belle's yellow ballgown and an Easter basket, among other things.  Once I dig Flaxie up I'll show her modelling them.  Once again I send my heartfelt thanks to Treesa for the stuff, especially the boy Cabbie.  That just shows how y'all listen and remember even when I'm just rambling, and I deeply appreciate it.

Love to all,


  1. The scarf was packaged with the wig and coat ensemble when I bought the lot second-hand, so I just assumed they went together. I'm pretty sure that's a Little Miss Revlon doll, or something similar, pictured on the accompanying pin. So my guess at the time was that the monogram/logo on the one corner of the scarf was for Revlon, or maybe for whatever company produced the doll outfit, and that the scarf and pin were for the doll owner rather than the doll herself. I was fairly sure you do have a few dolls in the same scale as Little Miss Revlon, and I've been too afraid to do anything with this outfit since I discovered the red staining.
    The little yellow box and the small green 'album' didn't originally go together. I came across the box when I was pulling out Carol Kasey and Sheerena's accessories. I think it originally held a piece of clothing for my Cabbage Patch baby Millie Lena, who was one of those 'surprise babies' like you have that came in a cabbage bunting. I don't know why I still had the box, but rather than throw it away I decided to recycle it by sending you a small 'family album' for your patch as a whole. I don't remember for sure where I bought the little album, but I think it came from a thrift store. And I know it was originally in a set of two, both with slightly different covers, because I still have the other album. Anyway, I thought the green color would work well for Cabbage Patch Kids. But if one of your 18 inchers has already claimed it, that's fine by me.
    I was probably I little too old to be 'playing with' dolls by the time I got Sheerena. I was moving more into the collector stage by then, which explains why I still had all of her accessories. I did momentarily do a double take when a saw your photo with the human face peering out from under Sheerena's kiddie pool.
    The sweater was purchased from an antique store years ago, and I believe was handmade. From the looks of it, I think I probably made the mistake of putting it in the dryer at some point.
    I'm glad you liked your goodies, and Happy 'Early' Birthday. (That's how I justified sending you so much stuff at once.)
    Signed, Treesa

    1. I appreciate it a lot! River Song does indeed love her new little book, and I plan on getting something nice for her to put in it.

      Yes, I do indeed have several Little Miss Revlon dolls, but they're all too small to wear that dress. I'm hoping that maaaaybe Terri Lee or Mary Jane can wear it? If not I'll just set it aside for another dolly. There's always someone who can wear it. I do appreciate the stuff big time!

    2. I actually do some scrapbooking and card making myself, so I wouldn't mind seeing pictures of the finished project whenever River Song gets it done. Darn, I should've sent you some patterned paper scraps and some stickers in the package. Heaven knows I have enough of them to spare some.
      Signed, Treesa

    3. It's okay! I've got plenty of stuff for River Song to use.

  2. Several Google searches later, I've discovered that the doll pictured on the pin that came with the red coat outfit is an American Child doll by Effanbee. The doll was selected by the United States Postal Service to be part of their Classic American Dolls series of Commemorative Stamps. A collector's reproduction of the doll was released in the late 90s to tie-in with the stamp.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Maybe that gives a clue about the outfit.

    2. Yep, that's where the outfit came from, wig and all! Now to find a new nekkid, wigless doll!

  3. So nice of Treesa to send such a large package of goodies, you definitely scored there RM. :)

    1. I feel like I did, yes! I must say, I never expected to make friends when I started the blog up. I just did it for the sheer fun of it. But making friends has been fabulous.

    2. Being blogging buddies with those who have a similar interest is a bit like having pen pals. I think it's a lovely way to share an interest with people far from home. 😘

    3. Mama and I have talked about that. When I was in high school I knew there were other collectors out there, but the only way to reach them was through snail mail. Now it's easier and I love that.
