Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday randomness: the year's first scorcher

In years past my neck of the woods might've already had a couple'a days (or multi-day stretches) of exceedingly hot weather, but today is the first time this year that it's going to be honest-to-God hot.  The high is predicted to hit a hundred, and I don't dare look at the heat index.  On a day like today I usually keep cool by staying in my pajamas and doing as little as possible, and that appears to be what Joss plans to do.  Behind her, River Song and Arista are plotting a day outside in the shade.  
Watermelons for the win!  I love these My Life As outfits; once upon a time they didn't fit the American Girls...or the sets I had didn't.  But these newer sets fit the newer dolls just fine.  I think these pajamas would be too tight for my Pleasant Company girls, and indeed they're a hair snug on Joss.  But I didn't have to fight them to get them on.

As for me myself...well, I actually have an escape at hand.  Uncle Man-Child has functioning air conditioning, and Mama and I plan to pow-wow there today and do laundry.  Up until now the nights have hit the high sixties or low seventies and thus I've thankfully been able to sleep, but that may come to an end this coming week; the low on Thursday night is only supposed to be seventy-eight.  Le sigh...I'm doomed.  Oh well, I've survived summers without A/C before and I can do it again.

Pray for rain,


  1. Ugh, I remember hot nights as a child growing up. Do you get high humidity where you are? The temp here is 85, with a humidity of 70 percent. Weather is predicting a thunderstorm, but no sign of one yet. Tomorrow is only supposed to be a high of 77, but with a humidity of 96 percent, that won't be comfortable. I hope you at least have a few nice electric fans that you can point at your bed.

    1. That I do, but it's still not much fun. We did get a thunderstorm eventually, but it fizzled right as it was moving into Malden. I saw a single flash of lightning and smelled rain, and that was it. It's supposed to get hotter this week, with two days over a hundred before it cools a bit. I'm not looking forward to that.

  2. Good luck! Like Barb, I remember summer nights as a kid that made it too hot to sleep. For some reason we didn't even have fans! I have no idea why. It was so hot that since school was out anyway, Mom didn't even make us go to bed. Nobody could sleep anyway. We are supposed to warm up, but at least now the air has cleared enough that we can open the windows. By the way: Uncle Man Child! Love it!

    1. My dad said the only way to deal with it was to take lots of cold showers. He was a farmer and had to work in every weather you could think of, so the heat didn't usually get to him. But he admitted that when he was young the summers could be brutal. Mama and I are bearing up, though sleeping on my grandpa's old mattress is like sleeping on plywood. I don't know how he stood it!

      As for Uncle Man-Child, feel free to use the term with any childish male you meet. The guy IS a child! He thinks he's the head of the family, but Mama and I do the cooking, the cleaning, and we pay his stupid gym dues and bills. It's nuts.
