Friday, December 23, 2022

Twenty below

About this time last year parts of my home county (and indeed, parts of the whole seismic zone) were picking up the pieces after a nasty tornado outbreak.  This year winter has gotten off to a more...well, wintery start.  For me the saga began two days ago when I decided to pose Rita Cheryl in front of one of my bushes.  It was chilly enuff that sleeves were necessary, but it wasn't unbearable.
Indeed, the dandelions behind the library thought spring had sprung.  One of 'em had even gone to seed.
Fast-forward to yesterday, about four o'clock.  The wind was howling, the temperature was plummeting, and the snow was falling.  I'd estimate that visibility was down to around a quarter of a mile, give or take.
Good thing my mom and I live half a mile from work!  The storm was a brief one, but it brought a sharp wind and some seriously cold temperatures.  The temp this morning was one below, and the wind chill was TWENTY-ONE BELOW!!!  I'm used to winters getting cold in Missouri, but wind chills this low are not common.  Or at least they aren't in the Bootheel.  The northern part of the state is another story.
The storm only dropped about two inches of snow, but it's that fine, powdery kind that blows around a lot, so the drifts are about five inches deep in some areas.  Here's what the front porch of the library looks like.  Thankfully, we are in for a beautiful day.
Rita Cheryl is from Brooklyn, so cold doesn't bother her much (notice her still-bare knees).  She decided to take her chance on this small patch of ice...
...and it didn't go so great!  Rita Cheryl didn't let the spill bother her, though.  Indeed, she used it as an opportunity to make snow angels.
Don't worry, we were both careful not to get any snow in her eyes.  Water is a mortal enemy of American Girl eyes.

The snow is beautiful to look at, but I keep thinking back to a phone conversation I had with First Uncle during my teenage years.  We were discussing snow, of course, and he said in a Garfield-esque monotone, "Bing Crosby dreamed about a white Christmas, but he clearly never had to drive in the sh!t."  Yep, driving in snow, even a little bit of it, is no picnic.  Mama managed just fine last night and equally fine this morning, but she and I have gotten into more than one bind while trying to drive in snow.  So if any of y'all have to be out in this weather, be careful, pace yourself, and take every possible precaution.  And if you don't have to be out, don't go out!  Brew a warm drink of your choice and binge watch your favorite TV I'd be doing if I were home.

Oh, and get this:  next Thursday the highs are predicted to be around sixty.  As Mama would put it, "That's the kind of weather to make you good and sick!"

Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah,


  1. The temperature is in the negative degrees here too; I'm sure that the wind chill is in double digits. Everyone at Casa BTEG is already sick, though, so there's that. Next week the temps are only going up to 40 degrees here. I had your package weighed, and shipping will come to $13.93, for a total of $38.93. My PayPal name is, whenever you are ready.

    1. Money sent! Again, hang in there and try to have a merry Christmas!
