Saturday, March 18, 2023

A potential problem

It feels like a century ago that the Novi Stars were in our lives.  Indeed, I've done very little with Sila Clops and Malie Tasker since I reviewed them (posts HERE and HERE), and I think Sila may be taking umbrage with that.  Oh, she looks fine now...
...but her eye is glowing ON ITS OWN!!!
Y'all will have to take my word for it that Sila's eye is glowing on its own.  Normally I'd have to press on her right earring with a fair amount of force, something I can't do while also punching buttons on my phone's camera.

Houston, we may have a problem with one PO'd purple alien girl.  Can Mulder and Scully handle this, or should I have Luciana page the Doctor?  

Yours nervously,


  1. Now that's one weird looking doll!! LOL! Perhaps her earring is jammed?
    Big hugs,

    1. I tried that, but it didn't work. I figure her batteries are low after all this time. And she is indeed a weird one! That's why I wanted her, LOL.

  2. Okay, she is weird without the glowing eye. But with the glowing eye she approaches a whole 'nother level. Can you replace her battery? Like I told everyone else, I am still reading your posts, just suck at commenting. It doesn't help that I lost Mom in December. I like your bow site too, although I still wish your saggy bow had an elephant figurine on it!

    1. Oh, I'm sorry about your mom! No, don't worry about commenting; I won't have anything ready to post here until late April anyway. You take your time with everything.

      I think the issue is indeed the battery, but I need to get a screwdriver first, because her battery hatch screws on. I hate it when they're like that!!!
