Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Randomness: faded glory?

Y'all know Luciana.

Y'all know Rita Cheryl.

But y'all don't know Jettivee.

Jettivee Judsonia Bargo is my new-to-me Just Like You #15, complete with the wavy, textured hair that I'd never handled before, and the medium skin/classic head combo that I love.  Jettivee is my second doll with that combo after Rita Cheryl, and while she doesn't have the striking blue eyes she's a pretty thing in her own right.  She is an older doll, as evidenced by her her meet outfit (First Day, the second JLY meet outfit released), and there's something I noticed about her.  Remember when I said that Jettivee was medium-skinned???  Here's how she compares visually to Luciana and Rita Cheryl.

It's a subtle difference, but Jettivee appears to be a different shade from her younger friends.  Mama is used to me wagging Rita Cheryl around everywhere I go and thus she's accustomed to these darker AG dolls.  In fact, she's so used to how Rita Cheryl looks that when she saw Jettivee she commented "That one's a bit paler than your favorite one, isn't she?"  Since Jet is an older doll, I initially chalked it up to her having faded over time, the way Silver Bird and Amanda (both Pleasant Company-era dolls) have.  However, having looked at AG's publicity pictures, I wonder if #15 was always a little paler, since the headshots of #2 and #11 look darker than the headshot of #15.  Indeed, in her headshot #15 looks like a white doll with bad lighting, while #2 and #11 are clearly dolls of color.  The dolls photographed were of the same relative age, if their meet outfits are to be judged, so I dunno.  If any of y'all own #15, please share your experiences.  Is she lighter than your other medium dolls, or has mine just faded, or are my eyes playing tricks on me?  It's no big deal really, but I'm curious.

Just for the heckuvit, here's Jettivee and Silver Bird together, since they're both kinda "It Girls" among the original twenty.

These two, along with #2 and #11, frequently fall victim to price gougers on eBay.  I got Silver Bird for what I thought was a steal since she has some broken hairs, a silvered eye, and some nasty staining on her arms (the staining has since faded on its own).  Jettivee, on the other hand...I paid a high but fair price for her, but her #15 sisters are currently going for ridiculous amounts.

Say goodbye, Jettivee!  You're off now to find your place among my girls.  Move slowly around Samantha, keep flowers away from Justine-Marie, and don't take any crap from Doremi.



  1. Jettivee's skin is a really pretty colour in the comparison photos RM, reminds me of a yummy milk coffee. I think I prefer it over the others to be honest with you. But it does look slightly different in the single shots of her, which I thought is probably the lighting.
    Big hugs,

    1. She does look coffee-colored! I'm only now noticing that, LOL. I love milk coffee...indeed, that's the only way I'll drink it!
