Saturday, July 15, 2023

A very big surprise!

Imagine coming home after being out late and seeing a three-foot figure standing on your porch.  That happened to me about an hour ago. 
I thought at first that he was a big Howdy Doody, but when I got close I saw this.
He looks a little like a big version of Skipper's friend Skooter, or Charmin' Chatty, but according to Doll Reference he is Sandy McCall, Betsy McCall's cousin.
He's a very big doll, about the size as the Playpal family.  Here's his hand with Rita Cheryl's...
...and with mine.
My friend Donna gave him to me.  She's the same friend who gave me Belka/Lucy and Lady Diana, and the one who rescued Eddard and Arya.  She's a unique friend, and a good one to have.

Now I'm going to get Sandy settled and turn in for the night. 

Much love,


  1. Oh my Lord! You have Sandy McCall!!! I covet! He's beautiful!! Such nice condition. You have a wonderful friend! Do a full photo shoot with him. On Easter maybe. He looks like he's dressed for an Easter day. I LOVE him. He's way better than Peter Playpal. (Which I also don't have.)

    1. Okay, I will! He's getting some new clothes soon, so I'll share him in those. LOL, usually I covet YOUR dolls!

  2. A wonderful boy. It's great to get such a surprise. Hugs

    1. He truly is a gem, as is the friend who procured him for me.
