Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday randomness: Jaylin is finally ready for spring

Jaylin is more suited to fall and winter, but because I'm kinda the boss of her I threw her in a spring getup.
One sitting down on Jaylin's favorite rock, and one standing up so y'all can see her kittens!
That outfit came from Playperdoll on Etsy and I thought it would never get here.  It was worth it in the end, though; the shop even sent a little outfit that I'll probably use as pajamas.  The shoes came from DreamlandGallery, and they're a hair fiddly because there's only ONE lace and it spiral-laces the shoe instead of criss-crossing.  But they fit Jaylin just fine, so that's really all that matters.

So my attempts to build Jaylin's wardrobe back up are moving slowly, but they are moving.  Soon she'll have some summer things, which is good.  After a cool, rainy, at times violent spring, the Bootheel is finally starting to warm up.  I hope it takes its time though, because my A/C is still on the blink.



  1. Ugh, we had our air conditioner go out one summer, and it was awful until we got it fixed. Jaylin looks cute in her new outfit. I like dressing my dolls in new clothes too. I suppose that means I should go sew some.

  2. Oh she is a little sweetheart, I do love the colour of her hair and the little kitties on her clothes.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks! I'm glad I got her when I did, because all the factory Blythe dolls come on Azone bodies now, and their faces are heavily modified. I like my Blythe dolls un-fooled around with, just like the orange juice.
