Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Just like last year

With Independence Day finally being over, Rita Cheryl is back in her favorite Shinedown shirt and recovered from her food coma.  She decided to carry on the tradition that Amanda and Kirsten started last year, and show y'all what landed in the front yard.  She's got two species of bottle rocket, same as last year.
This first one is one of my favorite brands (when I bother with bottle rockets).  I always loved the snarling black cat; for some reason it seemed fitting to have a black cat on some of the fireworks.  This other one is not one I'm familiar with.

Night Stalker!  A very fitting name for a bottle rocket!  It also makes me think of my crazy friend who is a true crime nut.  She spent the day in a shirt that said "AMERICA:  Killin' it since 1776."  Underneath that were images of Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, and that guy from Scream.  For the uninitiated, the "Night Stalker" moniker was attached to not one but two serial killers.  Richard Ramirez is more well-known, but before him there was Joseph DeAngelo.  I'm just as sick as my friend is, okay?  I read true crime too.  But anyway, I'm not familiar with Night Stalker rockets, but I'll take pictures anyway.

Overall my Fourth of July was...average.  I got some lovely pictures of the sunset, and then Mama and I had the bright idea to go out by the air base and watch the fireworks.  Oh my Lordy, y'all wouldn't believe...yeah, y'all probably WOULD believe the idiots we saw.  This one idgit galoot kept pulling out in traffic while trying to get his van straight (with children in tow, no less), and when it was time to leave he just cut a bunch of people off and got in line.  Another fuddy-duddy decided to leave by driving up the wrong side of the road, and he dern near had a head-on with someone.  The fireworks themselves were mediocre, nowhere near as nice as the ones last year.  Still, it was worth it to be with my mother; I didn't get to be with her on the Fourth last year.  Despite the ominous forecast, it didn't rain a drop here in Malden.  A few places in Arkansas got hail, but we stayed dry.

Nothin' left to look forward to now, not until...Labor Day, is it???  Whew, that's a long way off!

Love and fireworks,


  1. I'm sure you will find something to look forward to RM :) Now just to satisfy my curiosity, how do you manage to pronounce Arkansas correctly with that funny spelling? Z:)
    Big hugs,

    1. AR-CAN-SAW. LOL, I understand, it's not an easy word to pronounce if you're not from around here, but it's AR-CAN-SAW. It's a French translation of an Algonquin word, and said Algonquin word was used to describe a different Native tribe. Pretty wild, huh? Arkansas is the only state in the U.S. that has a law on how to say the name, though I have no idea how they enforce it (LOL again). Kansas, on the other hand, is pronounced just the way it looks.
