Monday, April 24, 2023

What do you do in a graveyard?

Well, if you're a sicko like me you take your dolls there and take pictures.  That's exactly what I did yesterday afternoon.  The graveyard this time is on the south side of Malden, and I was accompanied by my mother to avoid the bad vibes I got last fall.  Now, meet Jackie, a Little Miss Matched doll.
And of course I had Rita Cheryl as well.  I'm almost never without her.
About two yards from those Life Saver-shaped grave markers is a large tree stump, and if it's one thing I love it's a tree stump.  When I was little I'd climb on them and sometimes jump off, but now they're of great use for dolly pics.  Jackie is queen of all she surveys!
Well, almost everything.  Rita Cheryl governs herself. 
Jackie says they can co-reign, something Rita Cheryl is agreeable to.
Since I have a review for Jackie in the works, I took a picture of the girls' differing sizes.  Jackie is a high-end toy, but she's also intended as a fashion doll and thus has the willowy build to match.  She will not be sharing clothes with Rita Cheryl. 
Not too long after I climbed back into the car a freight train passed through.  Two of the locomotives were CSX locomotives, and I hoped passionately for a Chessie System boxcar to photograph, but alas there were none.  Chessie System was merged into CSX around the time I was born, so rolling stock with the old Chessie logo is getting pretty rare.  But I always look anyway.  In case y'all can't tell, Chessie System's logo is a cat.  Y'all know my opinions on cats!

I apologize for the long lull in activity.  Work has been insanely busy, and I've been insanely lazy.  The weather hasn't been great, keeping outdoor pictures to a minimum, and more rain is forecast for next week.  Suits me; I'd love it if the whole summer stayed cool and rainy. 



  1. Well the cemetery made a great backdrop RM! Love, love your Little Miss Matched doll.
    Big hugs,

  2. I remember those Little Miss Matched dolls. They had a great gimmick, the mismatched clothes. Too bad the shoes look a little cheap, even if she is technically a play doll.

    I love the old school Chessie designs that show the little kitten sleeping. I never see interesting logos up here at all. What I miss are cabooses.

    1. The shoes unfortunately ARE a little cheap. The paint job is pretty sloppy and the vinyl is stiff.

      Oh mercy, it isn't just you with the logos anymore. There just aren't any interesting ones! All the older ones either merged into larger companies or just went out of business. And I hear you about cabooses; Mama used to say that a train wasn't a real train unless it had a caboose on it. I miss those too; I was a little girl when I saw my last one.

  3. I didn't know there were no more Chessie Systems cars! You know, when I was a kid, I couldn't figure out what the picture was! (Well! Why does that cat have one arm?!) It took years for me to figure that out. It might not have been until I saw one of the really old ads showing the sleeping kitty in bed. Anyway, now I'm going to be looking for them! I like Little Miss Matched, even though I always wished she came with two of the same sock.

    1. LOL, when I was little I'd see the cat on the random boxcar, and I'd say "That looks like a kitty cat, only one side of its head is flat!" Daddy explained the original artwork, but it was years before I actually saw it for myself. I hear you about Little Miss Matched; I find it odd that one of the extra outfits has a shirt just like the one Jackie wore in her box, but the socks never match at all!
